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Author Topic: November Crime Log and RECENT CRIME UPDATE  (Read 6686 times)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« on: December 10, 2012, 01:51:32 PM »


Hello Corbett Residents and Affiliates,
I know I just recently sent the Crime Log earlier this week, however we had a theft and burglary this morning and I'd ask that Corbett residents "keep an eye out" for a particular car.
This morning on Gordon Creek Rd. near Rickert, a male and female were seen running from a property after stealing a gas can.  They got into a car and drove away.  After the deputy arrived it was found that they had also unlawfully entered a vacant house that was for sale.  The screen door had been cut open and the heat was on.  The house had been unoccuppied with no furniture or other items worth stealing.
The suspect vehicle was a "dirty" white 90s Honda Accord with a black/silver "Thule" brand roof rack.  The male was wearing an orange construction-type t-shirt with blue jeans and "Romeo" slip on shoes.  The female had a long black coat with a hood and fur around the edges of the hood.  Their ages and race are unknown.
If you see this vehicle you are asked to get a plate ONLY if you can do so safely and to call Deputy Joe Graziano (voicemail 503-251-2502) with any information you may have.  Also call the non-emergency#: 503-823-3333 so that deputy can attempt to contact the car occupants if you seem them.
We also had a tool theft from the construction site at the Vista House a couple of weeks ago and a burglary at another house this morning near the post office.  Only an Xbox was stolen during that particular burlgary.  Luckily , the victims did have a record of the serial number the it can be listed as stolen.
With Christmas around the corner and lots of extra things in our homes,  please be sure to secure your household with good locks and record serial numbers of expensive items.  If you out of town, try to make your house look lived-in.  Have a friend or neighbor watch your house too.  You can also email me and I'll ask our Citizen Patrol volunteers or a deputy to do a "vacation house check" while your're away.
 The Job Corps is having their annual Holiday Dinner on Wednesday 12/12/12 at 5:30PM.  Please RSVP by 12/7/12 to June: 503-695-2245 ext. 202 or via email:  The cost is $5/plate.  This year the proceeds will benefit the Citizen Patrol!  Click HERE to see the flyer.  Also, don't forget about the Holiday Bazaar at the Corbett Grange Hall this weekend 12/7- 12/9.  Please be sure to visit our Citizen Patrol bake sale table!

November Crime Report Attached ( PDF ) Select blue text below.

* 2012.11.pdf (625.43 KB - downloaded 1070 times.)

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