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Author Topic: Notes for Noember 2016 Safety Meeting  (Read 3749 times)
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« on: December 09, 2016, 11:49:33 AM »

November 2016 Safety Meeting

Pat Haffner:  Kiwanis:  Veteran's Appreciation Breakfast on November 11, 2016 from 7:30 to 11:00. This will be the tenth year, please come if you can.

Ana Snyder:  Springdale Job Corp:  Some of their students were able to participate in the Financial Reality Fair in October and it was an eye opener.  Thank you Tori and Malcolm for helping.
Rachel Lupole is going to be leaving the Center so they will have a new Career Services Director at the end of the month.

Dan Bacon:  ODOT:  Everyone is wrapping up the projects they are on, getting ready for the shift that winter weather brings to the Gorge area.

Commissioner McKeel:  We have a wonderful elections office here in Multnomah County, Tim Scott is an amazing elections director and we are thankful to have him.
On November 10th there will be a Veteran's Proclamation at the County Commissioners Meeting, that is scheduled for around 9:30 for those who'd like to attend.
The Veteran's Stand Down at the Chapel was very successful.

Katie Staple:  Multnomah County Land Use and Planning:  New to the County, although not new to the job.  Looking forward to meeting everyone and helping with answering questions.

Kristin Stallman:  ODOT:  The new trail segment at Starvation Creek (exit 55) will provide access to three new waterfalls. 
The Columbia Gorge Express pilot project had a 93% satisfaction rating from users, 6% didn't respond to the survey.
November 11 is the deadline for a grant application for funding towards a mitigation plan, they're busy getting everything in.
ODOT would like to put together a parking report - this will show data on parking; number of vehicles, how long they stayed, how many were illegal, etc.

Kent Kasch:  ODOT:  Working at Latourell Falls to repair sink hole.  Maintenance crews will be working on vacuuming the drains from the Vista House going West.  The guardrail by the Stark Street Bridge is moving up the repair list.

Michelle Smith:
She has sold the View Point Inn to a local couple and work will be starting once everything is processed through the County. 
(Discussion started by others attending asking what the use will be for the Inn.  County clarified there was to be a pre-application meeting on the 3rd regarding using the Inn for a health retreat.  This meeting is open to the public.)

Barb Adams:  Friends of the Sandy River Delta:  Thank you to the Sheriff Deputies on helping to clean up the parking situation for horse trailers.  Tickets have been put on vehicles taking up specified parking spots (at $80 each) and the trailer parking is being respected.  The long slots are necessary for people who have horses.

Clay Courtwright: Oregon State Parks:  Ainsworth Parks has been closed until March 1, 2017, Guy Talbot parking lot is closed during road repair work.  State Parks is looking to replace the roofs at Bridal Veil and Rooster Rock during the off-season due to leaks. 

Ron Cannon:  Citizen's Patrol:  Been enjoying working with the Job Corp students, its been very encouraging teaming up with them.  There have been upgrades of reflective tape and light bars to the C.P. vehicle, this should help keep everyone safer.  Had a good time at the Vista House on Halloween, and the C.P. will be helping out at the Veteran's Appreciation Breakfast on the 11th.

Jeff Busto:  Corbett Water District:  The crews are in maintenance mode, no capital improvement projects are being planned until after the first of the year.  The operation is short one person right now so everyone is staying busy. 

Anna Fuller:  Multnomah County Deputy District Attorney:  Will be replacing Brenda as a representative to the D.A.'s office.  If anyone has anything specific they would like discussed please send her an e-mail and she'll make sure she has the information before the next meeting.

Kathy Fruend:  Historical Society:  Christmas party will be December 10 at noon at the Fire Hall.  Still hoping to start construction in the Spring.

Dave Flood:  Fire District #14:  The crews responded to 41 calls in September, 36 in October.  That is down 23% from last year.  There were no drowning calls this year, the first time anyone can remember that happening.
Fire Prevention Week had the Fire Department meeting 520 kids from Pre-K to 5th grade over a three day time frame. 
The Open House in October had about 125 people attending, this is around half of the usual number but there was worry about a storm coming in and that may have kept people away.  This did give everyone more time to spend with those attending.
The Springdale engine is 32 years old so they are starting to look for a replacement.  There are five Fire District members taking their advanced EMT next week, these members have 240 class hours toward this training.
There are eight recruits in the Academy, they will be training until April.
The District is getting a CPR machine, (Auto pulse) which could replace two people to allow them to help others, this device should be in service around November 21, 2016. 

Notes are posted to help keep the community informed on what is happening in our area, or issues that may affect our area.  Please let me know if there are any questions, or errors, or if you would like more information.   Thanks, Victoria
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