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Author Topic: More Changes in store, school board meeting tomorrow!  (Read 19164 times)
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« on: April 20, 2010, 01:56:36 PM »

To All Community Members and Corbett School Parents/families:

SCHOOL BOARD MEETING TOMORROW, Wednesday, April 21, at 7:30 pm.
The agenda is posted on the district web site here:

Mr. Dunton is requesting the Corbett Charter Contract (which btw he wrote) be renegotiated.
He wants to pay $10,000 dollars LESS per charter classroom for rent. This amounts to 130,000 dollars a year.
Mr. Dunton is also asking to EXTEND the charter contract for another year. It is currently a 3 year contract ending in July 2012.
Community DISCUSSION, community input and evaluation of the charter school before a renewal happens should be a fair assumption for us all to make. ( But you know what happens when you assume...)

The school board will also be hiring Mr. Trani as our new Superintendent. It is fair to say that Mr. Trani is in step with Mr.Dunton and his passion and philosophy of education Is Imaginative Learning (he just wrote a book involving it). He would prefer to implement Imaginative Education into the district (and he already has in many classrooms) AND he would like to see large grade blends. ( He once mentioned K – 6 in the same classroom. ) The School Board Chair, Maureen Childs believes this is what the community wants “we all know that this is the best way to educate children” and she supports this idea fully.

This is ALL being decided on TOMORROW.
I think we, as parents, might want to consider "how's this all workin' for us?" And if we find some concern or even similarities to some of the posts on this forum, then call Board Members or email them.... or go to the meeting and even fill out a comment card and speak at the meeting.

WHO TO CONTACT (if you want to ;-)

Jeff Aho 695-3594
Todd Mickalson 503-695-3463
Maureen Childs 503-789-2809
Brian James 695-6578
Charlie O’Niel 695-5554
Mark Hyzer 695-3454
Bob Buttke 695-5204


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« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 06:36:49 AM »

Hmmmm, I just (GLADLY) paid over $700 dollars on my taxes (property tax form) which is paying for our beautiful new school. This is a 20 year bond that all Corbett residences pay. If every charter student paid this much (350 x 700) Mr. Dunton could have $245,000 dollars a year. To make $130,000 a year (the amount he is asking from the district) each charter student would need to pay $372 dollars a year. About $31 dollars a month. My friend pays $260 dollars a month to her child's CHARTER SCHOOL to pay for full day kindergarten. Mr. Dunton, please go fund raise somewhere else.

My friend is also being asked by her Charter School to fundraise all the time for things that Corbett Charter already has. A gym, computer lab, PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT!!! GIVE ME A BREAK! Comparing our Charter School rent to other charter schools in our area is like comparing a MOTEL 6 to a RITZ CARLTON.
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« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 10:47:20 AM »

It is my understanding that the "per pupil revenue" follows each student to the public/charter school which they attend, and considering the negative response from Barlow and Reynolds to the Corbett Charter, I'm guessing it's more than $372.00 a year.

Having said that, I would gladly pay that amount per child to keep my kids in Corbett. No, I don't love everything about Corbett Charter. As a parent, I don't feel welcome, and some of their teaching methods are strange, but it's working for my kids. That's all I care about at this point. Okay, my daughter is terrified of one of the lunch ladies Angry, but that's a small part of her day and she's handling it. My child who struggled all last year is reading, learning, and enjoying school and is actually talking about what they do at school. My other child is thriving because of the fact that there are no boundaries to learning, there is no "at grade level" work.

Regarding the comparison of the Motel 6 to a Ritz Carlton, you are right on the money (no pun intended). We loved our old charter school. They had great teachers and we felt like part of a family, but it was surviving on bare bones. My kids didn't know any different because they started there in kindergarten. Having a hot lunch program, a lunch room, a gym, and computer lab, WOW! The playground was just icing on the cake. Smiley

Corbett is not perfect, but believe me, I've looked at all my other choices and unless I am able to pay thousands to send them to private school, Corbett is the best choice available.

