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  • community information night : October 12, 2013
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Author Topic: GRANGE INFORMATIONAL BOND MEETING  (Read 7354 times)
Hero Member
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« on: October 07, 2013, 10:25:47 AM »

There will be a community information night regarding the $15 million Bond, put it on your calendar & come hear the facts!

SATURDAY OCT. 12th 4:00pm
Corbett Grange ( )
(This is a resident only event)
We have several of your neighbors speaking to different related topics.
There will be a question & answer segment as well.

Brought to you by S.O.S. Save OUR schools!
PAC 16451 |

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Pat Lucas
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Posts: 1

« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2013, 08:28:26 AM »

Just Say No!!!

I am voting no on the bond for $15m as presented.

I am voting no because I am appalled at the lack of respect being shown to the community by the administration and the board.  If there was less screwing around literally, there would be less screwing up and things would be screwed down properly.

This is not to say that there are some great things going on in the Corbett schools, but the things that are wrong are VERY obvious and disheartening.  I am voting NO because I see how disrespectful the students are.  They are learning by example.  They do not treat the buildings with respect.  The interiors of all of the buildings are less than presentable, in fact, I am embarrassed by the condition inside.  It is the staff and students who are responsible.  The exterior of the buildings are also lacking care as there is often garbage thrown around.  It is always someone elses' responsibility and job to pick up after them or to flush the toilets or to listen to the excuses about why things are not as they should be.

The students are allowed to do whatever they please. They are destructive, they vandalize the property.  They have defaced the memorial and stadium ever since it was built.  The staff has led by example as they have used the booths as storage buildings and have stood by and watched the kids run on the top of the memorial, play in the garden section and ride skateboards across it.  Students eat in the stadium as they do in the buildings and throw their garbage anywhere and everywhere except in the trash cans.

I am voting NO because I voted for a school board that knows they are responsible to oversee the superintendent and the school.  The superintendent reports to the board, it is not the other way around.  I am voting NO because most members of the school board want no input from the community, they do not tell the whole truth, they do not accept responsibility for their lack of leadership, they are doing things that the Oregon State School Board Association has expressed concern over some of their actions and has warned them of their errors.  The school board has dared the community to vote ONLY NO on this bond measure because they have not provided a reasonable plan or any plan at this time.  "Just let the community vote on it, then we will decide on a plan".  Words from school board members that should raise red flags, it raises the hair on the back of my neck.  "If you don't vote yes for this $15m bond, then you are not supporting the teachers or the school".  Okay, another comment that creates hostility within me and sounds like a threat.  It simply strengthens my resolve to vote NO and to invite others to join me.  Some of the teachers do not deserve support and it is usually a requirement that a specific line item plan is presented before a vote.  A $15m blank check is totally unacceptable!!

I am voting NO because I do not like threats, whining, what ifs, disrespectful examples of/in leadership and people who do not live in my community or people who are half my age tell me what to do.  I don't like having so many kids in school that they don't know one another and I do not know their parents.

I am voting NO because I know for a FACT that not every child counts and that if they are not "up to par", they are encouraged to go elsewhere.  I am disappointed that there is bullying, not only student to student but staff to student.  I am angry that admission to college preferably to a university could be a graduation requirement when we will not provide a much broader educational experience for EVERY student and could do all things possible to support each student in the future endeavors of their choosing.

I am voting NO because there is a group in the community that is working diligently and hard to cause a major split in the community by lying, attacking and threatening.  It is ridiculous and out of control.

I am voting NO because I do not know what the classes are that are being held on the superintendent's property and who is paying for them and for the "geodome".

I am voting NO because permits are deemed not necessary until after the fact and that governing bodies of the school district and the scenic area will not support this.

I am voting NO because we are not going about this in an orderly or open fashion.

I am voting NO because of the traffic issues and because of the rudeness of the charter parents that pick up their students in front of the gym.

Lastly, I am voting NO because I am still free to do so!! I am free to vote.  Exercise your right - VOTE!! first and foremost!!  Know what you are voting for, be informed. Hopefully, on this issue you will vote NO with me.  The community facilities committee that met for six months did not present a $15m bond measure.  The last number I heard was $8m.  There are too many questions left unanswered and too many things going on that are unethical, immoral, unexplained and possibly illegal, etc., etc.

I am voting NO!!  Should we have a reprimand?  Should we have a recall?  Maybe...there is just a whole lot of ridiculousness going on and it is time to "man up".

pat lucas, gold star mom, member of the founding families, granddaughter of graduates, daughter of graduates, graduate, mother of graduates, lifetime volunteer,  proud of member of the Corbett community, and member of SOS -
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