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Author Topic: May 4, 2016 Safety Meeting Notes  (Read 6601 times)
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« on: May 07, 2016, 09:52:05 PM »

Safety Meeting May 4, 2016

Kristen Stallman:  ODOT
The 100th Anniversary of the Scenic Highway will be celebrated on June 7, 2016.  There will be 30 antique autos taking some VIP's to Multnomah Falls for the celebration, starting from Glenn Otto Park and traveling up to the Vista House.  Governors Roberts and Kulingoski are expected to attend as two of the participants, along with Thomas Lauderdale. 

There will be an unveiling of Rip Caswell's statue of Sam Lancaster and Sam Hill that will be installed at the Visionary Park in Troutdale at the studio there in Troutdale. 

ODOT is creating a Keepsake Map in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary that they hope will be kept like so many of our parents and grandparents kept their old maps. Its been a fun project to do.

They are also do a project called a "Road Trip of Historic Proportions" and will be a "selfie station" for you to take a picture of yourself with a historic background while showing you traveling in an antique automobile. 

The Columbia Gorge Express is starting, running Friday, Saturday and Sunday (and Federal Holidays) and this is the public transit offered in collaboration with Oregon State Parks.  There will be two buses running approximately every 45 minutes from downtown Portland, and a third bus running from Rooster Rock to the Falls every 15 minutes, depending on driver breaks.  The Portland to Multnomah Falls run will cost $5 per person, the Rooster Rock run will be free and State Parks is allowing parking in there lot for free to those catching the shuttle.  A portion of the lot will be available for shuttle park on the West end of the offices, and there will be signage for that use, along with a schedule posted. 

I-84 paving will be going on from Jordan Road to The Dalles, mostly during the night time, but not on weekends or holidays.  Check Road trip if you have questions on paving schedules. 

Dan Bacon will be filling the spot left by Larry Olson and plans on attending the next meeting.

ODOT received the information concerning the crumbling retaining wall by the Stark Street Bridge and Brian Walker checked it out.  The determination is the tree roots are pushing the wall away from the dirt and the trees will need to be eradicated.  There is currently no safety issue and the job will be added to the schedule.  Fixing the guardrail in the area is also on the list and will be addressed after the work on the Old Scenic Highway is finished up.

Lisa Estrin - Multnomah County Planning Department
There is a new ordinance coming out called the Dark Sky Land Use Code Amendment.
This code will address the light pollution in rural Multnomah County and new restrictions on keeping light on your own property and not allowing onto your neighbors property.  The hearing is tentatively scheduled for June 6, 2016 at 6:30pm, check the webpage after May 27 to confirm.

Code compliance will be by land use.

The new Multnomah County Planning Director will be coming to the meeting next month, please come and meet him.

Dave Flood:  Fire Chief District #14
The department responded to 37 calls this month.  There were a number of burning complaints,  (responding to a question he clarified smoking coming on to another's property is not an actionable complaint, the ones they look into are burning materials that are hazardous, and DEQ items).

The Fire Department did not respond to the incident at Horsetail Falls since it fell in Hood River County's response area, but were prepared for back-up.
They are working with the Forest Service to get approval for mechanized assistance when responding to trail calls. 

The budget is done.

Chris Voss:  MultCo Emergency Management
The department is working on the Cascadia Prep Project and will have training on May 12.  This is training for County employees but could be opened up for anyone who could be called upon to work a shelter in their community, realizing that in rural locations people living in the community would be able to respond faster than an outside agency.  They are looking at placing ten large shelters, including one in Corbett.

Kent K:  ODOT
They are working on a June timeline for striping and the paint they are using should be a better product than in the past, hopefully lasting longer and assisting with the concern about missing lines down by the Springdale Job Corp. 

Currently the department is working on getting the Old Scenic Highway reading for the expected increased traffic starting Memorial Day, then they will pull off to work other areas.

The vegetation program has started.

Barb Adams: Friends of the Sandy River Delta
The group received a couple thousand in donations for gravel  and they are starting trail work in preparation for the summer. 

The Puppies and Pony Program will be June 18th and she would like to say thank you to everyone who helps to make this a success.  The interaction between dogs and horses has really improved with the education program.

The parking lot situation has also improved lately with spaces being used correctly and being open for horse trailers.  Thank you again to those who help making this happen.

Ana Synder:  Springdale Job Corp
The center has an opening for a security instruction at this time.  They must be DPSS certified with some experience with instruction, they need both an on-call and permanent instructor.  If you are interested, or know anyone who might be, please have them contact the center.  The job should be posted by May 6. 

They are doing a book drive for kids from May 27-June 2 if you have any books you would like to donate.

The Center's Director just got back from Washington, DC where they were attending a Leadership Conference and networking with other Center Directors.
The students have been doing a section on healthy living and will be having a culmination of the program with a 5K run/walk over the weekend.

Kip Courser/ Don Pfister:  MultCo Roads Department
The department is working on chip sealing and repairing asphalt cracks.  They are aware there are roads needing work, but right now the money for repairs is not keeping up with the road damage.  The harsh weather added to the damage and funding isn't where they need it to be to take care of all the pot holes. 

Don suggested again that if you have a problem you call in to the County and do a work order request.  The squeaky wheel gets the grease, if your road is having an issue get all your neighbors to call in. 

(They no longer have a crew out here so it sounds like we'll need to be doing a little advocating for ourselves.)

Clay Courtwright:  Oregon Parks and Rec
Is returning to the area and is taking this opportunity to say hi.  He will  let Glenn do the report.

Glenn Littrell:  Oregon Parks and Rec
This weekend they are expecting 500 to 1,200 people at Rooster Rock for canoe/ boat races.
OMSI will be doing an astronomy viewing on May 14th.
Sierra Club will be hosting a work day at 10 am on May 21st.
There will be a run from Cascade Locks to Eagle Creek on Saturday but its not expected to impact anyone in our area.

The bus schedule will be posted at the West end of the Office with parking for those catching the shuttle, you just need to let the person in the booth know.

Commander Reiser:  MCSO
Starting Memorial Day weekend MCSO will be contracting with Park and the Forest Service for three additional law enforcement personnel.

There is a memorial service on 182nd and Glisan to remember those who have fallen in the line of duty.  This will be May 5 at 1pm for those who would like to attend.

The Green Hornet unit is up to twelve from the previous six, they did respond to the mother and child falling off the trail at Horsetail Falls. 

The Oregon Project has gone very well and MCSO is trying to get one more Deputy in the Falls area using alternative funding sources. also getting more signage regarding towing and posting of  information at the trailheads.

There have been some changes in the Command postings, he is now reporting to Jason Gates. 

The Sheriff's Department is working with Fairview on contracting of services.

Kate McQuillan:  Multnomah County Transportation
Comprehensive plan update is continuing and they are advising the Commissioners that we need more funds for roads.  If you want to comment please do by May 21.

Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee has an opening.  They would like a representative from the Rural areas if possible to give voice to rural concerns.  Applications need turned in by May 18th. 

Carnetta Boyd:  NERT
Exploring the possibility of re-establishing NERT.

If you have any questions or corrections please let me know.

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« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2016, 02:52:39 PM »


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« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2016, 04:19:52 PM »

As someone new to the Corbett area, I really appreciate you taking the time to type up and post these notes.  Thank you!
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