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Author Topic: January 2012  (Read 5821 times)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« on: February 03, 2012, 09:04:05 AM »

Below is the attached crime report for 1/12

We had several thefts in Corbett this past month.  Some of the incidents weren't officially reported by the victims so those incidents aren't listed on the crime log.  Some of the thefts involved an ATV stolen from a barn, plumbing pipe stolen from a home being remodeled, scrap metal stolen from a yard and 16 stolen wire mesh grates and railing from Ainsworth State Park/ Bridal Veil.  The suspect vehicle in this last case was likely an older red, smaller pickup with a black ladder rack.
One of our local citizens, "Woody", was featured in a very nice story on the CBS Evening News. Here is a link to watch the story:

Our Citizen Patrol volunteers had a very nice meeting yesterday evening.  We covered topics such as using a defribillator, radar use, the purchase of radio supplies with donated money and safety issues.  If you're interested in applying as a volunteer Citizen Patrol member, please  visit www.corbettoregon. and click the "Citizen Patrol" tab. ( )

Also, you're welcome to attend the monthly Corbett NEMCCA (N.E. Multnomah County Community Association) meeting on the first Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM at the Corbett Fire Station (across from the Corbett Country Market).  It's a great way to hear from other citizens, community groups and government agencies about what's happening here in Corbett.
Thank you,
Deputy Joe Graziano
Corbett Community Resource Officer



"  We did get information from the Parks and Rec Department at the safety meeting that someone has been going around stealing the manhole covers out of the parks in Bridal Veil, Ainsworth and other parks in that area.  They also cut the guard rail at Bridal Veil.  The description given of the truck is a mini pick up, red in color and with a black ladder rack.  The plates were taken by a witness but when run came back to a white car, so they had obviously been switched.  Rocky is asking that we keep an eye out for each other as there have been two metal thefts off Claire Smith, one off 365th and one off the Louden/Hurlburt area. Parks and Rec also said the overpass lift on the Rooster rock overpass will start in March 19 and go until about the 29th.  They are raising the overpass approximately 10" for trucks and it will be affecting different lanes of traffic at different times.  The access to the park may be affected occasionally. " - V. Purvine

* 2012.1.pdf (153.43 KB - downloaded 968 times.)

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