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Author Topic: Safety Meeting Notes - June 3 2024  (Read 727 times)
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« on: June 20, 2024, 09:54:09 AM »

Safety Meeting

June 3, 2024

NorthEast Multnomah County Community Association (NEMCCA)


OSP - Lt. Huskey

I can't make it today we have radio programming occurring.

As of today, we will have radio communication with most of our partner agencies throughout Clackamas and Multnomah counties. Today's fix was the MCSO encryption issue.

Patrol Staffing is running a solid 57%. I have three Recruits being coached as we speak and two at the academy.

Effective July 1, OSP has a regional restructure. This adds the St. Helens worksite to me. So, the Portland Area Command will be all of Clackamas, Multnomah and Columbia counties. This move will not affect staffing issues.


Bureau of Emergency Communication: R. Cozzie

BOEC has 103 certified call takers and 74 fully trained dispatchers

911 call volume is beginning to decrease

Non-emergency calls are also declining (due primarily to Case Service phone tree implementation)

Call answering times continue to improve

911 phone system hardware update scheduled this fall

Specific data is available on our website: BOEC Director's Report |

BOEC Director's Report
Monthly report from the Portland Bureau of Emergency Communications Director.


Forest Service: D. Mysinger

There will be a full staff of seasonal workers at Multnomah Falls, which will be great for everyone.  Most of the trails are open, check before you go.


Historical Society: M. Freund

Framing is done and wiring is happening the archive room.  Move on to insulation after inspections.

Tea fundraiser will be held June 8, 2024, its been sold out for a while, thank you to everyone who bought tickets and is helping put this on.  It will be held at the Corbett Community Church this year.


Mt Hood Community College: D. McKeel

School year is coming to an end, graduation will be June 15, 2024.

The budget has been approved, flyers have gone out to the community with class offerings, please look at it.

The school will be going out for a bond in November.  They are in an information gathering stage right now for what the community believes is a priority and they are happy to come and talk to any group who'd like to hear what is being proposed and what they'd like to see.  Final decision by the Board if they will be going for the bond will be made in July.  Mt Hood CC hasn't passed a bond in 50 years and this is being put out for facilities, not for operations.  The bond is being put together based on the Facilities Master Plan and addresses safety concerns (right now there is no way to lock down the campus), seismic issues and fire concerns.  There will not be any new buildings, it will be repurposing of existing buildings and upgrades.  The bond is for $131 million and will be $.25 per $1,000 assessed value, or an estimated $5 per month.


Corbett School District: D. Fialkiewicz

School is over for the summer, thank you so much to Community Patrol for all the help with traffic during the year and for helping with graduation last week. The graduation parade from Dairy Queen to the school was amazing, thank you to Corbett Fire and Multnomah County Sheriff's Office for helping make that successful.

Haley (Potts) and Sammi (Blume) presented last night at the Grange and have been interviewed by OHSU who is interested in setting them up with a lab space and possible grant.  Thank you to NEMCCA for letting them present at the Safety meeting last month and making contacts.

The electric truck and van have arrived at the school (F150 Lightening truck, white cargo van) and the chargers have been installed and are working.  If you need a quick charge and the school isn't using it for their vehicle, you can download the app, scan it, (rate is $0.0), hook up and charge your vehicle.  The chargers (two) are in front of the High School gym.

The District has received a PGE and secondary EPA grant that is bringing in two EV buses.  One will be coming this year, the second one next year.  Within five years the goal is to have ten of the twelve buses be electric.  PGE has been a huge help!

(Woodard school zone sign discussion with County and ODOT.  Since the County makes and places the signs, but ODOT has control over all School zone signs, it was suggested AskODOT be contacted for help in getting this sign pushed through.)

June 11, 2024 PGE will be giving a presentation at the Main High School gym from 5-7.  Food will be served.

July 4, 2024 will have Pancake breakfast at the MPB room, a car show in the parking lot, beer garden across the street with music featuring Dan Wold and his band, and a band will also be playing at the soccer field later in the day with fireworks starting after dark.