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« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 11:13:55 PM »

So Randi Trani, Several District Teachers and Staff, and Charlie O'Niel (on the district school board) are ALL on the CHARTER school board? The Charter School can ask to renegotiate its Contract to ask the district for MONEY??? Can you say - Conflict of Interest?Huh?
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« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2010, 06:34:23 AM »

I didn't know all this was going on!!!!! what happened? someone the went to the meeting please share!!!!
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« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2010, 08:57:54 AM »

There was a huge turn out at the meeting last night and the parking lot was full and good questions and passionate people spoke. Even a couple people were 'gaveled' by the board chair cause they were personally calling out board members on things and Mr. Dunton went home with the flu and wasn't there.. A lot was removed from the agenda at the last minute. WHich is probablyi best for now because it was only added less than one day before the meeting. They need to let the dust settle on what was shared last night before makeing big decisions now we think. It was a good feeling to know people cared enough to come out. On bothe sides. I know my friend didn't even know about what they were going to be deciding on before I told her  so lots of people didn't know at all about the meeting.  There was a group of teachers that came in support of Mr. Dunton too and I think they were sincere in their approval for what the school is doing, blended classes and Mr. Trani I think the high schools numbers have been doing really good but some high school teachers and kids don't really know what the parents were talking about because most of the parents that spoke were talking about grade school . MOsstly grade school concerns . Many more parents spoke to what worried t hem about eveyrthing than teachers spoke. by far. Many submitted letters to record. I wonder how we get these to read? There were people that talked about the down side of blending more grade levels into one class which woudl change from what has worked before which is two grades in a class and also no 'just kindergarten' class now which everyone didn't like - what i could tell from people. Some peole talked about conflict of interest concerns about one or two of our school board members, parents spoke to personal experiences with lack of support for special ed and even some creepy sexual harassment issues in the grade school involving students and one case in the high school and the school's lack of response and how parents left and took their kids with them. That couple talked about taking their kids out of the charter school after campaigning hard for it a year ago and their kid's teacher didn't want parents in the class and when they petitioned to watch the class, the description was not good at all. That teacher made a five year olde cry and then laughed at him in front of parents etc. and there were people talking about the board's job to communicate better and why did so many people mention facebook? People talked about Mr. Trani being appointed to superintendent without opening up the position because he believes in IOmaginative learning and so does dunton and Mr. trani also wrote a book  on it and wants k-6 because Mr. Dunton wants the whole school to go to the Charter model but they won't say it and the concern about changes to our public school without community involvement or at least sharing information more or better with parents and feeling like parents aren't welcome also was soemthing said. There was a lot going on. standing room only. we will be there next month to see what happens with the above list of stuff = i dont' think we shoudl dgive the Charter a 130,000 disocunt! They even have a waiting list.  But that was all put offoa for now.
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2010, 08:46:20 AM »

I learned a number of things at the board meeting on Wednesday night.  I asked a number of parents about their experiences.  The responses were varied and as most people know there are three sides to every story; yours, mine, and the truth.  Most people want to know the truth but understand that it is more difficult to find by just attending one board meeting or talking to one parent.

Here are some observances from the board meeting, some I knew, and I just wanted to share a little bit of my view from the bleachers.

1. Some teachers are passionate for multi-age classrooms
2. Some parents are passionate against multi-age classrooms
3. Charlie O'Neil is on both the district board and charter school board
4. Discipline is, depending on the student/situation, inconsistent for both district and charter
5. There are people on the charter school board that are employees of the charter school
6. The meetings for Charter school board meetings are announced late to discourage attendance
7. Bob D. resigned from the district superintendent position
8. Bob has requested an extension for the charter school lease and a reduction of rent to the district
9. Charter school board was nominated all by Bob D.
10. Comments about being scared to speak up by parents about their experience

My thoughts on these points follow the numbers from above:
1.   My fear about blended classrooms is that accountability for the student and teacher is lost.  If a student is falling behind it is fine while in that classroom and when they move to the next classroom they are even further behind.  For the teacher it is easy to label a kid as lazy and the apathy to work and motivate them to learn is lost.
2.   Parents are trying to do what is best for their kids and if multi-age student classes are working they aren't going to complain.  There were two parents of kids that they pulled out of the school and I wasn't sure why they talked since their kids weren't in the school. 
3.   This is a conflict of interest and Charlie should pick a team
4.   I have heard and seen plenty of instances on this one and the only common denominator is if the student or their parents are a problem.  Moving the student and parent(s)to  another school is the goal here.  If they move voluntarily it doesn't hurt their records.
5.   This is obviously wrong.   People should not sit on a board to vote on how they are paid, work, and set policy.  What is the point of a board if it is not independent?  Can there be accountability for the board or school?   The children ultimately lose in this one.
6.   This one is obvious and goes along with previous point
7.   I knew about this the day after it happened, some people need to read more
8.   An extension?  We are one year into the charter and Bob is going to be in the school as the charter president/principal/teacher and will affect the school.  Don't renegotiate quite yet.  There are two years left in the contract and Bob is changing the rules.  He made the rules last year and the school should not renegotiate anything.  Bob is a good guy but I am not ready to let him start a new company on the districts dime.
9.   Another conflict of interest.  There have been other regimes that have surrounded themselves with people that just nod their heads.  This is not a wise set up.  Bob is doing well now but what if he becomes in balanced or replaced by a crazy person that doesn't care what happens to those kids and it becomes a dictatorship?  That is what needs to be protected.
10.   I have talked with parents that have spoken out against either the school, teachers, or administration and their kids were punished for this by harassment, comments, and otherwise made to feel scared about their well being.  I know one parent who has a teacher for just this year in a multi-age class.  They are not criticizing the teacher because they don't want to be punished by next year's teacher.  It is hard to believe that this is happening and this kind of bully behavior comes from the top down.  Shame on the administration for this and they should be more objectiveand put the kids success first. 
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« Reply #7 on: April 27, 2010, 06:13:59 PM »

