Corbett Community Forum

Corbett's Calendar => Corbett Safety Action Meetings => Topic started by: Victoria on August 07, 2011, 03:13:47 PM

Title: Safetly Meeting 8-3-2011
Post by: Victoria on August 07, 2011, 03:13:47 PM

Dave Thompson: County Health and Code Enforcement:  Code enforcement has been busy with the livestock permitting that has to be done in the City.  Due to a contract with the City of Portland, dating back to 1968, the County is responsible for covering all of Portland, in addition to the county areas.  This is a non-funded contract and the Office of Sustainablity is encouraging people to have chickens, but needs to remind everyone that they Must Have a Permit!  They get around 300 complaints a year in the Portland area and it takes up a lot of their time right now.  There has been some illegal dumping on Larch Mountain, but with Palmer Mill road shut down the complaints have dropped.  About 25% of illegal dumps for East County were on Palmer Mill.  Tansy needs to be controled but some of the roads are State roads, and the county can't do anything about those.  Please contact the State if the tansy is on their right of way, and notify them of the location.  If it is private property it is up to the person to keep the tansy down.  Code enforcement will contact if they receive a complaint.
Mark Baker:  ODOT Bridge program:  On track for the 2014 finishing date.  Water levels are finally down and while beaches are being exposed, there hasn't been any conflict with beach users.  The in water program will run until November 15, no pile driving after 9pm.  There was a sub who did not understand this, but that has been cleared up.  Please DOUBLE CHECK height clearance on Jordan Road!  Another truck got into trouble last week and had to be flagged and backed out.  There is Very Bad road surface under the bridge.  It is not really safe for motorcycles, especially at night.  All parties involved are working on this problem.
Jason Gates:  Sheriff:  Wonderful turn out for National Night Out, had a great time and looking forward to next year.  It was great to see everyone wearing their colors, (Sheriff, SWAT, Fire Department, Citizen Patrol, etc).  Things are going good at the Sheriff's department and they are looking to hire new deputy positions.  The Citizen Patrol is a finely tuned group of 40 and a testiment to the community, and a model for community support and policing.  The Sheriff's department is committed to supporting this process.
Stephanie Sharp: Emergency Management:  Hazardous weed mitigation is still top priority and they are looking for a new venue to get the information out to the community (Job Corp volunteered their buildings).  They are offering a class on enhanced threat and risk assessment and it will be scheduled for weekends to target groups.  The August 20-21 weekend from 8-5 may be registered for at :  The class is free and is you need more information you may contact Dr. Bob Grist at
Deputy Joe Graziano:  MCSO:  the crime log for June and July are now available.  The parking on Neilsen road and along the Highway has generated several complaints, and they are towing if the cars are parked illegally, but realize that calls go up during good weather too and the Sheriff's can't wait for a tow truck when they need to respond to a service call.  In time they may use the Citizen's Patrol down there, but there is a high risk of confrontation so they are looking into options.  The Pig Roaster was stolen 8/2 from behind the Springdale school.  If you hear anything, please pass that information on to Joe.  There will be a Citizen's Police Academy starting on September 8th, lasting until November 16th.  You need to pick up a registration form at Wood Village City Hall during regular business hours.  Space is limited.  Classes will include: patrol ride along, ride on the River patrol boat, Drug Dog Demo, Forensics overview/ sketch artist presentation, how to finger print, Shoot/ Don't shoot and much more. 
Jerry Griffin: Multnomah County Maintenance: Larch Mountain and Woodard are done except for the sweeping.  Gordon Creek is getting ready for its next lift to the Switchbacks and Hurlburt will be this week and next.  They are trying to get the grinder for Corbett Hill and Louden, but it will depend on the machine's schedule.  If they can get it, it won't be until September.  Everyone is working on the chip sealing so once the job is done they will go back to roadside maintenance. 
Sue Fry: Wednesday, August 10th from 5:30 to 7pm the Springdale Association is having a "How to Save Historic Buildings" presentation at the Grange. 
DeDe Hansel: OSP:  There is a class of 20 going through the academy right now, maybe they can fill some of the slots in the Sheriff's department.  Thousand Acres dog park is getting more break-ins.  Please "Leave your purse at home or take it with you!"  If you have valuables, put them in the trunk Before you get to where you are parking.  Theives just sit in the parking lots and watch you put them in the trunk.  See about getting a flyer from Joe saying you are Aware and have no valuables in the car. 
Asha Swem: Springdale Job Corp:  Business and community liason:  Thank you for a great National Night Out.  The students couldn't believe it was going to be credited towards their community service because they had such a great time and everyone was so nice to them.  Next year she will make sure they have Double the cookies, who knew they would go so fast!  Springdale Job Corp was rated number one in the Nation for last year, based on getting the students GED's, jobs, jobs in their fields, etc.  She believes it would not have been possible they had not gotten involved with the community.  The more involved they have gotten with the community, the better the students do, so Thank You to the Corbett community!  Also, the Job Corp ran their numbers and in kind donations to the community and what is put into the local economy, last year was $85,000.  The total contribution to the area, counting the Portland Job Corp, last year was 12.4 million. 
Brenda Allen: DA's office:  things are status quo.
Glenn Littrell:  Oregon State Parks:  On 8/12  there will be a viewing for the Perseids meteor shower at Rooster Rock.  The Rose City Astronomy club will be there so there may be some telescopes for people to use. 
Joel Shapiro:  Diane McKeel's office:  Sean is on his honeymoon this month so Joel was being introduced.
Diane McKeel:  MC Commissioner District 4:  Encourages people to take advantage of the Citizen's Academy.  She took it and found it very informative and you end up with a much greater appreciation of everything our law enforcement does.  The Sheriff's department is doing a great job coming before the Board and communicating which makes everything run smoother.  There were 2,200 delegates in town last month for the three day conference put on by the County and it is estimated 9 million dollars was brought into the economy with the group.   While the conference was only for three days, some of the visitors stayed ten or more and many brought their families.  The cooler weather was very welcome by most of the delegates who were coming in from heat waves.  The Courthouse in Rockwood is getting ready to be topped off and is coming along wonderfully.
Malcom Freund:  Citizen's Patrol:  No report.
Kathy Freund: The Crown Point Historical Society recieved their first of two payments towards care of the museum and they will be getting a review on 8/14 by the authorities to discuss plans for the museum and the money.  Just so everyone knows, there is no addmission costs for Multnomah County residents to the Oregon Historicl Society since they passed the levy to assist the Society.  The Annual picnic will be held at Talbot Park on August 13 from 12-4.
Carnetta Boyd: NERT, NNO, NEMMCA... :  The plans are underway for next years NNO and there will be monthly meetings, for anyone who wants to work with the project.  Thank you to all of the people who helped, the Sheriff's department is talking about bringing in LifeFlight next year in addition to all the great groups we had this year.  Thanks to the Fire Department, the SWAT guys, Robbie Russle with the Martial arts demonstration and everyone else.   Kathleen Rider has left the area so Carnetta will be stepping in to try and fill her shoes, if you are interested in CERT, the meetings are the second Thursday of the month at the Fire Hall at 6:30.  Big Thanks to the Fire Department for putting up the notice on their board for the NNO!
Dave Mysinger: NEMCCA/USFS volunteer:  Robin from the Sheriff's office has been great to work with, thank you.  Multnomah Falls holding a Kids Day on Saturday (Aside: yes, that was yesterday.)  The Falls have been running tallies of those coming in to the building and last Monday recorded 2,200 visitors, not counting those who don't come into the buildings. 
Safety Meetings are held the first Wednesday of the month at 9:30 at the Fire Hall.