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 on: March 15, 2023, 08:18:23 AM 
Started by demblee - Last post by demblee
The Columbian Garden Club is hosting its Plant Sale on Saturday, April 29, 2023 from 10 am to 3 pm at the Corbett Fire Station, 36930 E. Historic Columbia River Highway, Corbett.  Please note new open hours. Treasures from members' gardens include: perennials, shrubs, natives, and specialty items.  Proceeds from the Sale benefit Club civic landscape projects, educational programs and a horticulture scholarship. Free parking behind the Fire Station and limited on-street parking.  Please note that we will be following current Covid guidelines.  See also attached flyer.  Thanks for your support!

 on: March 06, 2023, 02:10:20 PM 
Started by Poindexter - Last post by Poindexter
It's all good - the goofball is now back home.

 on: March 05, 2023, 04:14:16 PM 
Started by Poindexter - Last post by Poindexter
Hi All,

Our Aussie has gone on walkabout.

If you have seen him or know someone who has please contact

Mikal Ortlief  503-593-5734
John Ortlief 503-568-3281

 on: February 04, 2023, 05:03:34 AM 
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Safety Meeting Notes
February 1, 2023

Oregon Parks and Recreation:
Staff is doing clean up from the last storm.  They are also doing hazard tree removal, including chipping of debris, and are looking to get some additional crews brought in to help. Staff training is being done.

Crews will be de-winterizing Ainsworth by March 17, 2023 and a few others will be phased in.

Trail 400 is tentatively scheduled for hazard tree removal on February 17, 2023, impact will be from Multnomah Falls to Oneonta, possibly further East.
If you are interested in working for OPRD go to:

Forest Service:
Stan Hinatsu has retired, he will be missed.

Crews are doing trail repairs and pile burning on the East side.

Hiring has had some challenges.  Jobs for the Forest Service can be found at:
Campground hosts are being hired now for the summer.  Go to and type in Oregon campground host.

Staff is still running down a by a third, which they've been dealing with since last Spring.
There are five vacancies needing to be filled but they are also finding challenges when looking to hire.  If you're interested in working with ODOT go to :

As mentioned in prior meetings, ODOT will be prioritizing work.  Highest priority is I-84, then the Old Scenic Highway from Larch to the fire department to the schools.  Activities will be curtailed in other areas, and we will be seeing this across the State.

Crews are working at Starvation Creek removing rock fall and at Eagle Creek with tree removal.

The 2023 Time Use Permits plan is still being worked on, and the location of the check in points is still being determined.  However, there has been confirmation of a flagger at the Multnomah Falls crosswalk provided in partnership with the Forest Service and Oregon Parks and Recreation.

The next Historical Columbia River Highway Advisory Committee will be on
March 16, 2023 from ten until two at the Hood River Library.  This will be a hybrid meeting so a zoom link will be available.

The permits for the nine proposed gates to assist with road closures are planned to be turned in by the end of this month.

Corbett School District:
The Winter Formal (themed Aurora Borealis) last week was well attended, with over two hundred students. Decorations were amazing and thank you to Community Patrol for their assistance.

There has been a huge issue in getting substitutes to come out to Corbett so the District has raised the daily pay to $269 to make us competitive with neighboring districts.  If you have a Bachelors degree and some available time and would like to be on the substitute list, please pick up a form at the District Office or contact Robin Lindeen-Blakeley. 

The middle school's recent air quality test showed low levels of VOC from the diesel spill, but is still showing high levels of mold.  There is a possibility that this is coming from one area and they are following air flow to track that down.  If it is they can seal that area off and hopefully get the kids back in the building by the end of the month.  They are looking at other options should that work out.

Work has started at Woodard and the District has put in for clearing and demolition permits so work can continue while waiting for the building permits to come through.

Going forward with the recent grant awarded to the District for mental health, the District is hiring four mental health professionals and staff and planned to sign a lease agreement for space on February 1, 2023.  They are looking to have flexible schedules for those working at the center so they can assist both students and the community.

There are a lot of events coming up, please view the Columbia Grange website for the upcoming calendar.

Corbett Water District:
The District has a majority of new hires (most having worked there for two years or less) and there are a lot of new ideas and new energy. 

