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Author Topic: Safety Meeting Notes - December 2024  (Read 288 times)
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« on: December 05, 2024, 08:49:06 AM »

Dec 4, 2024

Safety Meeting Notes


Historical Society: M. Freund

The stumps have been ground where the long house is going.  Insulation, framing, sheet rock, electrical inspections are done.  Interior is being painted, now they are looking at getting the generator pad poured and the flooring started.


BOEC: M. Payne

Have been with the Bureau for 18 years, this is the first NEMCCA meeting.  There are currently 82 certified dispatchers with the Bureau and 38 in training.  At this time last year they had 95 certified dispatchers, this year they are increased to 108.


Friends of the Sandy River Delta: B. Adams

There have been a lot of cars in the Delta in strange places, locations they should not be found in.  The gate has been hit by vehicles both from the inside of the fence, and the outside. Also had calls from people living in the Delta who were upset because they were stuck behind the gate and couldn't get out.

The Forest Service was able to get the gate straightened and locked in a way that people can't just open it and get behind the gate.
(Discussion: The people living in the Delta had all been offered a free place to live for a year.  A lot of them did not take the offer.  Bollards that had been removable have been changed to cemented, permanent ones as the old ones were regularly being cut and removed. The agencies have been working to change the traffic flow to access from behind the outlet mall.)

Multnomah Falls is the most visited location, Sandy River Delta is the second.


Corbett Water District : A Linden

Gearing up for Winter, doing prep, testing generators, making sure chains are ready, etc.

The District is looking at a Hazard Mitigation Grant to move the tank located on Larch Mountain. This location had damage done last year during the bad weather when the valve froze open and needs remediation work.  The District would like to look at repairing the area, moving the tank, or digging the tank down and locating it around 20 feet in the ground.  (Discussion:  What about getting it through the NSA.  Is it reasonable to think the project could go through the County and NSA and get completed in three years.  What has been the experience for those who have been doing projects. Can we get the County Commissioner to help get some changes in the process, not the Federal side of the issue, but the County interpretation of the process.  There is going to be a staff change with Adam Barber retiring, who to talk with at Land Use (new Director is Megan Gibb) and suggested contacting Margi Bradway with the Chair's Office.  Also coming to the Planning Commission meetings and voicing specific concerns.

District is looking at the budget, the budget process, what is being looked at, and what isn't.  Making sure everything is being covered.


Corbett School District: D. Fialkiewicz

Fox 12 December teacher of the month is Mrs. Karki.  Congratulations.

Shout out to Community Patrol, great to see Ron back and have him and Rick out there helping with the traffic.  They've been wedging themselves against things to keep from being blown away these past couple days.

The District is starting the budget process, and there are three open seats on the budget committee if anyone would like to be part of the process.  Please contact the District Office if you're interested.  There will be an information video put out from the Superintendent regarding what will be expected from the budget committee, the process will start in January.

There is a PTA meeting tonight at the Corbett Community Church to talk about the current budget situation, what can be done.

On December 5th there will be a High School concert starting at 6 pm

Saturday December 7th there will be several events going on:  Donuts with Santa being put on by CHAMPS, Grange Craft Fair (both at the school) and the Tree Lighting and Bonfire from 5-8 at the Fire Station.

A band concert will be held December 11 at 6 pm.

Winter break will start on December 20 and continue until January 6th.


Forest Service: L. Carey

The Horsetail Creek trail has been reopened after being closed since the 2017 Eagle Creek Fire.

There has been a large slide on the Larch Mountain Trail.  TKO is working on repairing the damage.  With the wet Winter weather we need to expect some trail damage and the Forest Service has reduced trail crews right now.  Repair time may be delayed, or take longer to get accomplished.

Campgrounds are closed until May 1st, and the flush toilet use areas have been winterized.

