Title: March 2009 Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on April 01, 2009, 02:31:10 PM Hello Corbett Citizen and Affiliates,
I’ve attached the Sheriff’s Office Corbett report log for March. It was nice to see that despite five car break-ins, four people called to turn in found property. On 3/2/09 we arrested five burglars due to a citizen tip and the information was passed along to the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office to hopefully resolve some of their nearby burglaries. There was a fairly brutal domestic assault in which the suspect fled the scene. We located him a week later (yesterday) in Gresham. He wasn’t very remorseful…he told one of the arresting deputies (me), “if it weren’t for your uniform we’d be having some words right now”. The school was broken into again and we have no leads. We continue to have the car break-ins at the trailheads so please don’t forget to remove valuables from your car. We also have an online Sheriff’s Office newsletter at: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs011/1102356663680/archive/1102464063745.html Thank you, Deputy Joe “Rocky” Graziano Voicemail- 503-251-2502 Corbett Info Line- 503-695-3211 |