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Author Topic: What happened at the June 1, 2011 Meeting?  (Read 6350 times)
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« on: June 07, 2011, 10:37:12 AM »

Phil Dufresne: Fourth of July: The event is on schedule and please put up wishes for sun.  You can see what is going on at, all the entertainment, food and booths will be listed on the site.  The fireworks are expected to run 26 minutes and due to increased cost the admittance fee has recently been raised to $7.00 a person.  Gary and Bev Law will be the Grand Marshalls of the Corbett parade, riding in the black carriage.  Diane McNeil, Sheriff Staton and Representative Wand have been invited to ride in the parade also behind the matching white horse and carriage.
Gary Law: Springdale School Association:  There is a meeting Tonight at 7pm (I'm late getting this out) at the Fire Hall.  This will be a time of elections and discussion about the school.  Gary will be going to Salem on the 10th to witness the Springdale school going on the Historic National Register.   
Sgt. Diane Olson:  She is working with the Corbett Fun Festival and the Safety team for the July 4th parade and events.  The total time estimated for the event is 18 hours.  They are coodinating road closures and traffic patrols.
Sheriff Ritchie: Due to the vocalization last month about the traffic at the bridge he met with Bill Barnhart and they will be putting up four additional signs regarding the speed.  The currently meet all Fed and ODOT regulations, but the length of the construction zone could handle more signs.
Sean Files: Diane McNeils Office:  Office Joe Graziano received the  Community Service Award for his work with the Citizens Patrol.
Dave Tauton: Multnomah County:  They are continuing with natural hazard mitigation and will be holding a meeting in our area in July.  You can send questions to Luis Hernandez at Multnomah County. 
There will be an Are You Ready workshop on 6/18 at Mt. Hood Community College.  This will be about what items your 72 hour kit needs, and why, when to go, when to stay, managing utilities (hands on practice), creating a family plan and knowing your neighborhood as your first line of defense.  There are two sessions, one in the morning ( <> ) or the afternoon ( <>  ).  The classes are starting to fill so please check for availability.
Jerry Griffith: Multnomah County Roads: Tried to get up to Larch last week and couldn't do to snowpack.  Will probably keep the gate closes until the end of June.  Chip seal is getting ready to start, weather dependent, and all of Hurlburt is scheduled, along with parts of Gordon Creek and first two miles of Larch.  Please be patient.
Phyllis Thiemann: Columbia River Gorge, Art in the Gorge:  OPB was going to do a piece on the Gorge and the 25th Anniversary comittee was going to help fund the project, but OPB has chosen to focus on problems in the Gorge instead of the Art so the committee will be pulling their funding.  On 8/13 there will be an invitation only event at the Skamania lodge to celebrate the arts, but there will be family friendly events scheduled in October for The Discovery Center in The Dalles.
OSP: Officer Hansel:  There have been more fatalities in the last ten days then there have been in Months!  Please:  You can not control your car if you are Not in it.  Wear Your Seatbelts!  Those who died would most likely have survived if they had their belts on, they would have been injured, but not dead.  Also, Be Patient!  Bikes are on the road and they also need to practice patience.  One decided to not wait for their turn and got hit by a semi.  Remember, 99% of the bike riders are good people, don't let the 1% ruin your day.
Brian Walker: ODOT: 6/11 there will be free fishing offered at Bonneville Dam.  This will increase traffic, please look out for each other. 
6/26: Remember there will be a bike ride from Cascade Locks to Women's Forum and back.  This will be on the Old Scenic Highway and the road will Not be closed. 
They have started work on the Larch Mtn/ Alex Barr project and core drillers will be out next month to take samples.
Noxious weed spraying has begun- primarily garlic mustard.  They are using Garlon 3A for spray and the main problem with the garlic mustard is the seeds can live for a long time.  Remind people that the weed needs to be placed in a plastic bag once it is pulled and disposal at the drop site in Corbett is recommended. 
