« on: September 09, 2015, 04:50:11 PM » |
Safety meeting summary 9/2/2015
Concerned Corbett Community Member: School has started and the traffic is terrible. They have safety concerns for fire and emergency response. What can we do? The signs are up for 20 mph down in Springdale, and the traffic is backed up for a long distance. Also, the slow down signs are up, but not the “end” signs on the opposite side, where does the slower mph end? Sheriff Staton said that slow zones are 150’ passed the end of the school property. Other community members pointed out that the 35 mph start across from the school zones heading in to the school area and consider those the end of the school zone. Rebecca Gandy said there is a meeting of the Springdale Association on September 14, 2015 at 6:30 in the Spanish Room down at CAPS. Everyone is encouraged to attend and see if we can work on these issues together.
Commissioner Diane McKeel: On October 17, 2015 the East County Vet Stand-down will be at The Chapel, the time will be between (8-3).
End Veteran Homelessness by 2016 has been the goal set down by the Federal Government. There is a VASH voucher program and Multnomah County has enough vouchers to get all homeless vets into housing, but they don’t have enough available homes. If you know of any landlords who would be interested/willing to work with MultCo on this program please look up “Home for Every One” or contact Commissioner McKeel’s office for more information.
There is also the Lioness Writing Project starting for the woman vets who would like to write their stories to share with others. This program has been very successful in helping others understand the experience the woman vets have gone through, and help the veterans by putting their thoughts and feelings into writing. This program will be located at the Hollywood Library, and will go for three weeks, starting Wednesday October 14, and continuing the 21st and 28th.
Sylvia Maly- Kiwanis: Please check out Click for Babies to help make purple hats for newborns to share out information on crying and Shaken Baby Syndrome. JoAnn’s is teaming with the local community, putting on a time to come and sit down together and make hats with others. More information is available on the Corbett Area facebook page. The Veteran’s breakfast is coming up and volunteers are needed! This is a great event every year and we can’t do it without the volunteers who help put it on. If you are interested in helping please contact Sylvia.
Phil Dearixon: Corbett Fire District #14 Fire Chief When you see a vehicle parked on the side of the road, please stop and check if there is a problem before calling it in as an accident. If it is an accident, please step back and let the Fire Department do their job. There have been incidents recently where non-fire members have been pulling car accident victims out of their vehicles, or trying to put out fires around downed power lines. The top of a transformer has 7,200 volts on it, fire personnel are trained to make sure everyone is safe, don’t make a situation worse by putting yourself or others in danger. Stick around, give information on what you saw, but please let them do what they have been trained to do.
Barb Adams: Sandy River Delta There is a Confluence Project on September 20, 2015 from 9-noon.
Ana Snyder: Springdale Job Corp They have hired a new career service director and will be hiring more staff with the school year gearing up. Their Pharmacy Tech training can now do compounds since they have a finished lab to do the work in, and 2/3 of their certifying students have jobs lined up when the program is complete. There will be a date in October to show the Community what they are accomplishing, that will be announced later.
Victoria Purvine: How do we get the View Point Inn removed as it appears no renovations are being done. It was suggested that a complaint be sent off to Multnomah County to start the process.
Don Pfister: Multnomah County Roads If you have concerns about a road or pothole issue then you need to call the main phone number and request a work order be put in process to go out to the crew. The main number is: 503-988-5050.
Glenn Litrell: Oregon State Parks 9/12 There is a work party hosted by the Sierra Club from 9-1 at Rooster Rock State Parks. 9/19 There will be an Autumn Equinox event from dusk to Midnight. 9/19 S.O.L.V. will have two clean up events going at Rooster Rock from 9-1. One will be clothing, one will be clothing optional for those who are interested in attending.
Ron Cannon: Citizen’s Patrol Very busy with school being back in session, reminding people to slow down in school zones and watch out for our students.
Kathy Fruend: Historical Society The approval process for the new Historical building has been extended for three weeks while the County gathers more information. The current drawings have the building at 37 feet and the height restriction is 30 feet. On 9/13 there will be a Corbett Pioneers Association 100 years celebration in the MPB room at the school. The event will be honoring local pioneers and will be from 10-3 with a lunch being served for $6 per person.
Deputy Joe Graziano: There has been a prolific car prowler caught at the East end of Multnomah Falls. Thanks to Citizen’s Patrol for helping. The repeater has been moved from the Fire Station to a location on Hurt road, it will run on solar and should get a wider reception area. There was a large party on Thompson Mill road, with approximately 100 people attending. This was in a vacant home and the contact information taken down on some of the party attendees had them coming in from as far away as Beaverton. There were generators and lights brought in. The party was dispersed and Deputy Graziano and MultCo Code Enforcement will visit to make sure the house is boarded up.
Jack Garrison: Corbett Water Board Thanks for those who are conserving water and be aware that the rain hasn’t made enough difference on the water levels so don’t stop now. With the influx of students coming back to school the water usage is going up. If you know any teachers, administrators or students, please encourage them to practice conservation.
Sheriff Dan Staton: Multnomah County Sheriff Came up and did a walk-through of the house on Thompson Mill road. The civil processing unit will start running checks for vacant/foreclosed properties in our area and will be contacting the banks to get access to post the properties. These are people coming in from out of the area and if you see a large number of cars turning into a vacant property in your area, please get some license plate numbers and call 911 with the information. DO NOT CONFRONT! (Again, let the professionals do their jobs.)
Dave Thomsen: Multnomah County Code Enforcement Vacant and foreclosed properties need to be maintained to a reasonable standard and have to be secured. There can be no broken locks or windows, or they need to be boarded up to keep people out. If you have concerns about a vacant or foreclosed property in your area because it is an attractive nuisance, please contact code enforcement.
If you have any questions regarding these notes please let me know. - Victoria