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Author Topic: March 6, 2019 Safety Meeting Notes  (Read 8711 times)
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« on: March 28, 2019, 01:10:34 PM »

Safety Meeting Notes March 6, 2019

CWD: On March 14 at 6:30pm there will be a presentation regarding what is going on with the water district.  Topics will include aging infrastructure, current projects, general overview, future Q&A section on website.  This will be held at the Grange.

Forest Service: 
The trails still have ice and snow on them, please stay on opened trails and dress appropriately, not all of our visitors are aware of the temperature changes from Portland to the Gorge.  There is a large snow drift just passed Dutchman Falls.
Sandy River Delta has begun ticketing those who are parking in the horse trailer and r.v. zones- the enforcement teams are getting some push back but this is a multi-use park, not just for dogs and spaces need to be available for larger vehicles.

District 4 Commissioner:  On March 7 from 3-5 there will be a presentation on Census 2020.  The actual census will begin on April 1, 2020 and studies have shown our area is historically undercounting those who rent, are in poverty or of color by 20%.  Take some time to learn how you can help with community outreach.

The budget forecast will be coming out next week, it has been announced that Multnomah County is facing a Six million dollar gap this year which is expected to grow to a 35 million deficit in five years,  all agencies have been asked to cut their budgets by 3%. 
The Chair's budget will be released April 25, 2019 and the departments will then be able to see how deep of cuts will actually need to be made.  There will be four public meetings on the budget, East County's will be May 8, 2019 at 6pm at the Multnomah County building on 8th and Kelly.  Following the hearings the Commissioners can introduce budget amendments, if there are at least three Commissioners who vote to pass the amendment that item can be added back into the budget.  July 1, 2019 is when the new budget year starts and the new cuts would take effect.
Increase in cost is a 4% increase in Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA), 2.2 PERS increase and a 2% contract increase for labor. 

State of the County will be presented by the Chair on April 12, 2019 at 12:15.  You can go down and attend or watch it at

MCSO:  The Sheriff's Office is working with a 3% constraint which means they are looking at cuts of $4 million to their agency.  They have to fund mandated projects and core services, cuts are being made in non-mandated areas. 
Budget items noted as In Target will be funded, Out of Target are those proposed to be cut, One Time are pilot projects like the HOPE program.
The cuts may or may not happen depending on the overall budget, the COR position is a priority to return to the budget.
Discussion regarding the Corbett Resource Officer followed.

Grange:  (upcoming events)

Multnomah County Roads:  If you have road concerns that do not require immediate attention use the cartograph ( or call in to report  503 988-5050.  If they are an emergency call 911. 

MCSO:  Deputy Kaiser will be taking over the Citizen's Patrol and will be attending the Safety Meetings along with Deputy Graziano. 
There was a note on the crime log regarding a death investigation, that was natural causes and both deputies responded and gave aid until the EMT's arrived. 
Mailboxes are being broken in to all over the County, not just Corbett.  This is tax return time and thieves are looking for people who are getting checks instead of direct deposit.  Suggest everyone go to the USPS website and sign up for Informed Delivery.  You will receive an e-mail or text showing pictures of all expected mail, then you can know if something is stolen. (Postmistress asked that you give them one extra day if something is not in the mail that you received notice on, sometimes there is a one day delay due to the Portland to Corbett leg.)
Josh Applestill is still missing. 
There will be a greatly enhanced presence of reserve deputies soon.  There are about 20 reservists coming in from the Portland Police reserve program, they will wear green suits.

Citizen's Patrol:
  Will be expanding into the Fairview area, those citizen's in Fairview who want to join will be tested tomorrow.

ODOT:  Exit 41 is still closed.  East of Horsetail there was additional rock fall.  This was not in an area where barriers had been placed and debris needed to be cleared. 
Congestion and Safety had their PLT meeting postponed due to the bad weather.  The new meeting will be April 25th from 9-12 in down town Portland.  You can e-mail any comments to the team, or attend to be heard.  The draft plan is currently on the website.
Historic Columbia River Highway advisory meeting will be March 21, 2019 from 10-2 in Mosier. 
Troutdale Bridge walkway replacement is scheduled for 2020.  This will use plastic lumber and railing, this should reduce damage caused by fire.
Gorgeous Night will be held in Salem- this will be trying to find funding to finish the connection of the State trail.
The One-Way pilot project on the Old Scenic Highway is on hold right now.  The State is looking at rehabbing of  Oneonta Tunnel and they are looking at bundling multiple projects together, so may do the one way with the repairs.  They are also looking at the rehabbing of the via ducts on both sides of Multnomah Falls and may do the pilot project then.  This work would most likely take place during the nights during peak season to reduce impact on traffic.
They are looking at traffic control at Multnomah Falls.

MultCo Health:  They are also subject to budget cuts and you will see a drop in presence in the Corbett area. 
The department will be taking on the Tobacco enforcement, which has traditionally been a code enforcement issue.  This is where minors that are under legal age attempt to purchase tobacco products - the Health department will now be spending more time doing this project.
They also have a State contract to enforce the Indoor Clean Air Act - this always picks up during the spring and is a high priority.
Environmental Health is anything that requires a license to have and that requires an inspection to maintain. 
The department also does rental house inspections.
The department has unfunded mandates (junk cars, unsecured homes, waste and drainage issues, illegal dumping).  This has always been under Chapter 15 in County codes which is the Sheriff's Office. 
They are working with the CRO on the person who is leaving feces in garbage bags around Corbett. 

NEMCCA:  Planning Commission voted to allow the extension of the sewer line outside the Urban Growth Boundary for the Gresham/Barlow high school.  Staff and Commissioners felt the exemption requirements had been met.
Geohazard regulations will be the subject of April 1, 2019 meeting.
Thank you Multco Roads for all their hard work this snow season.
Thank you ODOT for all your hard work keeping our roads open and us moving.

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