Corbett Education Foundation has been doing amazing work for Corbett students since 1997 and now we need your help! CEF is currently seeking volunteers to join them in raising funds for Corbett students.
We need some super charged volunteers for current committee positions and future board positions so if you are looking for ways to make a difference in Corbett and in raising funds for our amazing scholarships and programs please consider signing up for a more committed level of CEF service. Committees and Board Members meet once a month and various committees have various additional time commitments, please assume a 3-5 hour a month time commitment. Please contact Dianna Fontes for information on how you can get involved.
More short term and general volunteer positions are also available on the
Columbia Gorge Art Festival Committee, which is a more structured and fun way to get involved with the Corbett Schools and CEF! Every spring CEF hosts The Columbia Gorge Art Festival, a weekend long festival that is held inside and outside the Corbett Grade School.
The 2012 festival will be held May 19th & 20th. Quality arts and crafts are sold with a portion of the sales going directly to CEF –and the rest going straight to the artists! This fun event supports CEF overhead, Corbett Students AND local artists too! We are seeking help with several facets of this event. From the steering committee to the food tent we need help! If you are interested in making a difference in Corbett and in raising funds for our amazing students please consider helping with The Columbia Gorge Arts Festival 2012! This year we also received a grant that has allowed us to add musical performances, arts & craft workshops, theatre workshops & performances and additional food offerings.
We need volunteer support for the festival in the following areas:
Vendors & Sales. JOBS: Recruit artists to sell at CGAF. Help manage the vendor application process, set up vendor numbers, organize the floor plans, promote the festival, set up vendor tables, help with sales at event. Manage sales table, sales systems and work with cash, computers and credit card machines. Set up and operate systems during festival. (Operating system is already in place, computer and cash handling experience a plus)
Marketing & Promotion. Promote CGAF and CEF via press releases, ads, event listings, sending out flyers, hanging posters, using social media and networking. This is a great opportunity for someone with only evening and weekend time to give. Limited meetings required, promotions will being in October and run thru festival days. This committee is responsible for sign permits, installation and logistics of advertising as needed, also setting up of day of event signage.
Logistics & Set up. Plan and organize set up of overall event. Set up, maintain and clean up plans and manage volunteers to do the work. This committee is also in charge of permits and proper handling of the school and equipment. Volunteers with trucks are highly valued.
Food & Beverage. Solicit food donations from community. Organize food service volunteers. Manage food service set up, maintenance and tear down. Plan menu and prepare food. Collect needed permits and permissions from Corbett schools
Entertainment & Outreach. This is a new committee. CGAF would like to incorporate more entertainment features into the festival, including music, kids activities and other entertainment. We are seeking a committee that is interested in facilitating this portion of the festival. This would require the needed planning, soliciting and outreach in the community to make it happen. This committee will also be charged with Community Outreach, encouraging collaboration and partnership with businesses and individuals for sponsorships, advertising, and mutually beneficial projects occurring at CGAF.
Public Relations. This committee will focus on educating the festival attendees and the community about CEF and CGAF purpose and mission. Plan and prepare a CEF info booth, marketing materials and information for the public. Manage any raffles, collect attendee emails and demographics. Staff the info booth (with CEF board members and volunteers). Manage community information booth and boards. Gather community give aways and marketing materials for info tables. Work with out Corbett and surrounding groups in partnerships for marketing and participation in CGAF. Prepare thank you documents, cards and letters.
General Volunteers: Lastly, we need general volunteer help at the event. Volunteers who are interested in attending our Monday night work parties to label post cards, hang posters, hand out flyers, and do general promotions, etc. Volunteers who are willing to float and fill in shifts at CGAF, carry equipment, staff different areas, etc.
There is no such thing as too little or too much time! We will be hosting information meetings over the the next few months so please visit our website (
OR email Dianna Fontes directly for information. dianna@ the Don’t forget to like us on Facebook too (
We will be posting updates and meeting information there regularly.