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Author Topic: November 2017 Safety meeting notes  (Read 4764 times)
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« on: November 02, 2017, 01:28:33 PM »

The Corbett Fire Department went on 38 calls in the month of October, this is keeping up with the regular number of call outs even though they don't have the trail calls right now. For the most part these are first aid, car wrecks and illegal burns.
The department is purchasing new equipment, items like nozzles that have less force behind them, this will help make them easier to use and help the fire fighters be more successful in their work.
The new Springdale truck (number 61) is ready to go and will be seen on fire calls now.
Cash donations to the Department from the wildfire were at $10,000, and the dinner hosted by Junki Yoshida for the fire department was greatly appreciated, and it was wonderful to see everyone who came to dinner.
Seven volunteers have just been added to the department as they have finished their training, another seven have just started their classes. They would like to see the department around 40 volunteers and they are getting close to that goal.
The School program for Fire Prevention week for the Pre-school to 5th grade is focusing more on the educational side, with a brief video and fun booklet.

Emergency Management Services will be presenting a SkyWarn Course in the near future for those who are interested in learning to be weather spotters. There are micro climates in the Gorge and having trained spotters in different locations around the Gorge would help with better forecasting, those who are trained may be able to help give input to the National Weather Service. (More information will be provided when a date is picked)

Oregon Department of State Parks and Recreation is currently hosting an information booth at the Women's Forum from 9 to 4:30. They are showing pictures of the area, re-directing visitors on where they can go and reminding people you will be cited if you go into closed areas. There were approximately 15,000 people who visited the Forum between Sept 29 to Oct 20.
The booth at the Forum will be going to weekends only as of November 15 due to staffing.
If you are interested in helping restore the Gorge and do some volunteer work you can go to: Volunteers are also needed to help staff get out information, if you are interested in finding out more you can contact (800) 551-6949.
The Vista House will be celebrating its 100 year anniversary on May 5, 2018.

State Parks addressed the issue of trail closures and the safety concerns surrounding the closures. The "RED" trail closures are for your safety and the safety of those who may have to come in to rescue/recover you. The trails have large boulders that are coming loose and falling, not the typical small rocks that we are use to, but Very Large Boulders. In some places the trails are Completely Gone, all of a sudden you are at a cliff with no trail in front of you.
The bottom line is, you could Die if you choose to go into the closed area.
The discussion surrounding this topic was that the impact of a person going around the closed signs, barricades, and manned locations doesn't stop with the individual who makes that call.
If you are injured you could be facing a long road to recovery, or even only partial recovery. If you are killed your family and friends will be left to deal with your loss for the rest of their lives, something that could be avoided in this situation.
If Search and Rescue attempts to rescue/recover they are also put at risk of the same possibility of injury/death. The impact to their lives, and the lives of their families and friends really needs to be considered when making a decision to ignore trail closures. Everyone needs to remember, its not just You that could be impacted by your decision.
In addition, the impact to the Gorge right now as it is trying to recover from the fire could set back the opening of the trails and of allowing the public back in to enjoy the beauty. Good Stewardship of our natural resources is something we all need to be practicing.…/FSE_DOCUMENTS/fseprd560885.pdf
NEMCCA will be joining with the Kiwanis to host the Veteran's Appreciation Breakfast on November 11 from 7:30 to 10:30 at the Multi-Purpose building on the school grounds.

The Oregon Trails Summit had a recent conference with over 175 people attending. This was sponsored by Travel Oregon and part of the conference was addressing the overcrowding of our area, and the fact we are Stewards of our land.
The Forest Service had a low turn out for the public meetings on the fee charge for the Thousand Acres area and will be moving the $5 fee proposal forward.
On Nov 14 at 6:30 pm there will be a Mud and Manure Workshop at the Columbia Grange in Corbett for those who are interested.

The third Legal Services Day that was hosted by the Rosewood Initiative was well attended and they are looking for permanent funding.…/19/legal-services-day/

Citizens Patrol will be assisting with the tree lighting on December 1, 2017 from 5:30 -7 in Troutdale.

The Crime log is available:
Citizen's Patrol is looking for volunteers! Please contact Deputy Graziano if you are interested in joining.

There is a monthly East County Issues Forum the first Thursday of every month from 3-5 pm at the Gresham City Hall. November's meeting will be on the opiod impact. Commissioners for District 3 and 4 usually attend these meetings.
(Question regarding the homeless issue and the lack of any enforcement in Gresham and Troutdale and the push out from the Portland area was brought up, asking if this would be a good place to bring up viewpoints.)
An upcoming draft on an ordinance banning wood burning on inversion days was brought up (information posted earlier on this forum). The first of three community meetings will be November 6, 2017 at the Fairview Community Center starting at 7 pm. You can also send in your thoughts on-line.

ODOT presented along with some information from the Forest Service and input from Oregon Parks and Rec. The agencies want to assure the public that they are working together when making decisions regarding the Gorge restoration.
The focus has been on keeping I-84 open, debris from the fire burned trees has been clogging the drainage systems so they are doing regular sweeping operations to open the drains.
There were four different landslides during the last heavy rain between Ainsworth and Multnomah Falls. These did not impact I-84 traffic.
Two flood blow outs occurred within 12 hours of each other at Tumult Creek and the fly overs are showing three debris dams building up, one is right above Punchbowl Falls. When these go a lot of water will be behind them and safety concerns around these dams are continuing to be addressed.
Maintenance on Highway 30 is on-going, with hazard tree removal being identified and done from Multnomah Falls to Bridal Veil. Different agencies are taking lead on different portions of the road, but all three agencies have to be in agreement regarding which trees will be removed.
There is on-going rock scaling from Bridal Veil to Ainsworth, with tree falling needing to be done around the Lodge, this should be started in the next couple of weeks. As many of you know the Lodge had heavy water put on it to keep the building safe and water damage restoration is still taking place. When the Lodge will be ready to open is not known, but it will have to be in conjunction with parking availability and safe entrance and exit from the Lodge.
Trail work is not being look at in the short term, there are some trails that are heavily damaged, for instance the 400 trail parallel to the Lodge has only about 20% remaining. It will take time to determine the best way to proceed, please be patient.
Two pages of Frequently Asked Questions are attached.
They have had the grinder on the road from Larch to the Vista House and you can travel comfortably for now. The long term plan is to place a via duct on solid ground and do a permanent fix, dates to be announced later.
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« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2017, 09:32:03 AM »

Thank you!

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