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Author Topic: August 3, 2016 notes  (Read 4159 times)
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« on: August 06, 2016, 09:27:09 AM »

August 3, 2016

Lisa Estrin:  Multnomah County Planning Department:  The comprehensive update plan will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners on August 18 with a public hearing scheduled for August 25.  A second hearing is scheduled for September 2 with others possibly scheduled as needed.  This has been a two year process and if it passes it will go into effect in 30 days.  The changes will then be implemented into the codes, you can see the changes on the county code website.
Education on the changes will come with the zoning code updates.

Kent Kalsch:  ODOT- ODOT presence will be small in the area this month since the heavy focus was earlier this summer getting ready for the 100th Anniversary of Hwy 30.  Their main focus will be on some tree maintenance, brush trimming and the Larch Mountain slide area.

Ana Snyder:  Springdale Job Corp-  There will be an Admissions Counselor at the Corbett Community Night Out on Friday to present options to students about the Job Corp, and the opportunity to attend training but live at home if they would like instead of living on Center.
On August 12 there will be a Blood Drive from 10-3.  You can schedule an appointment or drop in:
August 16 the Job Corp director will be traveling to Salem to meet with Governor Brown's staff to discuss the impact Job Corps have on the local and State level, not just the Federal. 
Graduation will be August 19 at Mt Hood Community College at the Visual Arts Theater at 2:30pm.

Chris Voss:  Multnomah County Emergency Management - there are some year end dollars available and the department is going to  translate some of their informational articles and brochures to other languages for ease of use. 
Cascadia Rising was a recent emergency preparedness exercise and the County has been working with some of the school personnel to be able to use the school as the local shelter area.  These are now be referred to as Shelter Villages since not everyone wants to be in a building following an earthquake, and because the County Shelters will allow people to bring their pets with them.  Studies showed a lot of those that are lost during disasters are those who refuse to leave their pets, the County wants that barrier to be removed. 

Commissioner Diane McKeel: Multnomah County District #4 - Thank you Lisa for all your work on the Comprehensive Update, and thank you to all of the Land Use department for their work. 
Thank you also to Victoria Purvine for her work with the Charter Review Committee.  The Board of Commissioners will be accepting the changes to be put on ballot, this is a formality as they have no say over the measures. 
Regional solutions has been working to address poverty, low paying jobs, keeping people out of poverty and working on shelters.  (reference to an early side conversation on homeless in Multnomah County.)

State Representative Mark Johnson: Oregon Solutions task force has been making good progress on short term solutions, there have been a lot of compliments from those in the Portland area and from Seniors who enjoy coming out and visiting without having to drive, but the measures are not a fix. 
There will need to be some discussion on long term solutions for Highway 30 that will help first responders and the local residents get out of their homes during the heavy tourists times, and will do it with minimize impact on those living in the Gorge area. 
One solution that could be worked towards is a Gorge Pass that would be purchased for travel in the Gorge while providing some financial resources to help support the local area.  The Gorge is a wonderful area and we don't want to lose this resource.

Kathryn Green:  NEMCCA- Corbett Community Night Out, ice breaker ideas, want lots of mingling and conversations. 

Victoria Purvine:
  Will be presenting the changes to the Charter that the majority of the committee voted to put the voters.  Before voting on this had made sure was only voting to move the approved amendments forward, not that she agreed with them.  Does not agree with the appointed Sheriff amendment and feels the County Manager position should have stayed on the ballot, not been walked backward off the ballot.  Would be happy to discuss with anyone these issues if they would like to talk to her. 

Ron Cannon:  Citizen Patrol - Will be assisting at Rooster Rock with the Stargazing Perseid meteor shower on Friday August 12.  There are suppose to be more meteors per hour this year than last.  (
The Pioneer Picnic will be on September 11 down at Glenn Otto Park.  It is still only $6 for lunch and the hours are from 10-3.

Jeff Busto:  Corbett Water District - There has been a shift on focus to maintenance at this time, pressure reducing zones have been updated, heavy use during high peak days have left the District close to running out of water, please check the website for reservoir levels.
This Fall the district will be looking to put more fire hydrants in. 
(Side conversation regarding the percent of wells in the District, and District boundaries.  Approximately 1% of those living in the district have wells, the boundaries are from the Sandy to the Columbia and from Tippy Canoe to MP 4 on Larch Mountain.)

Kathy Fruend:  Historical Society-  On August 13 from 11am to 2pm there will be a picnic on the new property.  Hopeful that construction can start next year.

Commander Reiser: MCSO - There is the Homeless Outreach Team (H.O.T.) that reaches out to those doing unlawful camping (regarding side conversation on homeless and what resources are available.) 
Right now enforcement is being done on the Springwater Trail Corridor and reports of unlawful camping are down in Thousand Acres.  Clean up at Thousand Acres has been effective because of consistent patrols and MCSO has continued with outreach in that area.
Please be careful when out searching for Pokemon. 
There are Grant Funds now available from ODOT to help with the speed racing issues.  MCSO is aware this is affecting Corbett so if you have information on habits, times, locations please feel free to send him an e-mail with the information so they know where and when to patrol. (

Dave Mysinger: NEMCCA- The committee sent a suggestion to Matt Leamy regarding the throwing of candy during the 4th of July parade and possible safety hazards.  Mr. Leamy responded with information on the success of other parades that have tried this and gone back to throwing candy. 
Regarding long-term solutions for the Multnomah Falls area:  when the parking lots are full the traffic backs up, possible solution could be a full time attendant during peak hours.   He would also like to suggest a Hiker Bus that would travel from Bridal Veil to Multnomah Falls that could run with an app for hikers to know where and when they could be picked up.
Right now they are finding people who come out to the Falls using Uber, but not able to get an Uber to return them back to Portland. These people are being shuttled to Rooster Rock and then catching the second shuttle to Portland to meet up with the MAX. 

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