The Sheriff's Office Citizen Patrol WANTS YOU!Citizen Patrol volunteers patrol their communities, the school, neighborhoods and the scenic Columbia River Gorge. They do vacation house checks and act as a visible presence to deter vehicle break-ins and other criminal activty. They've also provided a presence at school and community activies.
Some members enjoy to patrol, others enjoy working on safety projects and some simply like the comradarie.
Members are only asked to commit to 48 hours of service per year although some to much more. Members may attend trainings that are offered each month (along with food and potluck treats!)
Applicants must be a least 21 years old and able to pass a background check, screening process and initial training.
An information video can be seen here: Deputy Graziano (listed below) for further information or for the arrangement of a ride-along with one of our members!

To view the March Crime Report, please select the below link.