Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Deputy Graziano's Corbett Crime Logs => Topic started by: on July 05, 2012, 05:51:31 PM

Title: June 2012
Post by: on July 05, 2012, 05:51:31 PM

The June 2012 Crime Report is listed below as a PDF.

- Three female, alleged burglars were caught this month and an investigation is pending.
- 4th of July festivities went well with no major incidents.
- Just a reminder for citizens that like to target shoot in unicorporated Multnomah County: you are responsible for each bullet fired. I have neighbor complaints about bullets that have struck windows and roof tops from apparently very long distances due to the sloping trajectory of the bullets that have made impact. A bullet can still hit a house (or person) even if the shooter can't necessarily see through the trees.
-Another reminder: DO NOT SWIM in marinas, around boat docks with electrical lines or even house boats with running electricity. There are incidents of "Electric Shock Drownings" that occur every year when a swimmer encounters electrically charged water. A 9-year old boy was killed in the Multnomah Channel in 1999 while swimming with his life-jacket at a marina.

Corbett Community Resource Officer- Deputy Joe Graziano
 voicemail- 503-251-2502
24-Hour Non-Emergency#- 503-823-3333

Crime Log and Citizen Patrol Information available online-