The District is looking to update their current HVAC system and they have received their third bid so they can go forward now on getting ready for the hotter weather.

You may have noticed a shipping container on site.  It is being used for storage as the Government has its own requirements on storage and disposal of public property.  To meet those requirements there will be a large garage sale this summer, and if anyone is looking for some older office equipment, this could be for you. 

Water rates went up this last billing cycle and some may see an increase in their bill, but some may see a decrease.  This is because the Board voted to make the first three units of use go with the base rate, which may assist those who have low water usage or are on fixed income.

The new Master Plan is being worked on with the District Manager and some community members.  The last plan was done in 2003.  The fire department was able to provide a lot of data from the years of testing they have done and this Master Plan will be able to incorporate a hydraulic model.

There are three spots coming up on the Water Board this May.  You will need to register for the election by March 16, 2023.  Requirements to be on the Board is you live in the Water District?
(Discussion: Be registered to vote within the water district.  If you have a second home and spend part of the year living in another district you'll need to have your voter's registration listed in the Corbett Water District.)

The District has received a grant for a water shed risk assessment - community members are assisting.

There is a Utility 2 spot available in Corbett. You can go to OHA and find a list of people with the required certification.

Community Patrol:
Right now they have been focusing on the school, keeping the area safe.  There has been a lot of positive feedback from parents and community members on them being down there.  There are four members who focus on the school schedule, about twenty members in all.

The crew did some training with the water district and they will be available to help the district when they need it.

Corbett Fire District:
EMR class starts on February 1, 2023. This class will help get more trained personnel out in the community to assist with faster response times.

The Bull Run bridge has a 24,000 weight limit imposed, all of the Fire District's rigs are over that except for the brush rig.  Clackamas County is running into the same issue, their rigs are too heavy, so until an exception is allowed for fire rigs (something Clackamas County is attempting) Corbett will be responding to all calls from the Multnomah County line to Bull Run.  Corbett is hopeful that Gresham will be able to back us up as needed, as they have done in mutual aid situations in the past.

The Silver truck that has been left over the hill for the past five months down from the Vista House and that the department is continuing to receive calls on.  What is being done by the State agencies and MCSO to get the truck out?
(Discussion:  It is up to the owner of the truck, or the property owner, to get the truck removed.  The determination is that the truck ended up on Parks and Rec land, but there are additional circumstances where the truck ended up being reported stolen and an investigation is on-going.  Insurance for the truck's owner should cover the recovery, but then there was also talk that they felt it would need removed by a helicopter, although that is not the overall belief of those involved in the discussion. 
ODOT has a person who works on tracking down insurance companies and filing claims, but upfront there is an issue of "do you want abandoned vehicles removed, or potholes filled".  But, this particular vehicle is not on ODOT property and the various agencies who are part of this don't see a quick solution, but are aware and working on it together. 
It was suggested caution tape and a sign go up on the vehicle so people stop calling it in, that was done months ago and didn't stop the calls.)

Springdale Job Corp:
There are currently 76 students attending.

Estimates have come in to repair the water damage caused in the Ice Event in December when a four inch fire line froze and burst, and they are running between 1.2 and 1.3 million dollars.  The area affected is eight dorm rooms (which normally house four students each), two hallways and the riser rooms.  The Center is self insured so even while waiting for the bids to come in, the checks had to be written to repair all the plumbing issues.  The Fire Marshal signed off regarding the fire system on
January 31, 2023.

The Department of Labor Engineers are currently on site and there will be a Facilities Assessment starting next week, you'll probably see them around.

The Center has received three bids to fence the entire facility, which will also include necessary gates.  Recently a student walked off the campus and is still listed as a missing minor so this is a priority.

Tree roots have grown in to some of the sewer lines and half the bathrooms on the Center have been shut down.  It is a short term goal to get the bathrooms open in the Dining Area.

Multnomah County Sheriff's Office:
Here to answer questions.

