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Author Topic: Safety Meeting summary for October 7, 2015  (Read 6159 times)
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« on: October 10, 2015, 07:24:29 AM »

Safety Meeting Notes 10/07/2015

Commissioner McKeel:  
The Multnomah County Chair would like to increase the budget next year to help the homeless, what is the homeless situation in Corbett?  

The Veteran's Stand-Down is Saturday October 17, 2015 at The Chapel from 10-3.  They are looking for volunteers and donations of water, condiments and beverages.  If you can volunteer your time, or make a donation, please contact:  Kim Pettina at (503) 794-3275 or e-mail at: There was a public health briefing on the 6th regarding the Marijuana changes in Oregon, Land Use and Planning is looking into the growing and business of Marijuana.  

There were a couple of items she was asked to look in to at the last meeting and wanted to make sure we got our answers:  1)  The Historical Society can go to 35 feet with the height of their building, but can apply for a variance if they want to go taller.  2)  Geoff from the View Point Inn did have a demolition permit at one time but it expired.  If we are interested in pursuing demo of the building there will need to be a conversation opened up with the Forest Service, State Historical Preservation Society and Geoff.  Contact information for the person at the Forest Service was requested, she will get the information before the next meeting and pass it along.

Sylvia Maly - Kiwanis:  
Please ask yourself, who in your organization should be involved with the Kiwanis, and contact her so she can reach out.  There was a meeting for the Veteran's Day breakfast following the safety meeting and volunteers are welcome!  It will be held at the Corbett school on Wednesday, November 11 from 7-10:30.

Sue Fry:  
There is information on the different bike trails that are being considered between Portland and the Gorge on:, under the Highways & Bikeways link.  She is interested in hearing peoples thoughts.  This tied back to the question asked by Commissioner McKeel regarding the homeless situation in Corbett.  Some people have brought to her their concerns that opening up a bike path/ access trail from downtown Portland to the Gorge will increase the homeless population in rural areas.  The impact of the Springwater trail on its local area was an example.  
It was suggested that for those who are interested you can go to to see the Master Plan for trails (this is a different group then Cascadia.)  There is a meeting coming up and everyone is invited.

Ron Cannon - Citizen's Patrol:  
Citizen's Patrol has been busy and are looking for more members to come join them.  They will be adding some new students from the Job Corp soon, but need more volunteers.  With the good weather they are continuing to see illegal parking,  last Sunday they wrote 35 warning tickets for this problem.  

Reynolds High School is having Living History Day on November 6, 2015.  Veterans have the opportunity to share their military experiences, talk with the students individually or to the classroom, or just come and spend time with other Veterans.  This will be the fifth year and they kids are always respectful, kind and interested in what the Veterans have to share.  There are lots of good questions from the students and if you are interested in attending or participating Dee Archie at Reynolds High School is the contact person:  (503) 667-3186 ext 1098, or  Register no later than Oct. 27, 2015.

Dorothy - State Parks:  
The Forest Service is downsizing their staff for the Winter so please help be the eyes and ears for your parks.  Ainsworth Park will be closing as of October 31, 2015.  
Vista House will be open new hours:   October they will be open 10-4.  November they will change to Friday, Saturday and Sunday 10-4 depending on weather and volunteer availability.
The Parks Department has the hazardous tree removal as a high priority and they are working with ODOT on this issue.

Barb Adams - Sandy River Delta, 1,000 Acres:  
They had a good turnout for the Hootenanie last month and people are really doing better with sharing the areas with dogs and horses.  Over the past few years you can see where education on both sides has really helped work through the issues that have come up with everyone using the area and things are going well.

Ana Snyder - Job Corp:  

They have been very busy with events last month and upcoming this month, and its a good busy.  Their graduation placement is one of the highest in the Nation, 6 out of 125.  They are always looking for substitute teachers, if you are interested, or know someone who might be, you can go to:

Don Pfister - Multnomah County Roads:  
The County will be working on Corbett Hill Road doing maintenance before November.  The mower will be out and about in the area, if you are wanting to turn in a service request for your road please call  (503) 988-5050.

