You can download the report as a pdf below by selecting the link in blue.We had several burglaries this past month. Citizens and the Corbett Post Master have also reported seeing numerous
opened mailboxes throughout Corbett. With the Christmas season approaching, please be aware that thieves have
been known to follow delivery trucks to steal packages off the front porch.
After a very lengthy process, Corbett should soon have its very own radio repeater for use among the Citizen Patrol and
its partners in the community. Handheld radios can be purchased privately for as little as $40 and can be programmed
with the repeater frequency. This system will allow for better communications for community events and for disaster
preparedness. If you're interested in using this repeater to augment the Citizen Patrol please contact Deputy Graziano.
A dog was found on Larch Mt. after it had apparently been dumped-off. It had numerous injuries and will likely be
euthanized. I was asked to inform the community that the Humane Society has funds set aside to care for animals that
get dropped off at their facility.
Gresham Ford will donate 10% (up to $100) on most repairs and service to the Citizen Patrol. When you pay, please
tell them them that you'd like the donation to go to NEMCCA (NE Multnomah County Community Organization)/
Citizen Patrol. They're located at 1999 E. Powell Blvd, Gresham.
* Also attached below is the Citizens Patrol Newsletter!