The Multnomah Falls Lodge and Visitor Center designs are 90% complete.  They are not currently ready for public viewing.  (Discussion: The Forest Service is having budgeting issues and they are running on skeleton crews, where is the money for renovations coming from for the work?  This money is from the Great American Outdoors Act and has been in the process for the past several years.)


Firewise: R. Uleners

The Corbett Community has been certified as a Firewise Community again this year.


Grange: C. Mitas

Carlyn publishes the CorbettArea Newsletter online, if you want to get her any information to be included please send it to her before the 15th of each month.

The Craft Fair will be at the Corbett School on December 7th and 8th from 10-3 in the Multi Purpose building.

The State Grange convention in June is 99.9% set to be held at the Corbett Schools in 2025.  Thank you to Derek for working to help make this happen.

A Swing Dance is being planned for February.

The last Monday of the month there is a soup and sandwich Senior lunch being offered at the Grange. Due to the holidays there will not be one in December.


Springdale Job Corp: R. Morris

The roof project is half way complete!  The end date has been pushed out to January right now with the high winds and cold affecting the work days.

Winter Break will be December 19- January 1. There will be four or five students remaining on campus due to family circumstances.

(Discussion:  What can we as a Community do to help make the holidays better for the students who will have to remain behind.  Can they be invited to people's homes for dinner?  Can they have gifts donated to them? What can we do?  There are a lot of regulations and requirements around this issue, it will be looked into and they will get back to us.  Students can attend public events that staff can take them to, so if anyone is doing a public event from 12/19 to 1/6 please let staff know and they will see what can be arranged.  They are planning on bringing interested students to the Tree Lighting on December 7th).

A couple trees fell down on the back of the property, they are working on cleaning that up.  Back flow testing was done, winterizing is in progress to avoid broken water and fire lines.  They have contacted places that were suggested at last month's meeting for places to park the bus during freezing weather.  The School District and Springdale Pub have offered their parking lots, they will contact a couple other property owners as well.


MCSO: J Volker

Last week was the toy drive,(thank you Walmart, Kohls and Fred Meyer) they received 1,278 toys and 2,000 stocking stuffers.  The Troutdale office leads in the paper wrapping donations.  Distribution of the gifts will be on December 14th from nine to noon at the Wood Village Baptist Church.  Doors open at 8 in the morning.

Las Posados will be held December 20th at Reyolds High School from 6-8:30.  The event is free, there will be lots of good food!

The department is hiring to fill positions, there are also some lateral transfers happening.  Captain Bevens is retiring in seven days, it is not know who will be filling his spot.

Former CRO Kaiser is currently working Friday through Mondays until January 15, 2025, then will be returning to regular patrol duty Monday-Thursday. (Discussion: It would be nice to see Deputy Kaiser return to being the CRO.  Without him we are seeing a drop in Community Patrol training, work, ability to recruit and CP needs to be able to do this actions.  In addition, the website is currently down as the process to fund the website has changed as Deputy Kaiser is not the CRO.  Not everyone is aware there is no CRO, but those who are aware are surprised when they see him.  The CP repeater has been renewed as that is very important to keep current.  The HOPE team is also shut down and doing patrol right now (vacancies for various reasons created a lack of staffing) but may be returning in the new year.
More will be known once the new Captain is announced.


MHCC: D. McKeel

(Discussion: not MHCC, but relating to the CRO position.  This position comes on the block frequently, because people don't understand that Corbett and Sauvie Island are unincorporated and don't have any income to pay for a CRO.  At one point the CRO positions were considered part of the essential budget, but they became more of a political item, where they had to be fought for every budget cycle to keep.  It is surprising that the Chair and Sheriff are not funding this position as a permanent one, since they have spoken to our Community saying they realize we need that position filled.  In addition, we aren't receiving the funding and attention that we should being on the edge of the County.  There is an Office of Community Involvement that use to make organize to have budget committees for different departments, these need filled.  We also should consider being on the Charter Review Committee when it comes up again and get a change to having a County Manager, not have the Chair in charge of the budget.  Make all Board members equal.)

