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Author Topic: Safety Meeting Notes - April 2024  (Read 940 times)
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« on: April 29, 2024, 12:31:34 PM »

Safety Meeting Notes (NEMCCA)

April 3, 2024

Historical Society: M. Freund
The Tea fundraiser will be held June 8, 2024 at the Corbett Community Church.  This is being moved to help with parking and access.  The cost of the ticket will be $45 per person of which $22.50 is tax deductible. This year's theme is "Legends of the Past and Present" with a presentation by Linda Holden, who is the Great-grand daughter of Margaret Henderson.  Invitations are available, seating is limited.

Corbett School District: D. Fialkiewicz
The school is working on the budget, they are hopeful that no positions will need cut. New calendar is being approved this year which will remove one day in October and February by not having school on Friday when there is no school on Monday.  There will also be a change where Thanksgiving week will be off completely, pushing the last day of school to June 10, 2025.  Graduation will also be closer to that date.  This year's graduation will remain in May.
 Corbett Fire Department: D. Redfield\First chest pain call this year on Larch Mt Trail, good outcome, patient was Life Flighted.
The district is building a new Stokes basket, can't find exactly what we need so have to build one and put on brakes.  This is necessary as we sometimes need two at the same time. (Discussion:  the Fire Department might want to contact Vulco or UPCO for battery pack and motor, see if you can get it donated as a prototype.)
Talking with Forest Service to put an AED halfway up the trail, preliminary stage.
Applications for the Ferd Riehl Scholarships are available, scholarship breakfast will be June 1, 2024.
Oregon Parks and Recreation Department:  D. Spangler
There are plans to have AEDs at Dabney, Rooster Rock and the Vista House by summer, along with some portable ones in vehicles.
MCSO can meet this year's contract, will have a deputy dedicated to Parks by June 13.
Bringing back seasonal workers with the first round of interviews yesterday.  Looking to have a full staff this year.
Latourell has met some setbacks.  The contractor failed to order the needed rails and it will be June 8, 2024 before the original rails would arrive.  They are looking for an alternative.  The lower Falls area is open, the upper Falls are not at this time.
There are no suspects for the recent break in at Vista House.
Friends of Sandy River Delta: B. Adams
The Friends have purchased 100 tons of quarter minus with Bruce Rickert hauling the rock for them.  Bruce and Dave Adams have place 75 tons at this point. All funds have been donated and no volunteers are paid for their work.
While working on the first pile a woman from the County came out, scouting for places for low level offenders to work.  She brought out eight young people to help, and they were all hard workers and very pleasant.  Their help was greatly appreciated.
Working with the Forest Service to figure out the best way to get around the back part of the loop. There is an issue with the Tribe and that work may not be done this year.
Mt Hood Community College: D. McKeel
The Board is working with a consultant on the bond, they haven't passed one in 50 years and are working off the Master Plan to address priorities.  They will be re-purposing existing space, there will be nothing new built.
A Community group is reporting to the Board on areas where they see need. Based on the data the Board will be able to determine where more polling is required.
The College is also going through their budget process.
Construction Pathway for English Language Learners (CPELL) re-opened on April 2, 2024. This 12 week program will take students from training to an apprenticeship or job.
The College goes through an accreditation process every five to seven years and they just received their current one.  What makes the college most proud is the accreditation teams comment regarding MHCC's commitment to supporting their students.
Enrollment is up.
Teeth cleanings are free at the dental college.  The students are very thorough, they will clean and do a health assessment under staff supervision.