(Discussion: the STOP sign is missing at Brower/Larch.  People stopping in the middle of the Old Scenic Highway to get water from the "Magic Fountain".  Ice across the road at said fountain when it freezes. Homeless situation, how is it, where is it going.
Water rights for the water coming out of the pipe at the bottom of Nielsen and the Old Scenic Highway go back to the 1930's.  There are multiple people who still have the rights and the agencies are working together to track all of them down to see if it can be shut down.  This is a safety issue for those traveling the road, and those coming down from Nielsen and wanting to enter the Old Highway.  People come with their children and pets, and don't always pay as close of attention as they should. 
They have tried more than once to close off the pipe, people remove the closure.  Non-Potable water signs have been put up and are immediately removed.  The area is ditched and cleared, people bring in bricks, boards and other materials to make a pathway.  People leaving the site have gone off the road, creating a new pathway for water to leave the ditch and go on to the road.  It is a safety issue on several levels and they are working on it.  Another wrinkle is the pipe has been there for more than 50 years, which adds a layer to the issue.)

Friends of Multnomah Falls:  The restaurant will be closed starting February 15, 2023 for a couple of weeks for maintenance and repairs.

NEMCCA: The new Sheriff - Nicole Morrisey-O'Donnell - will be coming to the February 16, 2023 NEMCCA Board meeting.  We are looking forward to hearing what changes we can expect in our area, discussion regarding budgeting for the SRO and CRO, abandoned vehicles, Vista House patrols, snow gate enforcement, and whatever she would like to share with us.  All are invited, the meeting starts at 6:30 at the fire hall.

PGE has been asked to attend the March 16, 2023 NEMCCA Board meeting to further answer questions regarding what to expect going forward with PSPS procedures, what risk assessment are they using, what level of risk is okay when you realize there is a community running generators instead of using power, loss of water in the home for those on wells, what can citizens do to help PGE to let them stay "energized".  This meeting also starts at 6:30 and all who are interested are encouraged to attend.

A note has been sent to the County Commissioner's Office requesting a more visible presence at the meetings.  One has also been sent to Multnomah County Roads.

Citizen Concern:
What is going to be done about the tree mess at the corner of Littlepage and Pounder?  The trees have been cut/fallen down, root balls created an issue, one has been drug across the road and dumped in the stream alongside the road. This is impacting the neighborhood.  Who do you contact (since Multnomah County roads isn't here) and does anyone know what is going on?
(Discussion:  Start with Multco Roads.  Reach out to State Forestry regarding permits for the large burn piles that are bunched on the property.  Multnomah County Drainage would be a good place to start for the root ball(s) in the stream.  Division of State Lands could be a resource.)

 on: November 12, 2022, 06:05:47 AM 
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Here is the chance to learn the history of your community and support the building fund for the new museum by attending a series of history lectures on sunday afternoons, 3:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m.  dates:  november 13, 2022, january 22, 2023, february 26, 2023 and march 19, 2023, at the grange.  Tickets at the door($5/members and $10/non-members).  Bring your family!

 on: November 09, 2022, 05:34:53 AM 
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Apply for a grant from East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District! Sign up and fill out their online application by 4 p.m. Dec. 14, 2022. The minimum grant award is $5,000. The maximum is $70,000 (10% of total funding available).

Find more details here:

 on: September 07, 2022, 09:15:54 AM 
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Find all details here:

 on: September 06, 2022, 11:46:31 AM 
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Heini Ziegler Award - Time to Nominate Someone! Applications must be received by Sept. 19, 2021!

The Heini Ziegler Award was established to honor the service of Heini Ziegler who was one of the founding fathers of the Corbett Fire Department in the late 1940s as well as serving as a Chief of the Department in the 1960s and 1970s.
Heini also served the community in numerous other ways, including service on the Water District and School District Boards. A true renaissance person, he was so respected that he was often asked to solve neighborhood disputes, or he could easily fix your broken down car.

After his death the Fire Department decided to establish the Heini Ziegler Award to honor all of Heini’s service to the community. Anyone can nominate an individual, who lives in the community, that you feel should be recognized for their volunteer efforts in the Corbett community.

The winner will be chosen by a committee from the Corbett Fire Department, they will get their name on a plaque that hangs on the wall at the Corbett Fire Hall, and a small cash award. This is funded by an account that was set up with the donations that the department received after Heini’s death. It is hoped that the winner will take his/her family to dinner and enjoy a good meal. Heini would approve!