MHCC - its the end of Fall term, break for the college is also coming up.  On 12/14 there will be a fundraiser for transitional youth, Patrick Lamb will be playing for the event.

The State Community College Conference was held in November, there are three categories that receive awards: Legislator Advocate, Board Member and President.  Dr. Skari with MHCC received the award this year, we're very proud of her achievement.

There is on-going board discussion regarding going out for a bond in May.  There are a lot of events being held for the holidays and board members will be showing up to many of them to give information.  The Board will decide in January if they will go out for the bond.


Community Patrol: R Cannon

Good to be back, thank you to Derek for holding down the fort while he was out.  The CP is currently down to 10 members so they are limited in what they are able to do, looking forward to Deputy Kaiser back.


ODOT: K Kalsch

Terra is at a conference and unable to attend today.

Start Street Bridge is going forward, working on the design concept for the one way traffic which will come up when the bridge is being worked on.  Right now they are looking at solar panels that will have delay signals on them so traffic approaching will have a stop, and the alternate side will have a green light that will "read" cars and will then stop traffic, delaying the time for as long as the slowest traveling car will be estimated to cross the area.  This design will direct traffic on to the one lane away from the bridge that will be open, and allow workers some protection with distance from the job.  There will be on alternative route suggested, it will create additional pressure on Woodard as people take that road instead of working with the delay.  You should start seeing the signal system around January.

Repairs to Bridal Veil bridge will also begin in January.  Original plan had the work being done under the bridge with minimal traffic impact.  The contracting company has presented a plan with flaggers working daily, this is being studied.  The work will happen between January 1 and May 15.

Viaduct work is happening on the West viaduct.  Weather permitting they will be pouring the new deck before long.  This deck will go over the existing deck to increase the strength and improve weight limits.  The work will be continuing until May 15.

The tunnel project has seen extensive delays.  Two weeks ago there was a Grand opening with approximately 500 people shuttled in, but then it was closed again to continue work.  It is not expected to be fully open for a while.

The Governor came out with her budget for and there are some contingencies for ways to get funding to ODOT, but that won't be in effect before June, if they do pass.  ODOT will be running with 2/3 of staffing and the Old Scenic Highway will have work focused from Troutdale to Larch. This means plowing to Ainsworth may not happen, or may be delayed.  This has raised concerns for the Fire Department and Emergency response, but they can only do what they can.

ODOT does not expect to have additional money this winter, to prepare they have stocked up on Magnesium, salt and gravel.

They have received the concern regarding the water coming out of the ditch at Nielsen, they will address it when they have staff.


Multco road: unable to attend, sent email T. Kunter:

Just an update that both Evans sinkholes were repaved yesterday, crews will be back to seal the edges on the pavement patches today and then will be moving to Woodard to seal some prior work on the hill to the HWY from Seidl and then do some asphalt edgework on the eastbound route on Woodard from Ogden to Neilson. This edgework will bring back the road where there is a large section that has broken off over the year

We have a meeting on the Stark Street bridge on Thursday and I'll bring up the detour routing to them to see if we can get some signage placed on 257th for that request. I don't want to put out a VMS board at this location as we get a lot of theft on those units but we could make some hard signage to place out. I'll check in with them and get back to you on the detour route signs next week.

We are currently holding on ODOT to approve the traffic control plan for a lane closure at the bridge which will bring it down to one lane for a section near the bridge. ODOT has had that paperwork for a few weeks now so just waiting on their approval. The overhead and other utilities have been relocated, so we are just waiting to begin demo work once we get that approval from ODOT on the traffic control plan. The work here will require us to close the south lane of the HWY near the bridge for a period of time to place equipment and provide a safe buffer for workers, I am not sure on yet on the duration this will be closed and likely will be pending based on what is found during demo. Our traffic control plan which again is being reviewed would add a temporary traffic signal to this section to control that lane closure.


Oregon Parks and Rec: D. Spangle

Unable to attend, preparing for winter


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