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Author Topic: Corbett Safety Meeting May 2, 2018  (Read 3702 times)
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« on: May 14, 2018, 01:04:54 PM »

NEMCCA Safety Meeting May 2, 2018

District 4 Commissioner's Office:  Following the NEMCCA board meeting on April 19 the Commissioner and Commander are in conversations to seek funding for law enforcement in Gorge area, seeing if MCSO can use the Youth Program to assist with congestion and information in the Gorge regarding the current closures and gathering of data.  The Commissioner is also engaging with Multnomah County Land Use regarding signage and requirements of the National Scenic Area.

Multnomah County Transportation and Right-of-Way:  The information gathered in the rural areas on the Capital Improvement Project is that these areas are more focused on wanting maintenance of the roads. 

Thousand Acres - Friends of Sandy River Delta:
  There has been some confusion on what this area is being called and this has come up when calling dispatch to report incidents.  Dispatch will be referring to this area now as both 1,000 acres and Sandy River Delta. 
(See Corbett Crime Log)

NEMCCA:  Thank you to ODOT and Multnomah County Roads for the work being done to clear road sides and repairs.  Heads up on speed sign down across from RV park, request for ODOT to fill in large holes in pull out across from Knierem, follow up on ODOT homeless policy. 
Update on board meeting with MCSO and Commissioner Stegmann.  NEMCCA would like to see if everyone can work as partners to get congestion resolved, additional patrols is seen as the best way to keep traffic moving. We would like to see some motorcycle patrols out in the Gorge as they would be able to maneuver easier in the congestion.  Can we get a grant from ODOT to help with funding?  What are the exact guidelines from Land Use in the NSA regarding signage?  How can we get hard data collection to support the funding for full time positions?  We realize that the voters in this area are a small percentage and the money tends to go where the larger populations reside.  However, the Commissioners need to consider that its not just about those who live here, but those who are visiting and that impact on the area.  Can we get the workers and volunteers for Multnomah Falls to the front of the line for the shuttles from Rooster Rock  to free up parking in the I-84 lot. (Right now they have to wait in line and that makes it too uncertain for them to use.)  Clarify the criteria for closing the I-84 parking lot, double check on counts of those leaving the lot to re-open the gates.  Travel Portland can put out calls advising tour buses to skip stopping at Multnomah Falls when the congestion is too high, can we network with other bus services?  Discuss with ODOT a zero tolerance policy for those cars parked over the lines and other traffic issues. 

Multnomah County Roads: The crews are currently working on Trout Creek and will be chip sealing Hurlburt once that project is complete. 
(Discussion regarding clearing of sides of road versus pot hole repair and if that is really more important than fixing the holes.  Explanation given regarding needing to clear sides to allow water to run off the roads to keep it from setting there and freezing, which increases the cracking and weakening of the roads, leading to pot holes.)

Forest Service:  They have not yet opened any trails and they are working on an order for opening.  The hope is to have East of Cascade Locks open by June.  The West side by Angel's Rest is good, but those routes lead to other trails that are needing to stay closed, so they are working very closely with other connected agencies to make sure everyone is ready for the openings.  There is no timeline right now for opening the West end. The path to Benson Bridge is planned on being opened by Summer.
There are volunteers and fire fighters working on getting the trails open as soon as possible. To that end the Forest Service has brought on some fire fighters early to assist. 
Trail Head Ambassadors will help in getting out information on open trails, reminders to stay on the trails, tips on staying safe and a reminder that you need to take enough provisions on your hike to stay overnight if it becomes necessary.

Oregon State Parks:  The Corrections Crews are out assisting. 
(Discussion regarding removal of invasive species, can the correction crews also remove poison oak?  Apparently this was tried in the past and half the crew came down with an infection.  It was pointed out that poison oak is a native plant and is not included on the removal list.)

ODOT:  Maintenance work has been started on the Interstate.  The highway is being swept and East Multnomah County Soil is out doing spraying.  I-84 is being sprayed, the mowing equipment will be coming in to start their job.  They are looking at Deadman's Corner by the Job Corp to determine ownership of the neighboring properties to see what needs to be done to regain the road, doing hazard tree removal by Tippy's and plan on having all the identified hazardous trees done between Larch and the Vista house by Memorial Day.  Work from the Vista House to Bridal Veil will include cleaning the ditches and half-pipe, that work should be completed by Memorial Day. 
Two contracts are going out, one to do repair of some of the historical rock work on the old highway, another to replace/repair the white historic guard rail on the Scenic Highway.
Hazard tree removal on the Old Highway was completed last week, however, there is still debris coming down on the road and they need to get the rock catch fences in place before considering opening all of the road. For example, they had 1,000 yards of debris come down on the road from Multnomah Falls to Ainsworth, this movement has to be factored in when considering opening the road.
Grant money has been applied for to look at engineering alternatives for the Larch Mountain slide area.  This area has been an on-going issue and one option may be to re-align the road up Larch and over to reconnect.
Other grants applied for are one million for a trail connection down at Jordan road, and 15 million for the Historic State Trail towards Hood River in the Mitchell Point area.
ODOT's plan for the re-opening of the Scenic Highway includes a presentation on May 8 to the Gorge Commission and a recommendation to be presented on May 21st in Hood River at the City Council Chambers. 
There will be an open house on the Mitchell Point design and construction project on May 16th from 6:15 to 7:15 pm at 601 State St, Hood River.  97031.  They are looking for feedback from the public on which design to build.
Columbia River Gorge Express starts May 25 and will be continuing further East this year, in to Cascade Locks and Hood River.  The buses will be scheduled from 10 am to 5:30 pm. 
Rooster Rock shuttle to Multnomah Falls has started.  Please plan on using this service when traveling to visit the Falls with your guests this summer as the I-84 lot is expected to be the only lot open during peak tourist season this year.

Crown Point Historical Society:  Ground breaking was April 7, thank you to Commissioner Stegmann for attending and to all the wonderful speakers.  Thank you to everyone who helped put this together. 
June 10, 2018 at 1:30 is the Magic Moments in the Gorge tea put on by the Historical Society. 

Corbett Fire:  New name, new t-shirts.  Everyone has been calling them Corbett Fire, so they will be changing from Multnomah County Fire District #14 to Corbett Fire District #14. 
The current closures have reduced the number of call outs for the department.  Last month they had 30 calls and a total of 115 of calls for the year.  They assisted Gresham Fire with their recent fire at Dodge Park.  (
Corbett has an agreement with Gresham fire that they will respond with their ladder truck for any commercial fire.  Gresham has been coming out to Corbett to do some training so you may see some of their rigs in town.
On June 2 the Ferd Riehl pancake breakfast will be held from 7am to 12pm. This is their Scholarship breakfast so please come and help support the department and students.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office:  Citizen's Patrol received some grant money from Emergency Management Services and will be using it to get some much needed supplies.

Multnomah County Health and Code Enforcement:  There has been an uptick in the number of nuisance calls on unsecured homes.  Illegal dumping remains a steady issue, there has been an increase in illegal dumping at the Bridal Veil Mill site. 
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