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Author Topic: May 2016 Bond Details  (Read 6041 times)
Hero Member
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Posts: 978

« on: February 26, 2016, 06:44:48 AM »

Measure 26-171 Corbett School Bond Measure

Yes .......   873

No ........   998

* Unofficial  - Last updated: Jun 3 2016 - 10:40am

The following are some reasons being voiced for those voting against this bond:

- CSD's unsustainable growth from out of area students.  
Only about half of the current student population lives in Corbett today. Select here for enrollment numbers:

This growth over the past few years has happened without a vote of the people. It started with a Charter school that was not established legally through Multnomah County, so our taxpayers were denied their right to a hearing on this growth. Much of this growth has also been based on financial crisis situations and a National Ranking tagline that actually was not a reflection of our overall academic standing
. Recent History Here:

- The Corbett SOS (Save Our Schools) group has been asking the school board (in every bond to date) to limit the square footage and to address all campus wide safety needs in a single bond.
While the bond amounts have varied, the desired square footage by the administration has only increased over the years. This bond would have been a phased approach of a new $25 million dollar need. The last bond request was $8.5 million. Here is a link to an audio clip from a recent board meeting where you can here the Superintendent explaining his priorities as the size of the building ( two times the size as was asked for in the first Nov 2013 Bond) over safety/ADA/Title IX etc. (including that he believes no one dies from lack of ADA and no one dies from not having Title IX)

- Older voters and some families found this bond to be too much money for their budgets.

- Some voters have also said they will vote no as long as the current administration is in place.
Reasons given include current/past budget crisis situations, lack of transparency and questionable ethical issues ongoing on campus.

This bond would have been "Phase One" of a new identified 25 million dollar total need
This would have been ten million dollars more than the original bond amount of 15 million, that failed in 2013 by over 62%.

15.9 million dollars if the 11.9 million dollar May 2016 bond had passed.
(If it had passed, CSD would have received 4 million in matching funds.)

Also CSD had applied for 1.5 million in seismic grants. They did not receive the grant in April. The total with those dollars, would have been: 17.4 million to the district

Phase II for the balance of the 25 million would be another bond attempt later - assumably. The current bond amount (11.9 million) is almost 3 times the matching dollars the district could receive.

The school board voted not to include any specific list of projects
- If you visit the below link you can read the discussion about this. If any of this money were to be applied to campus wide safety issues - they would have to reduce the size of the building(s) they want. So it is possible this Phase will include nothing but new construction.

The size of the buildings the district needs has tripled in two years
- In the November 2013 bond attempt, the district listed the need of a 20,000 sf High School (HS).
**Updated on 3/1/16***
- As of February's board meeting, the total "wanted" square footage is now 133,700 SF where we currently use 68,400 SF.
- This is an overall district expansion of 65,300 SF which equates to an a building bigger than the current grade school.
- 65,300 sf to replace the 15,000 sf currently in use?

Here are the notes taken from the audio recording of the February 17th School Board Meeting:

8.5 Million Dollar Bond November 2014
Official Results : 26-163 Corbett Schools Bond:

Yes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       930   (46.11%)
No.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     1,087   (53.89%)

Total Voters: 2,017.  

9.4 Million Dollar Bond May 2014
Official Results: Measure 26-158 Corbett Schools Bond

Yes . . . . . . . . . . . . 624 (43.88%)
No. . . . . . . . . . . . . 798 (56.12%)

Total Voters: 1,422

15 Million Dollar Bond November 2013
Official Results: 26-154  Corbett Schools Bond

Yes  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .       633   (37.66%)
No.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .     1,048   (62.34%)

Total Voters: 1,681

* NOTE: While there wasn't a loss in "NO Votes" (they actually increased) there were 297 new yes votes in the last bond election (11/2014). These were people that did not vote in the November 2013 bond election - but did in the November 2014 election.

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