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Author Topic: June 2, 2021 Safety Action Meeting Notes  (Read 2889 times)
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« on: June 03, 2021, 12:57:24 PM »

June 2, 2021 - Safety Meeting notes
Oregon State Parks
Shepards Dell will be getting new treads on the stairs so it can be reopened.  The work is planned to be completed by the end of June.
Theft from the parks is running around $30,000 for this fiscal year.  Losses include a trailer, Honda ATV, Canycom wheelbarrow, toolbox off a truck, chainsaws, a weed eater, gas cans and a backpack blower.  At one point equipment was stolen from the back of the truck, as a staff member was working in the front.
This issue is not just impacting Park staff, recently six out of seven cars were found with one or two windows broken out while parked at Angels Rest.  Further investigation showed broken glass under the seventh vehicle, leading to the belief a vehicle that had been parked there prior to the current one and had also been damaged.  Car prowls have been high this year, with broken glass on the ground a common item to see.  Please look out for each other, and remind those who are visiting our area to put valuables in the trunk or out of sight.
One Law Enforcement Officers is now on duty for Oregon Parks, Deputy Tim Dominick.  We can expect to see him in the Gorge this summer, hopefully through Labor Day.  Deputy Tim Dominick will be joined by ten seasonal staff starting on June 7th, with five Ranger 1 vacancies still needing to be filled.  Three of these positions are in the West Gorge, two on the East side.  You can find the link to apply at:
Those who are working on the East side will be based from either Viento or Memaloose Campground, working in any or all of the eighteen parks from that location.
Melissa (Mo) Czinger is now our Park Ranger Supervisor for the West end of the Gorge.  She is joined by Jami Starr who is now Park Ranger Supervisor for the East end of the Gorge. This places both women as second in charge of their portion of the Gorge. Congratulations to both on their promotion!
Currently the parks are opening for those who want to use the river for fishing or boating prior to the bathrooms being opened.  Bathrooms open at 8 a.m. and are cleaned for the start of the day. With additional staff coming on next week the work will be done twice as fast, allowing for quicker access for the earlier arrivals.
Lewis and Clark State Park was very busy this Memorial Day weekend, with the overflow parking lot being two deep at some times.  It's hot, the water is inviting, but don't end your day on a bad note with a car clout or a tow.  Please don't block others in.
MCSO: unable to attend due to fatal car accident on Louden.  Deceased was later identified as an Oregonian delivery contractor, Paul Matthews. 

Forest Service: Eagle Creek is still closed with no perspective open date due to contractors still working in there, but I believe the trail has been mended.

Memorial weekend was busy. Thank you Corbett Fire for responding to help all the people, it was at least one visit a day by their crew during the weekend.

ODOT’s flaggers are doing a great job in keeping the flow going while they are there.

Multnomah Falls Visitor's Center is still in talks with volunteers about potential staffing and what that would look like.

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