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Author Topic: Summary from November 4, 2015 Meeting  (Read 6797 times)
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« on: November 20, 2015, 04:39:35 AM »

Safety Meeting:  November 4, 2015

Tim Burke: Multnomah County Roads -  Snow gate closing November 27, 2015.  The screed has been down so working on Corbett Hill has been delayed.  

Dave Thompson:  Health Code Enforcement Multnomah County:  There has been dumping in Larch and Alex Barr road.  Please keep an eye out for activity and report if you see it happening.  

Eric Zimmerman: Commissioner McKeel’s office: Representative Johnson and Commissioner McKeel will be convening a task force regarding the transportation issue in the Gorge.  This will meet once a month and will focus on how to keep tourism, businesses and agriculture safe and moving efficiently.
The Multnomah County Charter Review process has started, this is focused on how Multnomah County does business and how they are governed.  Victoria Purvine is on the review board so if you have some ideas, concerns or want information please contact her.
There will be the first reading of the new tobacco ordinance for retail sales in Multnomah County.  This is regarding sale of nicotine products, including baked goods.  The County is considering making all retail sales business licensed as Multnomah County has had large incidents of sales of nicotine products to minors.  The fee to license will be kept low to not punish business and will be used towards education, inspections and enforcement.  The goal is to educate and the infractions will go to the business, not the individual workers.  If a business has too many infractions they will lose their license.  

Dorothy Brown-Kwaiser:  State Parks and Rec: Gates are up at campgrounds.  There was a landslide on the Historic River Highway.  They are continuing to work with ODOT on hazardous trees.  
There was a woman RV camping at Ainsworth when a branch broke from a tree and pierced the RV roof, hitting her in her bed and breaking some ribs.  The campground is now closed.  Hazardous tree removal will start next week in the Parks and on identified properties.  
Vista House has changed their hours of operation to 10-4, Friday, Saturday and Sunday depending on weather and volunteers.

Ron Cannon:  Citizen’s Patrol:  Sign up!  They are looking for more people to help our community.  The Patrol is also staying busy down at the school Monday through Thursday.  Select here for more information:

Sylvia Maly:  Kiwanis: Veteran’s Appreciation Breakfast November 11 from 7:30 to 10:30.  There will also be military displays, please let her know if you want to display this year or next, there is space available.

Kathryn Green:  NEMCCA:  Veteran’s Appreciation Breakfast, there will also be a presentation from the Quilts of Valor for three of our military veterans.  Looking for red, white and blue quilt scraps if you have some to donate as this organization makes a lot of quilts.
Thank you to Multnomah County Road Crews for their work on Brower.  They were out this morning fixing the sink hole and are always courteous and pleasant.
There seems to be a lot of good that comes out of meetings that involve our County Commissioner and State Representatives, could we have another one before too long, are there enough people interested?

Barb Adams:  Friends of the Sandy River Delta:  Volunteers have put in over 750 hours this year on maintenance, education, garbage removal, surveys and events for the public.  Thank you to all who volunteer.  
There will be a speaker, Emily Clark, for the Oregon Equestrian Trails next Thursday and the M&M restaurant.  This will focus on posture, which would benefit both the rider and the horse.   If you want more information call Barb, she is in the book.

Victoria Purvine:  Please contact if you want to give some input into the Charter Review, what is important to you and if you want to attend any of the meetings.  Right now they are the third Wednesday of the month from 5:30 to 7:30, location may change occasionally.  There is a website for the Review Committee.  Current items brought up for discussion are removal of term limits and changing the Sheriff from an elected to an appointed position.  No discussion has taken place yet, we’ve only had one meeting, but these were some of the things members of the committee want to discuss.

Captain Rieser:  Multnomah County Sherriff’s Department:  He has been keeping busy assisting Scott Anderson who was asked to be the Acting Chief for Troutdale.  
The department has received a $50,000 grant on a pass through from Portland and will be using the money for continuing existing programs and mobile command posts and what they need.  They are also looking at purchasing 15-20 automatic defibrillators for patrol cars.

