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Author Topic: SAN DIEGO CHARTER PETITION DENIED  (Read 14112 times)
Hero Member
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« on: September 21, 2013, 07:36:21 PM »

Bob Dunton on one of his Facebook pages...

June 8, 2013

"Be it resolved that the Corbett Charter School Administration and Advisory Board intends to secure a five-year charter renewal in the Winter of 2014, and maintain the operation of Corbett Charter School on the Corbett campus for the duration of that agreement.

We believe that this course of action secures for our constituents their legal right under Oregon law to parental choice and educational continuity, honors their choice to attend Corbett Charter School, and provides essential financial stability for Corbett School District."
---passed by the Corbett Charter School Advisory Board


September 1, 2013

" WANTED: Licensed California Elementary Teachers to sign a start-up petition for Kieran Egan Legacy Charter School, a proposed charter school to open in San Diego, CA in the fall of 2014! The school will follow the Corbett Charter Elementary model, serving grades K-2 in the first year and expanding from there. Message me if you are willing to help out. The petition is part of the application process, and we'd like to load it up! Currently-licensed in California only, please!!!"


Corbett Charter in Rockwood up next....

* bdrenewal.jpg (168.53 KB, 437x367 - viewed 2294 times.)

* bdkierg.jpg (133.69 KB, 429x261 - viewed 1442 times.)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2013, 07:30:56 AM »

RE: Kieran Egan Legacy Charter School (KELCS)

7. Action to Approve/Deny New Petition to Establish Kieran Egan Legacy Charter School; Public Hearing; RECOMMENDATION: Denial of the petition to establish Kieran Egan Legacy Charter School (KELCS) based on the following findings: The KELCS petitioners ("Petitioners") are demonstrably unlikely to successfully implement the program set forth in the ("Petition")"

Founding Group of Kieran Egan Legacy Charter School

Robert Dunton, lead petitioner, is currently the Director of Corbett Charter School Corbett,
Oregon. Bob founded Corbett Charter School four years ago after having served as
Superintendent of Corbett School District for 10 years. As a small school superintendent,
Bob has extensive experience with budgets, finance facilities, board and community relations,
policy, student management, personnel management and school operations. Bob has prior
experience as a K-12 principal, District Curriculum Director and has taught in grades K
through undergraduate school. He is a licensed administrator and is highly qualified to teach
secondary social studies and secondary Basic Math. He is an experienced Advanced
Placement teacher. Bob is highly knowledgeable regarding Imaginative Education theory and
practice, and has presented at conferences throughout Oregon and the U.S. Bob's

Sheri Dunton is the co-founder and co-director of Corbett Charter School. She is a highly
qualified elementary teacher with an administrative credential, a reading endorsement and a
handicapped learner endorsement. Sheri has taught in grades K-12 and has served as a
district Director of Special Education and as a Title One specialist. Sheri is a highly
innovative Imaginative Education practitioner and has experience training new IE teachers.
Her previous experience includes teaching at a Title I school, founding an alternative high
school, and presenting at charter conferences in Oregon and Minnesota and at the
Imaginative Education annual conference in British Columbia.

Lara Dunton is a Master's Candidate in Curriculum and Instruction at Portland State
University. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Sociology from Willamette University.
Lara was an Oregon State AP Scholar in 2009 and understands contemporary issues in
college preparatory education from a first person perspective. She currently researches and
writes curriculum for Corbett Charter School.

Professor Kieran Egan is Canada Research Chair of Education at Simon Fraser University in
Burnaby, British Columbia. He completed his Ph.D, at Cornell University in 1972. His first
job was at Simon Fraser University, where he has remained ever since. He is a recipient of
the Grawemeyer Award in Education, is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Kappa
Delta Pi laureate, and received the Whitworth Award from the Canadian Education
Association. He has authored 20 books and innumerable articles. Professor Egan founded
the Imaginative Education Research Group in 2001. Howard Gardner, author of Multiple
Intelligences, wrote that Professor Egan "... has one of the most original, penetrating and
capacious minds in education today."


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