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Author Topic: NEMCCA Safety meeting notes June 6, 2018  (Read 4692 times)
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« on: June 13, 2018, 05:12:56 PM »

NEMCCA Safety Meeting Notes:  6-6-2018

Forest Service:
Expect to have the trail open to Benson bridge by the end of the month.  Still working on the Shady Creek trail. 
Dog Mountain permit system is working well but will be going away on July 1, 2018.
They have been giving out citations at 1,000 Acres and are putting up more signs to let visitors know where to park.
Larch Mountain is expected to stay closed until May 2019 at the Snow Gate.

County Commissioner District 4:

The budget has been passed and funding has been received for one year on the following items:
*HOPE team with MCSO.  (Homeless Outreach and Program Engagement.)
*Voter Express in Gresham - This is a satellite office that opens 15 days before each election to help give people access to voting.  The first trial run helped 500 people.
*Advanced Property Master Plan - looking at the best use for the large quarry off 190th.
* Legal services day - they will be able to expand the program, possibly able to offer the services every month instead of every other month.  The program helps to remove legal barriers that some citizens face when trying to get back on track.  Friday the eighth would be the next day.  (The Rosewood Initiative hosts these events.)
*  School based health centers - East County is working to have a local area for students from all the districts to have access to health care. 
* Family of Friends - This is a program located in the Gresham City Hall building where a family mentors a child, expanding the idea behind "Big Brothers/ Big Sisters".
* District 1 Commissioner championed for funding of a feasibility study for Municipal broadband services - currently 18% of households in the county do not have access to internet services.

Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT)
A meeting scheduled for the evening of 6/6 was being held in Troutdale to answer questions on why Highway 30 was still closed.  It was at the Kelly room. 
There was a large push for public outreach in May regarding congestion on the Scenic Highway and a Project Leadership Team meeting is scheduled for 6/13 at ODOT Region 1 offices from 9-12.
The Historic Columbia Advisory Committee will be meeting 6/21 from 10-2 at The Dalles City Council Chamber.
The discussion on how to open the Old Scenic Highway differently has been on-going with several agencies having input.  At this point the intent is to open the Old Highway with the West Bound lane closed to vehicles and being opened to bikes and pedestrians.  The West bound closure will occur just past the last residents in the Bridal Veil area and will continue to Ainsworth State Park.  This will be a pattern change for a couple of months, ending by October 31st.  Parking and traffic data will be gathered and if dangerous behavior is noted the program will be pulled.
General maintenance has been started and hazardous tree removal has been completed from Larch to Vista House, close to the Stark Street Bridge, and in the area close to Tad's.  Sweeping has been done and the mowing has just reached the Troutdale area - steps are being taken to reduce fire fuel. 
ODOT is working with the HOPE teams to relocate the homeless camps in the Jordan Road area.  That area is where emergency stockpiles are stored and due to the early drying out and potential for another blow out with the fire season coming the area needs to be ready for use.  There will be posted No Trespassing signs and ODOT will be adamant about enforcing them.
Rock masonry work will be starting from Larch to Vista House and at Shepards Dell.  Contracts are out for fence cleaning and painting and while the intent is to have one lane open for traffic, please expect some delays
Contracts are being lined up for the fencing over the viaducts at Wahkeena and Multnomah Falls - 2,000 yards of debris were removed from these areas again in just the past few days.
Hazard tree removal will be re-assessed after August 1st as some trees that were believed could recover are not.  These are noticeable when driving down I-84.
Deadman's Curve by the Job Corp is still being assessed for reclaiming of road and ODOT is out with graders reestablishing the roadway in other areas.  There are several other maintenance items being done on both the open, and closed, portions of the Old Highway.
The I-84 parking lot had 1,500 vehicles on July 4th weekend of 2017.  Right now the lot is averaging closer to 2,500 vehicles and approximately 9,000-10,000 visitors daily over a Fri-Sat.-Sun-Mon.  Closing of the gates at the I-84 lot showed 20 times in one hour during a peak rush.  Flaggers and staff are being assigned to assist with traffic.

Oregon State Parks:

The staff have been doing a lot more communicating this year with those who follow the Variable Messaging Signs (VMS) to the Rooster Rock Shuttle.  Visitors are needing explanations regarding the limited parking at the Falls right now and they are also unaware that they can not head from Bridal Veil directly to the Falls, but have to loop through Rooster Rock to go back East bound.  There has been confusion at the Park booth and the staff has been addressing traffic and safety issues.  Moving the entrance booth and adding a person to the shuttle service area are being considered. 
Thank You for all the Community support the Parks Department has received around the Vista House 100 year Anniversary. Thanks goes out to the Citizen Patrol, Corbett Fire District, ODOT and the high school for use of the parking area.   May 5, 2018 was a huge success with no incidents and no accidents. 

Citizen Patrol:
Want to mention the Puppies and Ponies Event at 1,000 Acres on 6/16.  The horses will be arriving around 9am with the "meet and greet" between dogs and ponies going from 10-2. 
C.P. will be assisting with the 4th of July Parade and the Fun Fair and will be doing more house checks now that summer is here.  You'll be seeing more of them "out and about" with school done for the summer.

