Title: Randy and Charlie's "Broken Promises" Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on February 10, 2014, 11:52:04 AM Tuesday night at 7:00 in the MPB.
In response to the emails Bob Dunton sent to his email list recently, Randy Trani posted to the district web site. To see Bob's emails visit this link: http://corbettoregon.com/forum/index.php?topic=803.0 Below is part of Randy Trani's post from February 8th, 2014, and a link to the full post below it. " Recently, the Charter Association presented a written proposal regarding a new lease agreement to the Board of directors. On the 29th of January the Charter Director, Bob Dunton, met with me and the Board chair to discuss modifying the proposal. His one year lease proposal was presented to the the Board at the next scheduled Board meeting. The Board acted with due diligence by considering the lease proposal and the four factors outlined in the previous paragraphs for more than two hours. Based upon that discussion of the proposal, the Board has offered to meet with the Charter School Director to conduct further negotiations. This meeting is likely to occur on Monday. The Charter School has also been invited to present additional information to the Board at the school board meeting Tuesday night at 7:00 in the MPB. Throughout this process the District has been in contact with legal advisers, the OSBA, the ODE, and other organizations. Based upon the advice of these entities, the District intends to move forward with this negotiation process in a fashion that will take into consideration the needs of the District relative to the District facilities." http://corbett.k12.or.us/2014/02/08/negotiations-with-the-corbett-charter-school-association-regarding-lease-agreement/ Gresham Outlook Article Recap on the last meeting: http://www.pamplinmedia.com/go/42-news/210219-67908-corbett-enters-charter-school-negotiations |