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Author Topic: July 2020 Meeting Notes  (Read 3059 times)
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« on: July 11, 2020, 10:26:24 AM »


Safety Meeting Notes
July 1, 2020

MultCo Roads and Transportation:
On 29 June 2020, DCS Transportation will return to a more normal level of operations.
A small contingent will be reporting to the D1 office in response to the still mandatory social distancing instruction, from the governor.
Larch Mtn Road  work was scheduled and due to our work restrictions, was postponed. We expect to be resuming our plans to work on culverts that are within our ability to repair. The asphalt work there will be covered under the FLAP funding.  But it will be sorted out by contract.
All information is subject to change. I will be available to update you, if it does.

Follow up with the striping going on
The strange contradiction with the striping can be attributed to the stern requirement to stripe against limitations we have getting to immediate pavement repairs.  
Also, we are into the next phase of returning to work (enhanced operations), so that we can catch up on the maintenance we backed off of in the early spring.  We will be engaged in a lot of mowing and the scheduled culvert work on Larch Mountain in support of the FLAP project.
Follow up on opening of the Larch Mountain Rec area based on the snow gate opening 7/10/20.
We are still evaluating ideal culverts, so if they are off the thoroughfare access is probably fine. At worst, access will be intermittent for that portion.
I should know what culverts are selected-- when they have completed their evaluation next week. But at a minimum the FLAP work will occupy that range (I think it was 7 to 10 or 12) and yes--likely, keep it closed until they are done.  Multco is doing the culvert work at this point, but the pavement work will be covered by the contractor.
I'm sorry, this delay has set this work back.

Oregon Parks:
We are planning to reopen the HCRH from Larch Mountain to Bridal Veil. With campgrounds open and warmer weather, we cannot afford to staff five people fixed at the closure sites. We really need park staff in parks for July, August and beyond.
Vista House building will remain closed and GEM barrier will prevent parking around the building. Latourell Falls vault toilet will remain closed, and Angel’s Rest Trailhead and Trail will remain closed.
Bridal Veil park will reopen, trails and restroom. And Latourell Falls parking lot and trails will reopen but the vault toilet will remain closed.  Guy Talbot picnic area and restroom is open.
GEM barriers are expected to remain at Lewis & Clark park for now.
Benson and Historic Columbia River Highway State trail will not be opening at this time to support their partnering agencies.
The septic for the Vista House was delayed by the Covid shutdown.  The water line and meter replacement have been done.


The Historic Columbia River Highway “Waterfall Corridor” (the section of Historic Highway between Larch Mountain Road to Ainsworth State Park) has been closed since the end of March. During that time, our maintenance crews have been hard at work catching up on annual and deferred maintenance activities without travelers on the highway.

Our crews have completed many maintenance activities during the closure, including:
Our bridge crew completed their regular inspection of a number of bridges on the Historic Highway, including Latourell and Bridal Veil Bridges.
We repaired the sections of damaged railing on the I-84 overpass on exit 28 (Bridal Veil).
We repaired damaged concrete railings and walls on the viaducts on either side of Multnomah Falls, and crews were careful to match the color of the concrete to reduce visual impacts of the work (shown to right).
Crews rebuilt a section of masonry wall at Shepperd’s Dell that was damaged by hazard tree removal earlier in the spring (shown above) and replaced the decorative spindles on the Highway bridge at Shepperd’s Dell.
We completed regular brush removal and mowing.
Crews replaced and enlarged a culvert near the location where we closed the Historic Highway last winter for a mudslide. The existing culvert was undersized and damaged, and the new culvert will help reduce future incidents.
We installed speed limit signs and length limit restriction signs between Corbett to Ainsworth, and the slower speeds and length restrictions are now enforceable. Speeds starting east of Corbett are now 40 mph, and the length limit for all vehicles has been reduced from 50 feet to 35 feet between Larch Mountain Road and Ainsworth State Park.
We added guardrail to reduce illegal parking and camping along the Historic Highway south of the Troutdale Bridge over the Sandy River and at exit 18 off I-84 near the Sandy River Delta.

We are working with the Forest Service and Oregon Parks on a plan to open Multnomah Falls.  
The Historic Columbia River Highway Advisory meeting will be a Zoom meeting on July 13, 2020 from 1pm to 3pm.  The link information is: Meeting ID: 919 6914 9668 Password: 313600
(Follow up on placement of speed and length signs)
Engineers and work crew had determined the best locations and spacing, will send information on exact spots.
(Question on one way Waterfall bike corridor)
We still have the idea thought through on the one-way concept, but right now there is no funding identified for implementation, nor any immediate plans to make it happen.

Forest Service:
There is no firm date to get the Sandy River Delta open, its getting close but there is an issue with human and dog feces.
There will be a meeting with the Friends of the Sandy River Delta on the eighth to get the volunteers re-engaged.
Forest Service will be present a little more but due to Covid have not been able to do the Protection training and are limited to two LEOs at this time.  
Looking at Sani-Cans in place of opening brick and mortar bathrooms. These can be sprayed down two to three times a week depending on the final contract.
Multnomah Falls water line repair is moving along, started digging this past week.
The wooden benches have been refurbished and look very nice.
May be looking at only opening I-84 parking lot to help limit occupancy.  
The Rec Tech GS5 position has been filled.
Colton Rentworth will be filling in as interim for 120 days for Rachael Pawlitz position.
Larch Mountain Rec area is expected to be opened in the next one to two weeks.

District 4
I just wanted to loop back with you about the county budget. I suspect you’ve heard, but we were unable to save the county portion of the SRO position. I wish we could have done more but MCSO confirms that portion of the position will remain assigned in East County

MCSO: Deputies have been busy with regular duties and working at the Justice Center.  The fires and attacks on the Center jeopardize those persons in custody at the Center.  
The Crime Log for June is available:


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