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Author Topic: October 2012  (Read 7004 times)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« on: November 08, 2012, 02:01:12 PM »

We've all seen the destruction on the east coast from Hurricane Sandy from the safety and comfort of our living rooms.  We see destroyed homes, people standing in long lines at the gas station, not in their cars but on foot, carrying as many gas cans as possible.  Restaurants and grocery stores closed.  No electricity.  No way to charge cell phones unless it's from a car's cigarette long as the car has gas and a charged battery.  No refrigeration.  Sewer systems with no pumps.  Eating cold food or cooking with camp stoves.  Waiting in lines for a warm meal from a Red Cross mobile kitchen. Since we aren't directly affected, we think, "That's too bad".  Yet it doens't directly impact our own lives.  Now stop and think for a moment if the roles were reversed.  Imagine that we are struck with a 9.0 earthquake that lasts for 4-minutes.  Natural gas, plumbing and sewage lines broken.  No electricity.  Fires.  This is starting to sound like Hurricane Sandy or Katrina!  Are you prepared?  How much food and water do you have in storage?  Wouldn't it be nice to be HAM radio certified so that you could take part in, or at least listen to relief efforts in your area?  It would be nice to know about the extent of damages.  Is there an operational gas station or grocery store in the next town?  Where is the nearest first aid station?  Will bulldozers be coming to my street soon to clear out debris (as seen in Vernonia after the flood)?  These are all things that can be determined with HAM radio.  If you do have a HAM radio, how will you power the radio if you can't charge it?  Do you have a backup battery?  If your house is destroyed, do you have your home owner's insurance information stored somewhere else so you know who to call?  If you're on one side of the Willamette or Sandy Rivers, how will you return home on the opposite side if the bridges are impassable?  Do you have an emergency kit in your car?  These are all questions that we should ask ourselves.  We'll see that it may takes weeks or years for the east coast residents to get back to "normalcy".  We should plan for the same.       

Select the below link for the pdf to the crime log.

* 2012.10.pdf (218.49 KB - downloaded 1195 times.)

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