Corbett Water District:
Their budget has also been passed.  This has been the driest May on record so please keep an eye on your water usage.  (You can check reservoir levels at
The filter pond payment expense has been eliminated from your bill since it has been paid off and there are some funds remaining with the pay-off.  The district is looking at the best use of those funds and are considering replacing some of the meters that have failed with the money.

Emergency Management Systems:
EMS is exploring the Disaster response volunteer program for Corbett - these volunteers would be trained for various medical and emergency response situations and also as radio operators. This is mainly focused on handling of slides and earthquake response.
The City of Portland has a successful neighborhood network with NERT (Neighborhood Emergency Response Team) called NET which works well for them, any program in Corbett would need to be shaped to meet the rural community.
EMS has recently gotten payment for a program to track volunteer time and also obtained a $7,800 grant for our Citizen Patrol for uniforms and necessary tools.
There have been three LIDAR data fly-over flights in the Eagle Creek fire area looking for potential hazards.  Evacuation levels are being considered for all potential hazards coming out of the area and while we have not had Flash Flood warnings in our County before there is a concern that over the next few years the roots of the damaged trees will continue to decay and depending on the amount of rain we may receive in a heavy/brief period of time, or accumulation of rain over a more extended period of time may create slide or flash flood conditions.  Collected data is being used to identify and try to mitigate hazardous conditions before they occur but the Gorge area is unique and current models are not transferable to our area. 
In case of flash floods the County will NOT be able to send people in door to door because they would be sending people into harms way.
(Discussion around the three levels of evacuation.  If you choose to not leave when asked then you need to be aware, THERE IS NO LEVEL FOUR evacuation notice.)

NorthEast Multnomah County Community Association: (NEMCCA):

June 14 from 2-4 NEMCCA will be hosting Donut with a Deputy at the Fire Hall. 
Sept 13 from 5-7 the event will be Cookies with a Cop.
Jan 24, 2019  time TBD - Pie with the Police
October 13 they will be participating with the Corbett Fire Department on the opening of Fire Prevention Week. 
December 1 they will be partnering with the Corbett Fire Department on a tree lighting and bonfire evening. 
August 25 from 6-9 at the Fire Hall the candidates for our local representative HD 52 and senate District 26 have been invited to answer questions from NEMCCA and community members.  At this time two candidates have confirmed they will be attending.

Multnomah County Roads:
Road spraying has started, also the grading to the top of Larch Mountain. 
The possible yield sign for the Y at the top of Corbett Hill has been turned over to the engineers to determine if one needs placed. 
(Discussion: The person to the Right has the Right of Way in these situations, the person coming down the hill is crossing traffic when they are coming from the school side and needs to yield.)
MultCo Roads will be assisting with cones and barricades for the 4th of July, there will be Variable messaging signs at Corbett Hill and the Troutdale bridge.
Corbett Hill overlay has been pushed back to Spring of 2019.  Installation of two culverts on Corbett Hill is still being planned.
Chip seal is expected to begin July 16 on Trout Creek, once that is done Hurlburt will begin.

Multnomah County Land Use:
Planning Commission will be meeting on July 2 for a  hearing regarding amendments to the procedures relating to type one applications.  There will also be a work session for amendments relating to ground disturbing activity including minimal impact projects, grading and erosion control, agricultural fill, storm water and drainage control, hillside development and large fill permits.  Meetings start at 6:30 at the Multnomah County Building on Hawthorne.

Multnomah County Transportation:
Partial closure of the road in downtown Troutdale for sidewalk improvements.  Also work has begun on the Arata road improvements.  Kane road closure is expected to start in July, detour is expected to be the same as when the road was previously closed.
A Special Event Permit has been requested for a bike ride in August and for the first time it will require reaching out to the local community organizations to notify them in advance.  NEMCCA has asked that this be done so Victoria Purvine will be contacted.

Multnomah County District Attorney Office:

Happy to have the funding extended for Legal Services. 
Gang violence is currently up ten incidents higher than it was at this time last year, Gang Enforcement in East County is preparing for the summer and expected increase with heat.
Usually someone handling cases averages 40 at a time, right now they are closer to 75.

Candidate for House District 52 Rep:
Anna Williams introduced herself.

Springdale Job Corp:
Put a game cam up since they had a Cougar on the grounds last week. 
Discussion in September about putting a One Way for Large Vehicle sign on the Stark street bridge, any progress?
Is it possible to put boulders up along highway by Dabney to keep road clear of vehicles?  (ODOT response was can't do it.)

Multnomah County Sheriff Office (MCSO):

Citizen's Patrol received $7,800 for uniforms, rain jackets, flashlights, hats, necessary tools.  Thank you EMS.
Bridal Veil post office had an attempted break in.  They managed to cut off the first door and were working on the second door when they were scared off.  Big Bears has been broken in to lately too.
There have been speeders down at the Vista House and a neighbor sent in an audio of the noise.  Both times that the calls have come in Officers were busy on other call outs, please keep notifying MCSO when these situations are happening.
MCSO will be having ten lateral deputies and 16 reserves coming on, you'll be seeing them soon out here.

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