Why on earth would I want decisions about my child's education made by people like "Breezy" and "Strongeastwind"?  Who are you people?Huh???Anyone can be a parent, but last time I checked it takes years of education and training and research, etc. to qualify a person to be in the position to educate a child in a public education system such as we have in Corbett.   What are you so scared of?  How dare you undermine a system-judging by your posts- you really know nothing about?  You don't have to send your kids to Corbett, esp. the Charter School.  Be quiet or move on so the rest of our children can get the best education possible under the system in place.  Or at least do your homework, get educated and maybe some of your fear will subside.  Many people feel powerless in many aspects of their lives and tend to lash out when fear and ignorance take over.  Take yours elsewhere and if you must, take your kids with you.  Stop the bashing.  Learn about Charter School rules and regulations and don't use "Conflict of interest" and "Dictator" type buzzwords to inflame others.  You really have no idea.  Use your time to really make a positive difference in the world, volunteer with the homeless, or the foodbank, or better yet, Haiti is in dire need of helping hands right about now.
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« Reply #8 on: April 27, 2010, 09:00:27 PM »

Welcome Bigfoottrapper! It's so good to get a view from the other side of the table. Thank you for posting. Really terrific! So what I hear you saying is that you don't personally see any problems ---- so all of these other people are wrong or are just complete liars and regardless of any facts that you may or may not know about - they should be attacked and made to leave. Got it. Great. ( Oh and I just have to say that you are just exactly what we should all want our children to emulate in their adult lives: Narcissim, hiporcracy, paranoia and just a pinch of sarcasm to really get the juices going. )You even inspired me to lower myself!

This might sound totally off base ---but get in on this with me ----- your message sounds a lot like the continued rantings of someone serving up their disdain for all the less educated, less superior types in our community over at the Humble Horse Droppings Blog ---- but it must just be a coincidence --- Yah, that's it ---- Just a little co-inky-dink. Shocked   Anyways, thanks so much for setting all these people straight! You have really changed our thinking with all your great points and inspiring, respectful ways.
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« Reply #9 on: January 31, 2011, 08:45:42 PM »

Be quiet or move on so the rest of our children can get the best education possible under the system in place.

That's a strange thing to say since it's the charter's move away from what has worked in the past that's caused all the discord. It wasn't broken but yet they're trying to fix it and therefore the parents are confused and frustrated.

Or at least do your homework, get educated and maybe some of your fear will subside.  Many people feel powerless in many aspects of their lives and tend to lash out when fear and ignorance take over.  Take yours elsewhere and if you must, take your kids with you.  Stop the bashing.  Learn about Charter School rules and regulations and don't use "Conflict of interest" and "Dictator" type buzzwords to inflame others.  You really have no idea.  Use your time to really make a positive difference in the world, volunteer with the homeless, or the foodbank, or better yet, Haiti is in dire need of helping hands right about now.

I'm tired of people like you in your camp talking down to people who don't agree with you. If the administration is that much smarter than the rest of humanity they must be too smart to even tie their own shoes judging by the mess they've made. Speaking of getting educated, you have no idea what sort of background we come from, do you? Have you stopped to consider perhaps many people whose children attend Corbett Charter might have Master's or Doctorate degrees in teaching? Or are part of educational administrations in other districts or universities? Have you considered the fact that they brought their kids to Corbett to potentially experience more of what worked in the past but were sold a bill of goods? The Charter is using an experimental curriculum that bears little resemblance to the regular Corbett curriculum - the one that everybody likes. That is the reason for this debate! Had this experiment not been carried out there would be no debate! Please read the previous three sentences over and over until you get it.

As far as making a positive difference in our world, we have chosen to focus on the problems on our own doorstep before running off to Haiti or the soup kitchen. There's plenty of work to do right here. If you people want to drag this school into destruction I guess that's your prerogative, but don't expect it to happen without a fight.
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