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Author Topic: April 2010  (Read 5795 times)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« on: May 03, 2010, 08:58:54 AM »

Hello Corbett Residents and Affiliates,
We had a definite increase in the number of calls and vehicle break-ins this past month.  A woman returned from a hike at the Oneonta trailhead, only to find a man seated inside her car (he had just broken into it).  A Park Ranger attempted to catch up to the suspect but he sped away at a high rate of speed.  The woman and the Park Ranger were excellent witnesses and an investigation is pending.  In this woman’s case, she did not have anything of value that could be seen through the windows.  Also, the Crime Log will show some drug possession incidents along I84.  These are most likely due to a significant increase in traffic stops as deputies monitor the highway work zone areas.  The Sheriff’s Office received grant money from ODOT (the Oregon Dept. of Transportation) to conduct highway work zone enforcement.
We responded to a crash on the Scenic Hwy. in the curves about ∏ mile east of the Vista House.  The driver apparently swerved to avoid a falling branch and he ended up hitting a tree.  The front cab area of the vehicle literally wrapped entirely around the driver and he was very lucky to survive with non-life-threatening injuries.  It took a Corbett Fire crew about 45 minutes to safely use the “Jaw of Life” to remove the man without causing further injury.

On Tuesday August 3rd at the Corbett School, we’ll have our 2nd annual “National Night Out”.  We’ll have numerous public safety displays, a bicycle rodeo and other activities for the kids, a potluck, and numerous local business displays.  If you are a local business or civic group whom would like a display table, please contact Michelle Smith for more information ( or 971-221-9655).
Our 2010 Citizen’s Academy is enrolling now.  The free academy begins 9/8/10 and graduates on 11/17/10.  The classes will be every Wednesday night from 7-9 PM at the Wood Village City Hall.  Contact Deputy James Eriksen, or 503-251-2425 for more information.  There’s also a website link with more information at: <> .   There are a lot of fun and informative classes and tours!
Lastly, I’m excited for upcoming Citizen Patrol orientation and training this Wednesday 5/5/10 at the Corbett Fire Station, 6:30- 8:30 PM.  Please bring a valid driver’s license or government issued photo ID to fill out the necessary paperwork.  If you can’t make this date, a tentative training date of 5/11/10 is set.  Our goal is to decrease the number of vehicle break-ins this summer in the gorge via plain-clothed team patrols (i.e. “undercover”).  Teams will not confront suspects; they will be trained to observe, detect and report the incidents.  Please contact me if you need an alternate training date or if you’d like further information.
Thank you,
Deputy Joe Graziano
Corbett Community Resource Deputy
Voicemail- 503-251-2502

* Metal Theft Flyer.pdf (286.41 KB - downloaded 993 times.)

* image003.jpg (22.22 KB, 342x257 - viewed 1303 times.)
* 2010.4.pdf (42.92 KB - downloaded 1258 times.)

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