Please take a moment and nominate your favorite person.
Questions? Contact Duane Redfield at

The nomination form is posted on our web site and can be
printed here:

 on: August 30, 2022, 08:07:53 AM 
Started by - Last post by
Corbett Fire Needs Replacement Life Jackets at the Sandy River
Corbett Fire Department  Corbett, Oregon  August 29, 2022

In June, the volunteer Corbett Fire Department placed 120 life jackets at Dabney Park and Lewis and Clark boat ramp, so they could be borrowed by people using the river for swimming or floating on the river. This was an important change to prevent drownings on the river, because almost all of the drowning victims are not wearing a life jacket. The people using the river could borrowed the jackets and then returned them after they had been used on the river. Unfortunately, over 100 of the jackets have not been returned. The Corbett Fire Department has donated $500.00 and the Corbett Firefighters Association have doubled that with a donation of $1,000.00 to replace the missing life jackets.

People who would like to contribute to assist in this effort can click on the QR code or send their donations to Corbett Firefighters Association at PO Box #1, Corbett, Oregon 97019.
More here:

 on: August 18, 2022, 05:55:48 PM 
Started by - Last post by
August 3, 2022
Safety Meeting
There was a large number of residents from Latourell who want action taken on the e-bikes business that has set up in the County Road Right of Way.  The business is using the State Parks address as their place of business address on their license, has no permit to operate from Multnomah County or any other agency, is using the parks shelter to re-charge the batteries for the bikes he is renting out, is using the State Parks field as his parking lot, and is sending the renters of the bikes out on the same road the construction crews are using for access to replace the bridge.  State Parks is getting mail at their building for the business owner.
Traffic is crowding the sides of the road into town as the permitting system is sending people out of the Waterfall Corridor permitting area and there isn't enough parking at the falls to support the cars.  This is causing concern regarding emergency vehicle access, and creating a high potential for an accident between vehicle and e-bike.
It is understood by those living in Latourell that they are in a Special Management zone and have been told they can not have any business in front of their homes and they are frustrated that the County and State Parks have not shut down the e-bikes. County roads sent a message saying they are working with the owner of the e-bikes regarding zoning and the process he would need to go through to get a permit. (Or if it is possible)  The question for those living in the area and being impacted is why are they even discussing this with him, why haven't they gone in and shut him down?
Multiple agencies are suppose to meet to address this issue and were to get back to the designated community member and NEMCCA.
(Response from Ross Kihs of Oregon State Parks to a citizen in Latourell -.... I’ve gotten reports from David Spangler, new Gorge Management Unit Manager, that we may have progress evolving very soon. In the short term I’ve discussed the matter with USFS, NSA, ODOT, and Multnomah County . We all agree that we need to come together and discuss safety and ebikes in general. But specifically to the Latourell community I want to t let you know I’ve asked Multnomah County to begin correcting this county ordinance infraction. We’ve all agreed that this is in their corrective jurisdiction. We will ask for a cease and desist in using OPRD’s brand and address.....)
Oregon Parks and Rec Department:
There is a fire ban now in effect, ,this includes no pellets and no charcoal. There was a small fire started behind the big restroom and the no fire rule is being enforced.
There was a drowning at Dabney recently and OPRD is looking at stocking throw bags at the park, and also starting to look at having life guards on duty similar to Glenn Otto.  Discussion has begun on "what would it look like" to have them, and can the budget support keeping them once they are installed.
OPRD is contracting with a security service to patrol Dabney and Lewis & Clark State Parks .  Parks has asked that these be armed patrol.  This is a matter of timeliness and they are needed to be installed now.  Patrol may begin as early as the second week in August.  This is something they would like to explore having every year.
There is a cleaning crew at the Vista House four nights a week, you may see them if you're down there.
The Vista House will be closed the first weekend in August due to expected heat.  There is no cooling system at the Vista House so when temperatures get too high they will not be opening.
There will be public meetings this fall regarding the Portland Women's Forum upgrades.  It is possible the number of parking spots may be reduced from the last plans.
District 4- County Commissioner 's Office:
They appreciate everyone coming in from Latourell and letting them know about the issue.  Their office will be working with a group of agencies to get this resolved.
