Title: 2013 BOND MEASURE INFORMATION & OPINION Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on August 20, 2013, 10:40:59 PM Board Meeting August 21, 2013
(http://corbettpost.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/bldg-300x190.jpg) See attached for the agenda ( see below small link in blue that ends in ".pdf" ) This was sent out 8/20/2013 from CSD, for the 8/21/2013 meeting *tonight*. The board will vote on a bond measure to be placed on the November ballot soon. ( The number will likely be 15-18 million dollars - these were the numbers on the recent phone survey of residents. ) There were a total of 277 people surveyed. Survey results were reviewed in the July 2013 meeting. You can read notes taken from the survey results and other recent board meetings, as well as a letter submitted from a community member and parent who has been attending the meetings throughout the process, here: http://corbettpost.com/news/csd-bond-in-2013/ Title: Re: Corbett Schools 2013 Bond Measure - Information/Discussion Post by: KLande on August 21, 2013, 05:56:58 PM I am a Corbett resident and parent of 2 children attending the grade school. Below is a link to my statement about this school bond proposal:
http://corbettpost.com/csd-bond-opinion/ I also sent a letter to the school board & superintendent with this same information. I have been at every single meeting since February of this year and many in years past as well. What I quote and the information I have is my first hand knowledge from my attendance at these meetings. I hope to share information to keep Corbett residents informed. |