They are changing their maintenance from shoulder treatment to brush treatment so the larger equipment will be on the road cutting brush.
Glenn Putnam asked about signs sending bikers up Neilson road instead of around by the Job Corp due to possible danger to bikers.  Can't exclude bikers from any part of the Old Scenic Highway.  Also, the McCord Creek to Tanner Creek bike path will soon be connected and we should expect to see a huge increase in bike traffic.  Sheriff Ritchie also added that there was a four hour class recently in Portland attended by other cities regarding bike traffic.  This close to Portland you would have a better chance of shutting cars off the road rather than bikes, especially the Old Scenic Highway, so we need to get use to the bikers.
Glenn Littrell: Parks and Rec:  Next Saturday is free fishing, they have begun clean up at the Lewis and Clark parking lot and if you have any ideas about stopping base jumping please let him know.  If you see someone base jumping please call 911.  He had one doctor from California that he ticketed and when the doctor got the ticket he asked if he could just pay another $54 fine and go again.  There was discussion about "Brian" a base jumper who was being filmed jumping off of one of our cliffs when he was killed.  The Sheriff pointed out they know the risks, they do it anyway.
Summer help will be coming on in two weeks for Park and Rec.
Victoria Purvine: community member:  Told the group that Evergreen Remodeling had gotten written up in the Pacific Builders and Engineering magazine for winning the Case Community Challenge $1,000 award to the Jeff Lucas Memorial.  We are in the running for the $5,000 award at the end of the year, all of which would go directly to the Memorial for up keep and maintenance.
Bob Colclesser: community member: no comment
Jerry West: community member: no comment
Sheriff Joe Graziano:  There have been a bunch of bike complaints, on both sides.  Bikers were shoved over by a group of people claiming to be Corbett residents saying "We don't want you here."  (This occured down by the school area so if people could keep an eye open when they are down there, we don't need this happening here.)  There was a report filed by a graduating student from last year claiming that four people in masks jumped out of a jeep and assaulted him.  This was later determined to be a false report and was fined accordingly. 
Carnetta has been making placards saying  "I'm aware.  No valuables left in Car".  These will be handed out to the rental companies and in places visitors frequent. 
Trout Creek road activity from last month; there were two stolen cars on the property and numerous code violations.  Code Enforcement is following up with this site and will be enforcing a 30 day order.
Metal theft is UP.  The Orient drive scrap metal buyer takes photos of all drivers licenses, and has been very helpful.  Please print out and carry your Metal Hauling Permit.
The Dive Team helped the water district and got some practice in.  There was a leak that needed plugged and the two agencies worked together, benefiting all.
Thanks to the Fire guys who did  great job getting a girl out of the Forum after she suffered a seizure.  The path was steep and they handled her carefully and worked great together.
Kathleen Rider: CERT:  There is a training going on right now, including a mullage course with fake injuries for people to work on.  The CERT team will be helping with the fourth of July festival where ever they are needed.  There will not be a first aid table this year, the Fire Department will be handling all of that, so CERT will be patroling or being placed where they can be of best use.  Kathleen will be leaving the community this summer and will be dispersing her jobs to others.
Carnetta Boyd:  National Night Out planning has started and the event will be on 8/2 from 6pm to 8pm.  Any and All help would be appreciated.  They have been brainstorming and I can't find my file showing all of the ideas, but Carnetta could send one to you if you are interested.  There will be a meeting on 6/9 at Bullet's at 9 am for those who think they'd like to help.
Dave Mysinger:  NEMCCA/ USFS volunteer:  There will be a forest service deputy, Robin, on duty from 10 am to 8pm Friday through Monday.  There will be five interns starting in July to help Robin and the part time help comes on soon.  There have been numerous traffic accidents at Multnomah Falls and they are working on prominant display of Parking Lot Full signs.  The Lodge staff will start shuttling from Rooster Rock this weekend which should help with the parking.

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