Title: What happened at the May 5, 2011 Meeting? Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on May 06, 2011, 11:23:06 AM (http://www.corbettoregon.com/forum/images/safetyaction.jpg)
It was a small turn out, but plenty of good information was shared. Sheriff Ritchie stated that he fully expects a lot more incidents like the hikers at Angel's Rest for a while. People who haven't gone out all winter are now enjoying the warmer weather and are not prepared. The Sheriff's office is currently running patrols at the I-84 bridge 5 hours a day. They are expecting more money from ODOT and will be boosting the hours by 50 per month. Lots of vocalization regarding the only ones who are slowing down are the locals. Phil D: "Big Bear" spoke on the 4th of July event. It is the 40th year and they will be having impersonators there and entertainment will be going all day. Elvis, Neil Diamond, Buddy Holly, Johnny Cash and Journey will be represented and Elvis' picture looks like Elvis! Last year the 4th of July committee was able to give $10,000 back to the community through gifts to the boy scouts, girl scouts, Grange, NEMCCA, etc. Please let your friends and neighbors know that its not a "charge" to get in, but a small donation that goes back to those in the community who benefit from the assistance. The cost will be $5.00 per person, cash only. Sheriff Graziano: The crime log is being switched over and not available this month, but there is an information piece he put together on counterfeit products and the effect they are having on our economy. It is available on CorbettOregon.com. Also, there is a sick Troutdale police officer that is in need of financial help. There will be a poker fundraiser on May 14th if anyone wants to join please contact Joe. There are several incidents of cyber bullying going on at the Middle School, largely 14 year old girls, parents are not aware of what their daughters are doing so please check in and talk with your children. Trout Creek has a residence that is running a lot of scrap metal through it, along with numerous old cars inside the fence. The enforcement officers and Sheriff were headed off to check on it after the meeting. (And I was working on a roof off Hurlburt and watched them head up not too long after the meeting was over. They were up there for a few hours before heading back down again so I'm interested in finding out next month what was discovered.) Dave Thompson: Multnomah County Code Enforcement: The illegal dumping along the Corbett Hill road is only partially cleaned because it is too steep for the inmate crew to be allowed to climb. He needs to wait until he has a chance to go down and clean it up himself. It is the exhausted soil from a pot grow and wouldn't be a clean up problem if the people dumping would take the plastic bags with them. There is human waste being dumped on Chamberlain road. This has grown from small amounts to garbage bags full of waste, toilet paper, etc. Please keep your eyes open for whomever is dumping and report it. This is a bigger clean up problem then most of us would like to deal with! Bridge work: The project will now be stretched out until 2014. This is because they will be switching their approach to building from the top down and using cranes to do the work. This will mean extra gridirons won't have to be placed, reducing the flooding problem. The in water work will be from May 2 to November 30th. A commercial trucker failed to remember how tall he was, and took out part of the Jordan bridge. This is setting work back a couple of weeks and I have to say, I feel very sorry for the General Contractor on this project. There is nothing like planning time for a project, getting your crew in place and having it drag out and cost time and money! Susan Fry: The Springdale school is on track tor its Historic status. Please go on to CorbettOregon.com to find out more about the school and Solarize Corbett. Phyllis Thiemann: Arts and Culture in the Gorge. This is national Art Month for both sides of the Gorge. Lots of events and happenings planned. Go to GorgeCulture.org or GorgeEvents.com for last minute happenings and the answer to "what do you want to do today" suggestions. Phyllis has a great little folded up map that you open and it lists the events in Corbett, near Corbett and national events planned. Cute buttons that say "What's my secret" The idea is to get a conversation going about the Gorge, but who knows where a question like that might lead. Carnetta Boyd: She will be doing the National Night out and is looking for help. A little, a lot, it doesn't matter. Carnetta can be reached at: Koalaty7@gmail.com Glenn Putnam: The work on the Crown Point viaduct is planned to start this year or next year, with the possible shut down of the Old Highway for the month of October to move equipment in and tear up the parking lot. The area is built on what is basically a bridge and the piers are failing. The traffic is expected to increase on Alex Barr road with this change. The County mentioned at that point that they do not plan to re-open Palmer Mill road. It is not cost effective to fix the slide area and plan on putting up metal gates. Tonight is the 93rd birthday of Crown Point and there is a soiree planned from 6-9. Overflow parking with shuttles will be at the Woman's forum. The Concierges of the Portland area hotels and conference centers are being escorted throughout the Gorge area today to show them what we have to offer and places to send their guests. This is done yearly to promote the economic development of our area. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The above information was sent in by Victoria Purvine, who was at the meeting and wanted to share. Thanks for your time doing this Tori! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |