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Author Topic: Notes from October 2016 Safety meeting  (Read 4020 times)
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« on: December 08, 2016, 01:40:06 PM »

October 2016 Safety Meeting

Dave Thompson:  Multnomah County Health code enforcement:  Illegal dumping has improved, things on the East side are pretty quiet.

Kent Kalsch:  ODOT:  Crews are cleaning culverts on the Old Scenic Highway, the shuttle service has ended for the year from Rooster Rock, the sink hole on the East end of Latourell is scheduled to be worked on this month. The structure is not in harms way and the crews will be closing the road to local access only October 20-25.

Michael Cerbone:  Multnomah County Land Use and Planning:  Lots of people turned out for the Accessory Dwelling Unit meeting.  Public record is open until October 24, 2016 if you want to send in your thoughts, please send e-mails to Adam Barber, his information was on the flyer and is on the County website. 
Would like to hold a Town Hall in Corbett the first part of the year regarding Code Enforcement. 

Alice Busch:  MultCo Emergency Management:  The agencies do quarterly VHF radio drills, the upcoming schedule is Dec. 6, March 7 and June 7. 
The Annual October Shake Drill is schedule for 10/20 at 10: 20 a.m.  Drop, Cover and Hold-On is the drill, then they will do a follow up with additional communication drills.
October is anti-bullying month, the National Child Trauma Stress network has many resources available.
Hazard mitigation plan is open to the public for review.
Winter weather Kick-Off is planned for November 7, please remember to check on your neighbors and elderly that you may know when the weather gets bad. 
Studies have shown there is a 400% increase in poisonings during the Winter, check to make sure medications are up high and visitors have a safe place out of reach of children to put their medications.
NW Leadership Forum is having their Disaster Resilience Conference on November 1st and 2nd. 
Emergency Management, ODOT and MCSO will be meeting on November 3 to discuss I-84 closure procedures for the upcoming Winter months. 
November 8 there will be a table top Airport exercise with the agencies working together to handle an airplane explosion that occurs mid-air, not over the airport but in populated areas.  How will they handle the medical, health, communicating and debris will be part of the exercise.
The Agency's quarterly meeting will be January 12 or 19.

Commissioner McKeel:  District 4:  The new Courthouse broke ground on October 4, 2106.
The Regional Solutions committee will be meeting on October 6 for follow up to the work done over the summer.  Looking at plans to have a longer term strategy team pick up some of the ideas that came out of the strategy sessions.
The Burnside Bridge has been designated as a life line bridge in case of a disaster.  A feasibility study will be done on the bridge.
Anyone interested in serving on the Citizen's Involvement Committee, there are positions currently available. 

Barb Adams:  Friends of the Sandy River Delta:  There will be a work party on Sunday for trail maintenance.  The Deputies are doing an excellent job of keeping the area free of illegal camping, the portion owned by the Forest Service is free of homeless campers, there were 10 camps on the State land and those were reported to the Sheriff's Office.  There was one huge pile of items next to the guardrail that tuned out to be a camper who was moving to an apartment.

Representative Mark Johnson
:  We've learned a lot of good things about transportation into the Gorge from the Portland area.  Would like to take some Legislative action to get some help to our area and those who live here, maybe a fee structure for those who come to visit, parking fee, etc.
Outdoor Recreation Means Business is looking at a ten year tourism plan for Travel Oregon, how can we disperse tourism around the whole State?  Some great areas are out there, but don't have the infra-structure to handle tourism.

Dorothy Brown-Kwaiser:  Oregon State Parks:  Bingo started on September 24, game cards can be found on the Friends of the Gorge website, the game runs through October 31, 2016.
Vista House will be open through Thanksgiving from 9-4 seven days a week.  Then it will switch to Winter hours, Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10-4.
The trail rebuilding at Latourell Falls is being done piecemeal to keep the trail open, this may impact hiking during October and November.
Campgrounds will be closed on October 31st, there will be patrols at the Vista House for Halloween, thank you C.P. for helping again this year.
August 21, 2017 will be a total solar eclipse, this will be seen best in Oregon and the impact in our area will be felt.  Planning to best handle the expected crowds is underway.

Jeff Busto:  Corbett Water District:  July through September are considered peak water months, three years ago we came very close to running out at times.  This September it was touch and go, thank you to everyone who checks the website to see what the reservoir levels are before heavy water use. 
In the future the District would like to be able to have a million gallon reservoir to offset this issue.
There are emergency plans in place to shut off water at the mains to protect the community's water supply in case of breakage due to a disaster.
Stolen equipment was recovered, hats off to MCSO.  The person who stole the machine plea bargained , this helped break up a large National ring that was stealing machinery from job sites.

Deputy Graziano:  MCSO:  They are getting more calls regarding homeless campers, both in tents and cars.  There was a camp cleaned out at MP 5 on Larch, another camp close to MP 7, lots of garbage had to be cleaned out from the upper camp. 
(Crime logs can be found at )

Notes are posted to help keep the community informed on what is happening in our area, or issues that may affect our area.  Please let me know if there are any questions, or errors, or if you would like more information.
Thanks, Victoria
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