The recent update they had regarding the Portland Women's Forum is the nature and cultural resource reviews have been done and the Parks is doing their due diligence on the project.
East County Flagship Library property down by Gresham City hall is going forward and they will start community planning in the next few months.
The East County Resiliency Hub is an off the grid building that will be available for residences to go to for resources in case of an emergency.  The idea is once this hub is up and working it can be replicated in other portions of the County.
Corbett Fire:
Fire District 14 has partnered with Dicks Sporting Goods,  Home Depot and Oregon State Parks to put up life jacket stations.  The good news is the jackets are going out, unfortunately not all are coming back, but the hope is they are still being used by those who need them.
The recent drowning victim at Dabney was found using the Aqua Eye.  There was some learning involved with the actual use as there were more people in the water looking for the swimmer and all showed up on the system.  Currently Corbett is the only department in the State with an Aqua Eye, but that is expected to change over time.
The volunteers have been very busy and with the Waterfall Corridor being permitted those visiting the area have spread out into farther areas of the Gorge.  This has resulted in the volunteers going outside their district to assist neighboring districts on calls. There was a grass fire started at Rooster Rock, another grass fire down by Multnomah Falls.  One Sunday evening there were four call outs in a row.
One July 16, 2022 the Awards Banquet was held at Brickhaven.  Thank you to the Thieman's for hosting.
Awards given:
Years of Service:  Brent Younker 50   Duane Redfield 40   Daren Martin 35
Troy Younker 20  Joe Fahlman 15  Brad Loitved 15  Vance Rogers 10  Tim Downing 10
Firefighter of the Year: Tim Sherman           Rookie of the Year: Kanyon Reams
Chief's Award:  Jasmine Zimmer-Stucky
Thank you to Fire Marshall Flood           Thank you to Anthony DeBlock
Fire Marshall Flood is stepping down from Assistant Chief duties and Troy Snelling is being sworn in as the new Assistant Chief.
The Department received a $35,000 grant which will be used to pay our volunteers, mainly for patrolling during extreme weather.  This will be done to help protect the community during high fire danger.
Forest Service:
Restrictions are coming out this week, this is a little ahead of some neighboring forests so check before you head out.
The Mt Hood-Willamette Advisory Council is looking for some people to join.  Its about a two day a year commitment and more information can be found at:
A lot of notes were taken during the discussion with the Latourell community members and its definitely more than one issue.
There is a new interpretive lead field ranger, Lilly Carey has been a seasonal worker with the forest for a while and is now permanent.
(Discussion: push back from manager at the Falls regarding where emergency vehicles park and what requirements the various vehicles have, what can be done to smooth things along in the future.)
Citizens Patrol:
Break-ins are still happening, and they are getting bolder and bolder at the Falls.  In one instance a group of three were cruising in the parking lot in a BMW with a female casing the parked cars.  CP let them know they were watching them and they left.
Evening patrols are happening at the Vista House and below that area.
School will be starting soon, CP will be back out doing traffic in the afternoon, not sure about the morning, will see what works for the school.
Pioneers Association:
Annual Meeting will be September 11, 2022 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Oregon State Police:
Research into the e-bike situation and will meet with the group of agencies to see what can be done.  There is some conflict with different laws so there are a few ways this can go.
OSP works well with County and they check in frequently with each other, they also try and cover for one another when they can when one staff member is across the County and it may take a little time to get to the incident.
They are short staffed right now, of the 34 staffed positions they are currently running at 12 for various reasons, but there are five people in the training academy right now.  These five, if they all finish, won't be ready to go solo until Spring, but they are working to fill the non-staffed positions.
They too are running short staffed, but have recently picked up a few lateral transfers from Gresham .
Website for Citizen's Patrol is down.  Corbett doesn't have a CRO at this time and some of the items have been dropped from the work load, but those should return once the CRO position is filled.
There was a posting on facebook about a boat and truck, with the boat ending up abandoned on the side of the highway.  With the information that has been provided by the community they are working to track down who dumped it.

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