Corbett Community MeetingRepresentative Mark Johnson and Senator Chuck Thomsen will be meeting with interested members of the Corbett Community at the Grange Hall at 6:30pm on Thursday, March 24, 2011.
The location of the Grange is: 37493 NE Grange Hall Road, Corbett, OR 97019
Community members have been voicing concerns regarding: financing of the local school
how can we campaign for additional funding for the special circumstances of being in the National Scenic Area that limits our ability to build and collect revenue for the school
what about "School of Choice" options in Oregon
possible bills to place some restrictions on Charters regarding conflict of interest between the charter and the district
public meeting laws and enforcement
how can we monitor students leaving the Charter and the District
what do we do when students are taught by Charter teachers, but are in-district students and the Charter is not our school of choice
how do we get an ODOT traffic impact study
how can we get the "community" school back - (out of district transfer restrictions lifted?)
We are asking for help from Representative Johnson and Senator Thomsen in these matters, so please come and be heard.Bring your questions, your thoughts and your ideas.
(Carpool if you can, thanks)