What is C.H.A.M.P.S.? C.H.A.M.P.S. stands for Corbett High School Association of Mamas and Papas of Seniors. If you have a senior at Corbett High School, you are a member of CHAMPS. CHAMPS plans and hosts the end-of-the-year all night graduation party. We host fundraisers throughout the year to host this fun and safe celebration for our seniors.
A note from the 2014 CHAMPS President, Kathleen Ranstead-Payne;
" We are the parents of the graduating seniors and are in charge of organizing and raising money for the all night party. One of our biggest fund raisers is our pop can/bottle recycling. We have a drop box behind Perfect Climate on Lucas road. Please encourage friends and family to drop off those pesky cans and bottles, and in doing so, help us provide a great, safe graduation night for our kids. We also will be selling beautiful, hand made Christmas Wreaths in late November. "