State Grange has contacted the school asking if they could host the 2025 convention at the school.  The school will be working with Sara Grigsby and getting more information on what this will involve, but its very exciting.

There are 73 graduates in this year's class, and approximately half will be attending MHCC including our top runner in Track and Cross County, Ava Detter.  It is a great opportunity for students to be able to attend our local community college.

In addition, CSD is forming a partnership with MHCC for a back up graduation location since we can't always count on sun during May.


Grange: S. Grigsby

Is NEMCCA planning on holding a debate/forum with Helfrich and Poublon?  (Yes, in September or October, details will be nailed down at next Board meeting.)

Looking forward to finding out more about what will be involved with having the 2025 Grange Convention in Corbett.

The Senior lunch is being held once a month right now at the Grange, it will be the last Monday of the month, so June 24 this month, starting at 11:30.


Multnomah County Emergency Management: R. Higgins

Corbett School District and Corbett Water District have asked for assistance addressing issues caused by the January ice storm.  FEMA is sharing a space in their office and they will help with getting forms processed.  They are looking for a 75%-100% coverage of items.

(Roads discussion: there has to be proof the issues were caused by the ice storm, it can't be used for other maintenance.  The slide off Gordon Creek qualifies, but the issues on Clara Smith and Pounder can't be linked to the ice storm.)

PGE meeting on June 11 at Corbett High School gym.

MCEM did fire response exercise on May 7 and will be doing an exercise this weekend on door to door notifications during a fire.  This will not be done in the community.

Lydia is the contact person for community engagement and emergency preparedness.  She will be helping with the FEMA resources, for those who don't qualify for the FEMA funds there will be mitigation funds coming available. (Discussion with Roads on these funds.)

Homeland Security is offering grant money focused on terrorism reduction with an application deadline of June 18, 2024.  The County is available to assist with these applications.


Springdale Job Corp:  D. Barrett

Deroll is the new Center Director and has been here almost three months.  He comes to us from New Haven, CT and has been with the Job Corp for thirteen years.  His mission is to have a safe and inclusive community and they are working to revamp the current system and processes.

The Job Corp is coming up on its 60th Anniversary and will be inviting members of the community and partnering agencies to celebrate with them.  As an organization the Job Corp is interested in recruiting students, and for finding placements for their students.  They are always looking for those to partner with, if you have an interest please reach out to them.  One of the local partners they are working with is the Corbett School District for their Safety and Office students.  (Discussion: maybe one of their students would be interested in the intern job offered by CWD.)

Sewage pumps failed last week, hoping to have them fixed by Thursday.

Three bids have come in for replacing the roofing for the dorms, looking forward to having this job complete.

MCSO will have training on the center this coming Tuesday.  The center is required to have four trainings a year and they appreciate the help in getting this done.

Would like to work with Corbett Fire on a drill.


Multnomah County Roads: E. Johnson

Discussion on FEMA funds.  The County had an engineer out who was able to certify the slide was caused by the freezing during the January storm and they will be looking to get assistance with the repair cost.  This repair is being worked on.

Pavement repair will be done on Howard, Pounder and Clara Smith roads, Tyler will be getting more information out.  Vegetation work will be going forward.

Garlic mustard and blackberries were sprayed by the County, Wasco County, and East Soil Conservation.  (Discussion about where plants were sprayed, what is a priority, etc.)

(Discussion: what is the plan regarding the leaking abandoned pipes from the Water district that are now coming to the surface, potentially leading to erosion under the roads?  Will the agencies be working with CWD to remove the problems?  The water coming to the surface off Lucas was fixed, but there was another situation reported on Larch and nothing has been done.  ODOT said this is an infrastructure issue for CWD, not an ODOT or County issue.  County asked for location and will look at it.)


MCSO: Deputy Kaiser

The County has gone to encrypted radios so if you've been use to following along on the scanner, you won't be able to anymore.  Agencies are switching to match for communication.

A person working on his parent's property found an unexploded device and contacted MCSO for assistance. Portland bomb squad came out, dug a hole and exploded the bag of blasting caps.  If you find something that looks like dynamite or blasting caps on your property call it in, the materials get more unstable as they age and can be dangerous.