Dave Flood- Corbett Fire Chief District #14:  

Has been a volunteer with Corbett for the past three years but has been involved in fire prevention for the past 37 years.  
There was a drill with the Job Corp last Monday, giving the fire department the opportunity to practice in a two story, corridor style building similar to a hotel.  There was a rope rescue drill the prior week at Lewis & Clark State Park, and then had an actual rescue over the weekend at the same location.  There was a rescue at Multnomah Falls over Labor Day weekend and that person donated $1,000 to the fire department as a thank-you and they will be using that for supplies.  
This is Fire Prevention Week and they will be in the schools, contacting all k-5th graders, and wrapping up the week with their Open House on Saturday.  Please come and attend, there are many events planned.

Lindsey Nesbitt - Land Use Planning:  
There is a lot of discussion regarding the new marijuana laws, it is considered a farm product but not all zones will allow growing. You can not qualify for a dwelling in an Exclusive Farm Use zone if you are growing marijuana.  

I asked for clarification on this, and may not have it 100% so if you have questions please contact Lindsey.  Currently you have to have 40 acres and make a certain dollar amount in Exclusive Farm Use zones to qualify for a dwelling.  Due to the high revenue on marijuana, you could more than surpass that amount on less than a half acre.  To keep the EFU from being cut into small acres this crop will not qualify you for EFU.  

You do need to get a Permit to grow more than the four allowed for personal use, and an OLCC license.  To date, NO Permits have been turned in to Multnomah County for growing.

The County will be staffing four positions and had over 300 applicants for the jobs.  One of the goals of these hires will be to have one code compliance planner from start to finish on each issue.  
The new Land Use Planning Director will start November 10, 2015 and is coming from Cornelius.  

Deputy Graziano - MCSO:  
The crime log has some items missing, they have been working to correct this and hope to have it all resolved by next month's issue.
There will be a new batch of Job Corp students starting with Citizen's Patrol.  

Jim Jans - Corbett Water District:  
The 90th fire hydrant has just been installed at Henkle and Hurlburt, the District has the goal of 130.  The new water main is 8" and that gives better fire protection to the community.  The improvements are being paid for in-house with the additional monthly increase so no money is being borrowed.  
Over the next six to eight years the plan is to replace the older water main from Chamberlain to the High School, following the Mershon Road path.  
They are still trying to find a place to put a well in, but have been told they can't drill on the Sandy river side due to the number of wells already in place, so they need to find property on the Columbia River side.  

Kathryn Green- NEMCCA:  
East Multnomah Soils and Water has been out doing English Ivy and Garlic Mustard removal.  They are doing this with Federal dollars at no cost to the homeowner, so contact them if you have these items on your property.

She has been working with the County regarding "lost" building permits from the 1980's. This is an issue that has been coming up for herself and others in Corbett and she has been trying to get more information.  The County had passed the historical housing of permits to the Cities of Portland and Gresham, and some of the boxes have gone missing, and each jurisdiction has been nice, but unable to provide any answers.  Rather, they have referred her to a different agency, finally telling her to contact her County Commissioner.  

A brief back and forth among those attending brought up the fact the County is aware of this problem and that they have boxes of microfiche with the permits on them, but don't have an index to direct staff where to look.  There is a rumor that the City of Portland may have an index and that is being requested.  Mrs. Green was told she can come down and look through the boxes to find her property if she would like, there are two microfiche machines available.

There is also an process available for homeowners to use where you can present your case and a Planning Director makes an interpretation of the information.  This is a process Mrs. Green plans to look into further.

Dave Mysinger - Forest Service:  
Wakeena Campground is closed for the season.  There will be some signage changes at the Falls and surrounding areas to help with traffic flow and safety.

If you have any questions or see an error please let me know.  
Victoria Purvine

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« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2015, 06:46:38 AM »

Thank you for doing these notes. This is a great resource for people.


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