Title: Attn: Corbett District and Charter families Post by: calcagno on December 09, 2011, 02:28:59 PM Attn: Corbett District and Charter families
My name is Annette Calcagno and I was recently voted to sit on the Corbett School District Board. I am extremely humbled with the fact that this community has entrusted me with such an important position. It is my belief that our school board members should be open to hearing from all their constituents and that our school district must be open to helping all children receive what they need to be successful. I want everyone to have a voice and know that they can be heard. I would also like to see more trust between the school district and the entire community. This will ensure our district is truly supported and successful moving forward. If you are a past, present or possibly a future family in our district, please feel free to contact me and share your experiences. If you are a family that has a child or children that may have left our district I want to understand why that is and what, if anything, we could have done differently for them. Please feel free to contact me with your thoughts. My end goal is to make sure that every child that walks through our doors is educated and that no one is left behind. If you would like to be included in my email list, I will be sending updates occasionally. This letter and these emails do not represent the official school board, only my own desire to reach out to all our CSD family members and to include my own notes from our meetings that are legal to publicly share. Thank you, Annette Calcagno Springdale14@comcast.net 503-695-2503 503-310-1725 |