The Columbian Garden Club in Corbett is currently taking orders for our 24" Wreaths and 24" - 30" Swags, each handcrafted by Club members. Locally procured greens include noble fir, blue spruce, juniper and western cedar. Many beautiful specialty greens, berries, pine cones and a bow complement the wreaths ($20 each) and swags ($18 each). Mailing boxes are available for $4 with your order. Proceeds from our sales benefit local scholarships and community service projects. Please place your
order by November 17 by calling Catherine Dishion at 503-695-5545. Orders are available for pick-up on Saturday, November 21 from Noon to 3 p.m. at the Corbett Fire Hall meeting room, 36930 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, Corbett, OR.