November 7
4:00-8:00 PM
Corbett Fire Station
No formal presentation given so participants can come at any time and talk with BLM staff about the proposed project. The comment period on the Gordon Creek EA is extended to Friday, November 16, 2007. Comment forms will also be available at the open house.
Details:The Bureau of Land Management ( BLM ) is considering a forest thinning project in the Gordon Creek Watershed approximately nine miles east of the community of Corbett. The Proposed Action is to thin approximately 1800 acres of which 1300 acres within the General Forest Management Allocation (GFMA) and 500 acres within the Riparian Reserves (RR) located on BLM lands within the Cascade Resource Area. The project area is located within the Lower Sandy watershed, near the City of Corbett in Multnomah County, OR (T.1 S, R. 5 E, sections 1, 3, 9, 11, 13, 15).
Approximately 1600 acres are 53-72 year-old timber.
200 acres are a 50 and 32-year old two storied stand;
and 5 acres are 117 years old.
Here is a link to the EA as noted in the transmittal letter of September 26, 2007,