Columbia Grange: S. Grigsby
At the member's meeting they have kicked off a Community Speaker program, starting with the Corbett School District Superintendent, D. Fialkiewicz.  This is a great way to get to know people in the Community beyond their job.  Derek was a wonderful guest, making a great kick off and this will be happening monthly.
The Grange is bringing back Senior Lunches.  These will be held the last Monday of the month, and the first one that was held last month went well.  Eve Nilenders did a fabulous job presenting information on RideShare.
Game night will be held monthly at the Grange.
They are doing a partnership with Menucha for music events.
Working with Duane Redfield on an AED-CPR class, which will be held in the next couple of months, dates to be determined.
There will be a meet and greet with Nick Poublon on April 26 at 5pm, who is running for District 52.
Corbett Water District: H. McGivney
There has been a big project going on at Camp Angelo.  This work has made the hydrant independent of the water meter.  They can now isolate Camp Angelo if they have to track down a leak.
Ponds one and three are now cleaned.
The District is looking to hire temporary field workers this summer.  Job Opportunities - Corbett Water District
The Emergency Preparedness Committee is meeting once a week.
The District is working on their budget, the next meeting on April 11, 2024 will be in person or zoom at the fire hall.
There will be a meeting on the Larch Mountain Reservoir on April 3. 2-24 at 4 pm.  This will be a zoom only meeting.
Community Patrol: R. Cannon
The CP vehicles are in getting their updates done with the new MC Volunteer logos at the County's request. Hope to start ramping up patrols, getting out into the Gorge once the vehicles are back.
The patrol will be involved with the 4th of July parade again this year.
Springdale Job Corp: S. Closser
The campus is thirty days in to the new administration and things are going really good.  Student and staff morale is up, there are 77 residents (full capacity is 139 with 120 in residence) with four new coming on board.  The campus can hold 65 residential students until the dorms are repaired, so they will be growing with non-residential students for now.  (These students will live off campus and SJC provides transportation through a school bus or shuttle.)
There is a new Center director, Deroll Barrett, who is originally from Jamaica and brings a lot of fresh energy to the center.
The center is getting spruced up, fences repaired, trees cut, painting, new signage and looking at the long run, water lines fixed.
OSP: Lt Huskey
Staffing still running at 62%. I have 3 Recruits in training and one being hired on June 1st. We recently got our radios retouched and now have the ability to talk to MCSO.
MCSO: Deputy Kaiser
There is a Wildfire Evacuation Plan being presented on April 18, 2024 at the fire hall.  Presentations will be put on by Multnomah County Emergency Management and MCSO.
Community Patrol volunteers are getting some Yak Tracks and a box of mega-movers.  Also two boxes of medical stock bag packs, two AEDs which have been repurposed and will be put in the vehicles. Shirts are being changed from green to yellow and they are doing what is needed for accreditation.
There are sixteen volunteers right now and they are all fantastic.
ODOT: K. Kalsch
The good weather brought out a lot of traffic, ODOT shut down the highway at the Vista House on Saturday.  There is no longer a summer season, its an all the time happening.
The Emergency Closure gate coming down the highway at Angles Rest was hit by vandals.  With the new battery operated Sawzalls its getting harder to maintain our infrastructure.
Money has been set aside for the Larch Mountain Slide area and work will be done in April or May.  This will be to smooth the road, not to raise the guardrails.
Guardrail damage on the freeway is being repaired as this is critical to safety.
May or June ODOT will be switching to grass mowing. They will try to get to Corbett before the 4th of July parade.
Right now it does not look like they will be able to ditch the old highway.
Current work items doe not have a lot of money, what you're seeing being done right now is work that was budgeted in past funding.
(Discussion: With the tolling issue being shut down by the Governor, what can we expect?  At a recent SDAO meeting one item mentioned was it would take a $.50 per gallon gas tax increase to cover the gap. Region 1 ACT - What will lack of tolling due to funding:
One of the impacts of the funding change can be seen in the stopping of the 80 feet of guardrail repair that was being done at Multnomah Falls.  That work averages $1,000 per foot and that money equates to a staff member.
ODOT: T. Lingley
The summer congestion is here, we aren't really getting a break during the year.
Congestion mitigation at Multnomah Falls is starting.  There will be a flagger at the Falls starting on May 17 and will go through September 9, 2024.  There may be flaggers working on the weekends on either side of these dates.  Funding is coming from the Forest Service and Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.
Sasquatch Shuttle will be leasing the parking lot at Multnomah Falls and will be charging for parking once the Kiosk is up.  During the peak hours parking per hour will run $20, but people can take the shuttle from Bridal Veil for free once they pay to park, $5 per vehicle at Bridal Veil.
I-84 parking lot will begin timed use on May 24, 2024.  You will need to pay a $2 processing fee at or you can get a pass in person in Troutdale or Cascade Locks.  Plan ahead so you will have a parking place.
Columbia Gorge Express will begin shuttles on April 24, 2024, there will be eleven stops at day at Multnomah Falls.
The Viaduct work is on-going with the staging area on the Western side of Multnomah Falls.  Look for daytime closings East of Multnomah Falls once the days are approved for work.  Lane closures will occur until October, when the road will be completely closed to all traffic (cars, bikes, walkers).  A detour will be in place and will be well signed.
The State trail at Mitchell Point will be opening this summer with a re-dedication.  The Columbia Express shuttle will provide transit on the day of the celebration.
A footpath from I-84 to the Sandy River Delta is under design. There are challenges due to the flood areas.
ODOT's Incident Response team is having to do hazard tows on highway ramps. Do not park on the ramps, this is a public safety issue.

NEMCCA:  V. Purvine
Wildfire Excavation plan presented by MCSO/ MCEMS on April 18 at 6:30.  Meet and Greet the candidates for District 4 County Commissioner on April 25 at 6:30.
Let your County Chair, Commissioner and Sheriff know that you'd like the Community Resource Deputy Position funded!

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