CORBETT CRIME UPDATE 11/15/11 Hello Corbett Residents and Affiliates,
Corbett and Springdale have had some recent thefts and burglaries. Springdale had a series of thefts where items were removed from outbuildings and unlocked cars during the day and night. The suspect(s) were not deterred despite having to walk around locked gates and up lengthy driveways. These incidents occurred primarily near Woodward Rd. and Nielson Rd..
Today a citizen reported seeing a suspicious pickup with three occupants possibly "casing" houses in the area of Brower Rd. and Haines Rd.. This occurred around 10AM.
This evening, upon ending my shift, I heard our swing shift deputy get dispatched to a burglary in the 42000 block of Larch Mt. Rd.. I later spoke with the deputy and I was advised that the burglary occurred sometime today. Some heavy items were taken that would have required more than one person to carry.
The suspicious vehicle is described as follows: A gray Chevrolet 4-door, 4x4 pickup. It's newer, possibly a mid-2000s. Although it's a 4x4, 4-door, the truck is not one of those massive sized trucks. I'm told that it was slightly larger than a mid-sized truck. Unknown plates. No front plate. There were three occupants. All appeared to be in their late 20s. #1 was a white male, #2 was a white female and #3 was a male, either African American or Hispanic. If this vehicle is seen please try to get a license plate if you feel that it's safe to do so.
If you get a plate please call the non-emergency #: 503-823-3333. Also leave me a message on my voicemail #: 503-251-2502. DO NOT TRY TO CALL ME DIRECTLY OR TRY TO FIND ME IN CORBETT as has occurred in the past. I may be off-duty or on another call. This will likely cause an unnecessary delay. It's best to call the non-emergency number 1st and then, when you have time, eave me a voicemail message or email with the same information so that I can follow-up with the responding deputy.
On a good note....I received a phone call from the Troutdale Shari's Restaurant. They are planning to have an "Angel Tree" at their restaurant during the holiday season. If you know of an adult or child in need, please leave me a message with the person's name, age, address and item of need.
Thank you, Deputy Joe Graziano