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Posts: 978
« Reply #1 on: June 01, 2017, 12:46:26 PM » |
Sent to the Corbett School Board on 6/1/2017 by Gary and Victoria Purvine.
June 1, 2017
Board members,
After years of hearing from the Corbett School District personnel that teachers know our children better than we do since they spend more time them (which is incorrect), and having our students be told that what happens in school stays at school and there is no need to involve the parents in what is going on (which is also incorrect), and the recent policy change where all students have to apply to college to able to graduate and if they don't apply then they have to write a plan for their future that would need to be approved as valid by the Superintendent (which should be a family and student decision), it is really no surprise to us that a District teacher apparently feels the next step of actually taking a child because she wants to adopt him would be sanctioned by the current Administration. After all, the District has slowly been eroding parental control and involvement for years.
As parents who have had children go through the Corbett School District it is too easy to see where the often repeated mantra of this Administration's earlier days that "Our teachers are Gods and we will give them what they want" has lead to an entitlement attitude and an apparent sense that these employees will be protected by the Administration regardless of their actions. If those employed by this District feel it is okay to skip proper channels, not follow school policy and ignore laws to get the ends they want, then what is to say other families will not suffer the same fate as the Leontiv family?
Now there is a Federal Lawsuit charged against not only the Superintendent, a Middle School teacher, a bus driver, a grade school employee and other volunteers, but also against the Vice-Chairman of the Corbett School Board. The complaint appears to be well written and factual, and when the charges are substantiated the outcome should be clear: all involved need to removed from District involvement and contact with children.
While some in the community have voiced they feel the lawsuit will impact the children of the district through funding, we have observed and participated in too many board meetings to not believe that the only way to make an impact, or change the direction this district is going, is through punitive damages. When the Superintendent states at a public meeting that the District will do an action until it gets caught, and then the only thing is that we'll lose funding going forward and no one would make "us" pay back the money we'd already gotten, we can only be left with the belief that a "slap on the wrist" isn't going to make a difference. The consequences of an action of this magnitude has to equal the damages caused by the action.
You can't put a family that has been torn apart back together, not like it was before. The simple example of taking a plate, throwing it on the floor to shatter it, and then gluing it back together is a perfect illustration. You may have a plate when you are done gluing, but the cracks show, the small missing parts are gone forever and the shape of the plate is forever changed. It will never be the plate it was before you dashed it to the ground.
From what we have read, it seems there were several Corbett School District hands on the plate when it was thrown.
In light of these allegations, and others in the past, and regardless of the outcome of the lawsuit, we are asking that the Board remove the Superintendent for cause at this time. The Court of Public Opinion is one the Superintendent has brought up in the past so we know he is well aware of the impact it can have to lead a school and be considered a leader in the local community. At this time, based on his own admission as stated in the document, he has no control over his staff. We believe that admission alone shows a lack of respect from those mentioned in the suit, a lack of leadership based on moral example, and a lack of integrity when given specific direction by a Law Enforcement Officer to make sure the child was returned to his home.
We are attaching a copy of the American Association of School Administrators Code of Ethics for those of you who haven't seen it, and for those of you who have seen it and could use a reminder. Based on the allegations in this complaint we are left to conclude that the Superintendent has violated Standards 2, 3, 4, 5, 11 and 12, and even if the Federal Court does not rule based on these Standards, we suspect you will find the Public Opinion Court does.
In addition, it is an important matter for all of the taxpayers regarding who pays for the defendants attorneys. If the charges are creditable, and it appears for many reasons they are, then the actions of the individuals should not be covered by the School's umbrella. This would include the Superintendent and the School Board Vice-Chair. We are requesting that Chair Mickalson issue a statement from the Board letting the members of this community know that the District is not condoning the actions taken by those listed as Defendants and will not be providing defense counsel for the Individuals listed in the suit.
Sincerely Gary and Victoria Purvine
* Attached below is the AASA Code of Ethics (blue link/pdf)