MCSO and Darcie Arnold will be getting together to get the route and staging area lined up for the 4th.

SWAT and other agencies were holding training off Donahue last month.

(Discussion: a flyer had been received by community members and they wanted to know if it was legitimate as they'd like to help the Deputies in any way they could.  Calls were made and the flyer was verified.  The Association has their own website:


ODOT: T. Lingley

Viaduct work is underway and the contractors are not allowed to impact traffic after 9 a.m.  This will change after October when the West Viaduct will be closed to ALL traffic- vehicles, bikes, pedestrians- as there will be no deck on the bridge.

Wahkeena is only accessible by the return trail from Multnomah Falls

Congestion mitigation began on May 14th and there is a flagger at Multnomah Falls seven days a week, and timed use permits started on May 24 at the I-84 parking lot.  This is being done with a funding cooperative with MCSO, OPRD and the County and the work being contracted out to a public entity.

There are walk up options to purchase permits at Cascade Locks and Troutdale if you can't get them online.

Sasquatch Shuttle is one of the public pieces of the congestion mitigation, as is the Waterfall Trolley.  These pieces move around 1,000 people a day right now, which keeps a lot of vehicles off the road. Please consider using the shuttles when you head into the Waterfall Corridor.

Mitchell Point tunnel opening has been pushed back until later in the summer.

ODOT has received eleven million towards completing the historic state trail, which is about a quarter of what was requested.  The work will need to be phased due to funding.

K. Kalsch

Last year there was a change in traffic flow at the Lodge, this has been helpful in keeping traffic moving.

Maintenance work will be reduced.  The budget is the same money, but the money doesn't go as far as it used to.  ODOT is looking at a 30% reduction in the 2025-2027 session.  The budget breakdown is 52% goes elsewhere, 48% goes to the County and Cities.  Of that, 9% goes to the actual maintenance.  Gas tax would need to come up $1.00 a gallon to make up for funding.

Work will be done on the sink area on the Old Highway next to the bottom of Larch.

They will be doing guardrail work.

Mower is down, will try to get the highway mowed in Corbett prior to the 4th of July parade like they normally do.
May do some ditching towards the fall, but right now focus will be on I-84.

Expect things to be grim.


Oregon Parks and Rec Department: D. Spangler

Gearing up to full operations, have brought in all seasonal staff at this point.  Had a couple of big weekends, including the one with the Northern Lights.  Are looking at upcoming star parties to not impact roads.  Last year they filled Rooster Rock during the star gatherings, and that is 1,500 spots.

Thank you to MCSO for filling the spot with OPRD so they will have an LEO available.

Women's Forum work is on complete pause for developing.  They are working with the County to combine the two separate tax lots.  The location planned for the parking lot is actually a County Road, so there are no plans for development at this time.

Vista House is having a survey regarding work needed done.  There is leaking and the entire building needs accessed by engineers to see what can be done in the short term for water mitigation, and in the long term.  Some areas needing looked at for the short term would be skylights and balconies.  Between NSA, County and SHPO things are complicated, but we can say things are now moving forward.


Corbett Water District: H. McGivney

Introduced Kelsey, recent hire as a new district clerk.

The testing for leaks had been looking for chlorine, but now they are finding the abandoned pipes have filled with water and are coming to the surface with the same pressure as a leaking pipe.  They will be looking into a solution.

They are in the process of applying with FEMA to handle the damage done at the Larch Mountain Reservoir and will be meeting with them next month.

With the lead and copper rule revision the district needs to catalog all lead in the system.  This needs to be documented not only on the District's side, but also the owner side of the meter.  This needs done by October.

The District received a grant from SDAO for an intern, they are looking for a college student or someone heading in to college to work on the GIS system.  If you or someone you know is interested please email Heather:


Concerned Citizens:  Junkyard off Woodard Road

There is a large pile of crushed vehicles being stacked on property off Woodard.  What can be done to get this hazard removed?  (Discussion)



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