UNO: Bob Dunton is asking for the school board to be approve paying him $200,000 as Charter Superintendent. The national average is just under $140,000 and they are managing upwards of 15 schools in their districts. ( ) If you add this to the small FACT that Mr. Dunton wants our school board to give him a 10 grand discount per classroom for rent next year ( That's $130,000 out of the public school's pocket folks ) it would seem there is a lot of money to be made off of these Charter schools -- especially when the rent is cheap. Add to that that you have the public school board chair on your side ---- and a couple others on the school board that are bought into your worth ( at 200,000 that is saying a lot about someone's worth ) then I guess you can do whatever you want with or without the community. Read Mr. Dunton's last letter to parents here: about how Charter's aren't a democracy. ( No kidding. )
DOS: Charlie O'Neil has now said he is not a real Charter school board member - he is just a 'non-voting' member. So he sits on the public school board and votes for things like the above but he is only a non-voting member of the Charter? If this is true Charlie --- I think it would be more fair to sit on the public school board as a NON -VOTING MEMBER. Yes? Better for our public school, that would be for sure.
TRES: The Springdale School "COMMUNITY" center is slated to become a satellite for the Charter. So the SSCA ( Springdale School Community Association ) works to fix it all up and tries to buy it but can't and so it is still the District's property and so the County is going to shut it all down if it doesn't get fixed up so now there are these people writing grants so we can get it fixed up and for what? That's right "THE COMMUNITY CHARTER SCHOOL" ( Yeah! More cars for my morning walk --- I can't wait! )
QUATRO: Maureen ( sis ) Childs is going to be given a job at the new charter school as director in Springdale? If this is true then maybe both Charlie and Sis need to admit that decisions they have been making on behalf of our public schools on the school board have all been completely unethical and clearly the popular term "CONFLICT OF INTEREST" and if this is true then they should BOTH step down immediately. ( ONE FACT: They both voted to stop transfers into our public school at the board meeting before last ( to preserve seats for the Charter school ) but ended up having to reverse because of public outcry at the meeting. Who would do that?
? )