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Author Topic: July 6th Meeting - 2011  (Read 7117 times)
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« on: July 10, 2011, 10:58:54 AM »

Jerry West said he has a lead on Garlon 3 and Garlon 4 if anyone wants to contact him about getting some.
Sean Files- Commisioner Diane McKeel's office:  The Rockwood Court house is on target to open March of 2012.  There is a webcam up on Diane McKeel's site if you want to check out the progress.  There will be three courtrooms opening, with the potential for six.  No holding cells at this facility. 
Diana Olsen: Multnomah County Sheriff's office, Sgt:  The deputies and reserves did a great job at the fourth of July.  There were four lost children that were returned to their families and one missing child that was found after being reported missing.  The fireworks started late, so the last cars got out of the area around 12:15am.  They were holding the parking lots back until the Highway cleared and were sending people down either Mershon or Evans, depending on the way they were heading.  The lots were cleared out in 30 minutes.  Some complaints from people who wanted to go down different roads.  There is a reason for how the traffic flow goes, the volunteers are working to keep the confusion to a minimum.
Calvin Hall:  Gresham Outlook:  Calvin will now be working our end of the county.  If you have any ideas for a story please contact him.  He was up wanting to do a story on metal theft and if anyone has any information or has had metal stolen please contact him.
Dave Thomson:  Multnomah County Health Department:  Code Enforcement:  This year has been very good for vegetation growth and the late rains have increased the calls complaining about neighbors pools harboring mosquitos.  The problem is not the pools, but the flood plains that are in the area.  Please keep an eye out for any water pockets that can breed the mosquitos.  ROADSIDE SIGNS!  They are getting to be a problem.  The signs for real estate, gutters, fences, etc are in the right of way and the office is receiving numerous complaints.  These signs can be removed as they are not placed correctly. 
(Aside:  my understanding from previous conversations with the county gentlemen is that the signs need to be BEHIND the utility poles, that is usually the end of the right of way.)
Jerry Griffin: MC Road Department:  They will be grinding parts of Corbett Hill and Louden and the "loose gravel" signs will be up.  Please be cautious when the gravel is on the road.  The chip sealing will be starting on Gordon Creek, Larch and Woodard in the next couple of weeks.  Larch is open to the top, snow is suppose to be gone from the parking lot.  The mowing program is getting a late start because of equipment availability.  They won't be able to get all of the roads, but he does have an Inmate Work crew available if you know of any dangerous intersections and he can schedule them out.  The garlic mustard season has been successful. 
Brian Walker:  ODOT:  They have done striping up to Larch Mountain and have begun the concrete gutter cleaning, currently they are down to Shepards Dell.  They are behind on mowing and are under a herbicide reduction program so they can't do shoulder treatments except around guardrails and on rock walls.  There will be a biking "event" not race, later this month involving around 500 bikers.  The event is not a race so the bikers will be strung out over time.    The "dip" between Larch and the Vista house is scheduled to be worked on next year when they work on the Viaducts.  The budget cutbacks have reduced the funding available to keep patching that spot, they know about it.
OSP DeDe Hansell:  Please slow down and be patient when you are held up while traveling.  There is a reason you are stopped.   If there is an accident, remember someone's friend or family member is involved, try and be sensitive.  Those of us who live out here may not realize how lucky we are with our first responders, ODOT, Fire District #14 and Multnomah County personnel are a great group of people and we are lucky to have the resources that we do.
Asha Swem: Springdale Job Corp:  There are two openings right now, one for an Autobody paint instructor, and an employment specialist.   They only have 10 students on campus right now, these are students attending college classes, the rest are on summer break.  The Springdale Job Corp was ranked second in the Nation for achievement, they were number one for three months but ALL campuses improved their scores.  A big thanks to the Community for helping them be successful.  The Job Corp will be happy to supply dessert for the National Night Out event, and will set up a booth for some of their health students to do blood pressure readings.
MCSO Joe Graziano:  There were three burglaries with the same MO this month.  The doors were left unlocked and the burglars walked in.  Computers were taken and medicine cabinets gone through.  Metal thiefs took the Longview Fiber gate off Deverell Road and metal theft is up overall.  Herion is making a comeback and Corbett teens and younger adults are getting involved.  The drugs appear to be traveling between Corbett and Gresham.  The Citizen's Patrol is making a difference, and the break ins at Multnomah Falls is down, but the problem is spreading to the smaller areas now.  Please don't leave valuables or your purses in your vehicle.
Bob Grist:  Multnomah County Emergency Management:  Fourth of July went well. 
Glenn Littrell: :Oregon State Parks:  Rooster rock will be open all night for the meteor shower on August 12.  (They were open all night for the lunar show last night, but I'm just getting to this, oops) 
Phyllis Thieman:  Gorge Arts Commision will have their celebration of 25 years of Art in the Gorge at the Discovery Center in The Dalles October 8th and 9th. 
(Aside: Phyllis mentioned a lot of events going on in Cascade Locks that I couldn't keep up with.  I'm putting the website address in so you can go to the site. <>  )
Malcom and Kathy Fruend:  The sign coming out of Hurlburt road shows Troutdale going directly into the driveway of the people across the street.  The locals know what it is supposed to mean, but not visitors.  (ODOT and the County said they'd look into it and get it corrected.)
Kathleen Rider: NERT/USA on Watch:  They had eleven workers helping with traffic and heard a lot of appreciative comments from locals and out of areas about the July 4th events.  This is her last year working the fourth and would suggest that next year Vendors and Participants in the events be told to get to the site PRIOR to the road closing. 
Carnetta Boyd: National Night Out:  This will be August 2nd, from 6-8 at the Corbett Grade School, around back.  This is for you to get to know your neighbors and your local law enforcement officers and emergency responders.  We will have River Patrol, Search and Rescue, SWAT, Deputy Drug Dog, Fire District #14 and are working on MCEM, Parks, Code Enforcement, etc.  This year we are doing a BBQ with hamburgers and hotdogs, donations are accepted but not expected.  If you would like to help with the NNO, or would like to donate time, money or in-kind donations that would be great.  Flyers are available and going up.
Sean Files: USS Ranger update:  this week there will be between 2,500 to 3,000 officials in Portland.  There will be guided tours Wed, Thurs and Friday to different areas in the Gorge and families that come with the officials will be doing tours of their own.  There will be a presentation on the USS Ranger at this conference.
Shannon Huggins:  Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners:  There are two shifts working right now.  They are working on noise issues in cooperation with the neighbors.  They will be launching a Gantry Crane in October for pile placement.
Dave Mysinger:  NEMCCA/USFS Volunteer:  The parking lot pavement project will start this week at 1,000 acres and the parking lot will be closed.  Thanks to everyone who helped with a child rescue involving a head injury.  Fire District #14 was fantastic.
I reminded everyone to go to to get word out if there is an issue they'd like the community to know about, or go and read what is going on in the community.  I'm going to be asking them to get the word out on the NNO!   

--- THANKS TORI! ----

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