Hello Corbett Residents and Affiliates,
I’m sorry to say that this month I’m unable to produce the crime log for the month of April. The metro area police agencies transferred to a newer computer based dispatching system and there have been some “bumps and kinks” along the way. One of these is trying to recover the information that I used to compile the monthly crime log. I’ve sat down with our Records supervisor and he is working to resolve the matter.
I’ve attached an interesting fact sheet that I typed-up based on some notes that I took at a counterfeiting seminar. There are some “eye-opening” facts about your consumer purchasing decisions.
Regarding the various issues in Corbett: I’ve had several reports of person(s) stealing and/or siphoning gas along E. Columbia River Hwy. between the base of Larch Mt. Rd and the Corbett Country Market. These all occurred during the night. In one case a suspect entered an unlocked garage and stole a gas can. They returned a week later and apparently stole an 11-year old boy’s BMX bike.
There are some current investigations involving some property related crimes as well. Additionally, it seems that a new trend, which never existed in the recent past, is cyber bullying. This issue has been brought to my attention about 4 times in the past several months. Of these incidents involved teenage girls with cell phones, Facebook and/or texting. None of the involved parents were aware of the activity involving their children. It’s very easy to create a very fake (but authentic looking) profile of a person, complete with photos. It’s then possible to create all kinds of problems for unsuspecting people.
KOIN 6 News visited Multnomah Falls yesterday and did a story about vehicle break-ins. They interviewed one of our volunteer Citizen Patrol members. Here’s the news story link:
http://www.koinlocal6.com/news/local/story/Car-break-ins-big-problem-in-the-Gorge/mBh5knelIkS-HgDUx4FORQ.cspx I’ll email the Crime Log as soon as I have the information.
Thank you,
Deputy Joe Graziano
Corbett Community Resource Officer
Voicemail- 503-251-2502