Corbett Report Log
December 2010
Happy Holidays from the Sheriff's Office!

The first one to call in or email with the location of this waterfall will receive a complimentary soda or coffee from the Corbett Country Market. Hint:1) it may not even have a name 2) it's in the Columbia River Gorge along the old highway 3) it's about 50 feet tall 4) it's not one of the popular falls with a name like "Horsetail Falls".
call: 503-251-2502 or email:
joseph.graziano@mcso.usBullet and his wife Karen will be donating 1-cent from every gallon of gasoline purchased at his Fairview Chevron Station at NE 223/Halsey. The proceeds will benefit the Corbett School's Boostersin an effort to raise money for the sports programs. As many of you know, the school district is in a budget crunch. If you'd like to help out, turn in your gas receipts in the boxes located in the grade school or middle school offices. More info here!
On 12/14 a prostitute was kidnapped in Portland and brought out to the Wood Village area where she escaped after stabbing the suspect. The suspect fled the area in his vehicle and was found in the gravel area on the bottom of Corbett Hill Road with non-life-threatening wounds. This arrest will hopefully protect other women that may have been otherwise victimized.

This 1976 Ford pickup truck on the left was stolen in Vancouver about a year ago. It has been seen more than once in the Corbett area recently. It has a very distinctive homebuilt rack that extends over the front hood. It had a winch over the front bumper as well. The color may be primer red or gray or it could simply be painted another color. The license plate was XAA627 when it was stolen, however it could be switched. The driver was described as a white, heavy-set male in his 20s with dark hair. It's possible that the driver isn't aware it's stolen, especially if it was sold by a 3rd party. If this is spotted, please call either the non-emergency # 503-823-3333 or 911.
Corbett Community Resource Deputy Joe Graziano
Voicemail- 503-251-2502 Corbett Info Line- 503-695-3211 Non-Emergency #- 503-823-3333 Crime Log and MCSO Newlsetter online via: