Hello Corbett Residents and Affiliates,
I don’t normally send out any info other than the monthly Corbett crime log, however there’s a “Meet your Sheriff” Town Hall meeting next week and I thought some of you might be interested in attending. It’s at 6:30 PM in the multi-purpose building at the Corbett School. Sheriff Dan Staton, his Command Staff members, County Commissioner Diane McKeel and myself will be in attendance. I’ve been asked to tell everyone to “BRING YOUR QUESTIONS”. For further questions you may call Glenn or Ann Putnam at 503-695-2112.
I’ve also attached a link to the recent Sheriff’s Office “Green Hornet” newsletter:
http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs011/1102356663680/archive/1103053769387.html Thank you,
Deputy Joe “Rocky” Graziano
Corbett Community Resource Officer
Voicemail- 503-251-2502