Kate McQuillen:  County Transportation:  Roads and Engineering are merging which will make the process cleaner and easier when you come in to see them.

Dave Flood:  Fire Chief District #14:  Last month he brought up they were visiting the schools for Safety week.  They met with the K-5 students and it went very well.  The District held their open house and had about 300 attendees, thank you to all who attended.  
The school held their after Homecoming Bonfire and the kids did a great job.  There were around 100 students, 3 teachers, some fire department personnel and there was no trouble, no drinking and no tobacco use, it all just went great.
The Department is doing training two nights a week, there are three new recruits going through this training session.
Hospitality night was last Monday and there were around 50 people who came.
There were 39 calls last month, mostly incident calls.  They had a pony rescue on Evans, and the pony was very cooperative.  Headed right for the barn once he was free.  
On November 12 there will be an Incident Command Class taught by Chief Flood to the Citizen’s Patrol.

Bill Goetzinger:  Multnomah County Building Code Enforcement: This is his first meeting, good to meet everyone.  
View Point Inn is in foreclosure.  If a building is in foreclosure it may or may not be legally owned by the bank or anyone else, so taking action on foreclosed property is a long process.  
Garbage information - Metro region is re-doing their garbage plan, some of the Metro regulations may be coming out to the Corbett area.  

Lindsey:  Multnomah County Planning Department:  The new Director started on November 2 and is highly supportive of finding old permits and getting a system in place to help homeowners.

Jack Garrison:  Water District Board Member:  Thank you for conservation during the dry summer.  Currently Corbett has a single source of water and that is dependent on snow fall and run-off from Larch Mountain, so Mother Nature may cause another dry summer next year, depending on this winter.  
The Water District is doing Geological studies for well right now, and they are getting the study done quickly, to see if they can find potential locations for a well, and those locations may be on either private or public lands.  
Once the board gets the study results there will be information gathered regarding public support for drilling a well.  There is an internal goal of having a well on line by July 1, 2016 to help with future dry spells.

Jim Jans:  Corbett Water District:  Water was too muddy during current downpours to allow into the system so the water levels are not really up from before the rain.  
There was a main break on October 25 with the main being back on line by 1:30 pm.  Protocol was followed and a boil order was issued since the pressure had dropped on the line.  
Hydrant #91 is coming on line and they will be recycling a hydrant for #92.  
The Water District now has a drop box for payments out front of the office.
The Newsletter will be coming out explaining the current projects and what is going on in the District.

Larry Olson:  ODOT:  There has been some cleaning up of the homeless camps at Lewis and Clark, those who are being affected are receiving hand-outs for assistance.
The culvert by Latourell has been repaired.  It was a very deep culvert, which made it more difficult.  They are still seeding and mulching.  
Slides are normal for this time of year, there are rocks on Eagle Creek Trail and that will be getting cleared.  
Oregon Solutions Effort has awarded ODOT a transit grant.
Springdale School Zone is posted, remind everyone to follow the new posted speed.  He sent out a reminder to all of his staff and crew.
He is retiring at the end of the month, ODOT is on track right now for 32% of their members to retire in the next five years.

Deputy Graziano: Multnomah County Sheriff's Department:   We have been having more transients in the area, it is rare, but happening more, with three in Corbett in one day recently.  
There was a burglary just West of the Job Corp with approximately $50,000 of items taken.  The was called in by neighbors, please keep an eye out in your neighborhood.
The repeater didn’t work at the water district site so Emergency Management is partnering with him to set up the repeater in Skamania.  This should cover the Gorge area very nicely.  
There have been seven new applications for Citizen’s Patrol, and they are working with 20-24 Job Corp students.

Dave Mysinger:  Forest Service: All campgrounds are closed.  Multnomah Falls snack shack is closed except for weekends.  All trails are open and there will be a sign at Benson Bridge regarding the hazards when ice is present.

If you have any questions or corrections please let me know.
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« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2015, 05:07:58 AM »

Thanks for doing these notes for those of us not there in the community. There is a lot of good information here!

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