The gorge area parking lots saw an increase of vehicle break-ins in November. Twenty-two break-ins were reported. The Citizen Patrollers do their best to be out and about but they could use more help. If you'd like to join the Citizen Patrol please contact Deputy Graziano listed below. The yearly requirement is only 48 hours or about 4 hours per month. An information video can be seen on YouTube and typing "Multnomah County Citizen Patrol" in the search line. Please support the volunteers by purchasing their home baked desserts at the Holiday Bake sale. It's this Friday and Saturday, December 6th-7th at the Corbett Grange Hall. Last year the Citizen Patrol earned over $300.
Multnomah County Emergency Management has obtained over $3000 in grant money for a Corbett based radio repeater. This repeater was just purchased but we're still waiting for the frequencies from the FCC. This repeater will offer an extra layer of communications to the Citzien Patrol and to the overall community during a natural disaster or other emergency incident.