Corbett Crime Report Attached below as a pdf. Residents reported 7 burglaries in July. This is the highest number of burglaries in a 1-month period in at least 6 years. Most occurred during the weekday when no one was home. Many burglars are brazen and may have a pre-planned story when confronted (i.e. "I'm lost", "Do you have any gas", "I'm looking for an old friend" etc.). Please report any suspicious activities. 24-Hour Non-Emergency 503-823-3333
Photo of citizens enjoying a nice day outside having lunch at the grange! (More info about the lunch for seniors at the Grange - select here: ) Corbett Community Resource Deputy - Joe Graziano voicemail - 503-251-2502 ( email: )
24-Hour Non-Emergency 503-823-3333
* Citizen Patrol Volunteer Program: