Title: Safety Meeting Notes - October 2023 Post by: www.corbettoregon.com on October 06, 2023, 07:05:18 AM October 4, 2023
Safety Meeting Notes Thank you to Jack Garrison for taking notes! Attendance - There were 43 people at the October NEMCCA Information and Safety meeting including both agency representative and community members. 1. Oregon State Parks and the Oregon Department of Transportation presented an overview briefing on the status of the Dabney spring water source near the intersection of the Historic Highway and SE Nielson Rd. The water source has currently been diverted for safety concerns and to help address complaints covering the last seven years. These included parking on and off the right of way, vandalism of no parking and information signs, the mud pit that is formed from cars pulling on and off the road, and a number of vehicle accidents including a serious one last January due to frozen ice from the water running across the road. These concerns were discussed with State of Oregon representatives in a NEMCCA public meeting held in June and Oregon State Parks and ODOT were directed by the State to address this issues. As a result the water has been diverted through the culvert under the Historic Highway. There is an ongoing effort to explore future options; however, no options are currently ready to be presented to the public, and one option may be leave it the way it is currently. There were public concerns expressed over the cutoff of the clean spring water source. There was a discussion of EPA water quality requirements including recurring testing if this source would be made available once again. NEMCCA Chair indicated that NEMCCA plans to host another meeting with State of Oregon representatives and that might be an opportunity for the public to discuss this issue; however, at this time there is no public forum working this issue. Stare Parks did offer that free potable water was available at Lewis & Clark and that water is safe to drink. 2. Historical Society Museum - The septic system inspection was scheduled for today, October 4th, but was canceled because the contractor had not uncovered the inspection access for the drop boxes. An Authorization of Use is being asked for in addition to the minor tank replacement and that is adding to the inspection requirements. 3. Corbett Water District - District is hiring for the Utility Worker One position. Two technicians left the district last month. Issues with the PRVs and Fire Hydrants continue. The "black" fire hydrants are still being investigated, but the one at Nielsen and Old Scenic Highway can now be painted to a higher rating. The district is looking to hire an outside contractor to assist with the hydrants and PRVs as they are short staffed. The status of the Hurlburt water line was discussed and there is an ongoing effort to fully understand the current status and future requirements. There was an older 4 inch line that the District is aware has leaks, but there was a new eight inch line put in several years ago that everyone along Hurlburt was to be switched over to in that area. The District is looking to see who is on the line, who can be moved, where the lines go, and where the valve boxes and PRV vaults are located. 4. Multnomah County Sheriff Office - An incident at Angel's Rest regarding a loss of life was discussed. There was a discussion regarding cars that have been left unoccupied for long periods of time, how often they are checked on, what Parks can/is doing about checking on these vehicles, and what options law enforcement has if the vehicle is on right of way or in a parking lot. 5. Corbett School District - Progress on the Woodard Campus continues and completion is expected by the end of November. The district plans to begin operations at the campus on January 8th. The school zone status is still being worked with County Roads. Pink Out in support of Breast Cancer is being highlighted at all sporting events this week. Homecoming is planned for October 20th and Parent Training is being offered to the community on October 26th for "Screen Addiction and Social Media" from 6-7pm at the Mental Health Department at the Corbett Commons. Sign up if you're interested . A Trunk or Treat Halloween event is planned for the school parking lot on October 31st from 6 - 8 pm. A brochure was passed around and for more information contact Darcie at 503-504-2386. Here is a link to copy to the school's newsletter: https://www.smore.com/9hf1j 6. Oregon State Police - Staffing for patrols in our area remains at 62%. The Governor has directed State Police to assist the City of Portland with drug task force issues. Recruitment training classes have been accelerated with a combination of more instructors and schedule compression. The Department is facing manpower issues due to growing number of eligible retirements and gaps in levels of experience. Options for officer retirement and reemployment are being considered. A question was asked of State Police and MCSO regarding street racing. Representatives discussed how these groups coordinate their gatherings on social media which makes law enforcement response very difficult. Also discussed were options to impound vehicles but that typically is a short term solution since all the owner needs to provide is a valid driver license and proof of insurance and can get their car back the next day. Bottom line - difficult effort. 7. Multnomah Community College - Fall term has started and enrollment has increased. Two new Board members have joined the Board and a welcome was conducted for students. A current Board focus item is community outreach. There is an effort to increase student housing and the old Pony Solider Inn is being rehabbed and will offer 75 units for student housing. MHCC has been recognized as Number 4 for best value and will begin offering a bachelor's degree in cyber security next year. A recent survey indicated 87% of their students are employed within 6 months of graduation. The new Dental Hygiene Center is open. MHCC and Corbett Schools are working toward a partnership to offer the community a selection of classes at the new Woodard campus. 8. Grange - On the 22nd of October from 1-4 pm the Grange will be having their annual used book sale. https://www.columbiagrange267.org/new-events/2023/10/22/used-book-exchange Drop your books off here: 211 NE 365th Ave, Corbett (on the deck under the eaves), until Saturday, October 21. We are accepting your lightly used books- the books you know your friends want. Please no text, reference or computer how-to books. Proceeds from this sale will be donated to the Grange Scholarship and Holiday Family Fund. Questions? Call Malinda Carlson 971-271-4156 On October 28th Menucha Retreat is hosting a harmonica concert at 6 pm. And on October 29th from 2-4 pm the Grange is having a community pumpkin carving event. There was a brief discussion about the Grange Adopt a Road litter patrol effort. The Grange is working with the Corbett School Key Club in a joint effort. The Grange paperwork has been completed and they will borrow equipment from NEMCCA until Country Roads gets their equipment. 9. Citizens Patrol - The effort to provide school support is going well and in the morning they have two volunteers working from 7:35 until 8:00 am and in the evenings three volunteers from 3:30 until 4:00 pm. CP will be supporting the football game this week and providing patrols at Vista House on Halloween to prevent vandalism. 10. Forest Service - Discussion of ongoing personnel changes and planned expansions. Window for new position applications will be open starting on October 19th through around Thanksgiving. These will be for seasonal job beginning in the April to May 2024 time period Public use restrictions have been canceled but campgrounds are now closed for the season. A plan is being developed for work at the Sandy River Delta beginning next Spring. Ongoing project is under way to relocate the front gate approximately 25 yards down the road from its current position. 11. Multnomah County Roads - Introduction of two new personnel and detailed their recent promotions! Thanked NEMCCA for the Adopt a Road effort and indicated that new signs will be erected on upper Corbett Hill Road and on Chamberlain. Brush cutting effort underway and will continue over the winter as weather and equipment allows. Discussion of several sink / pot holes around the community and efforts to address many of these before winter, they have already used 3400 pounds of patch in potholes and is you've seen a patched hole, it was mostly like MultCo. The County had been in talks with Gresham regarding repairing the bad area of road on Pounder. It looks like Gresham will not be available to help so the County will be approaching that section of road with a new method to fix the area. Please watch for signs that work is being done. Expecting eight new hires shortly, plus in the future the hiring of a vegetation specialist. The work order for the school sign on Bell Road is done. Discussion of the on going Stark Street Bridge inspection - should be completed on October 5th. 12. Corbett Fire District - District has nine new recruits and training will begin on October 25th. On October 14th the district will hold an open house in conjunction with a morning garage sale. Garage sale will begin at 8:30 and will overlap with the Open House (starting at noon). Both will wrap up at 3 pm. During the open house community members will be given an opportunity to sign up for CPR training. There will be differing levels of class from "I just want to know how to do it" to "I want to be certified" and going up to Basic Life Support. Classes will be determined by the number of interested people. 13. Oregon Department of Transportation - The next Historic Highway Advisory Committee meeting will be on December 7th, location TBD. The data from the Summer Timed Permit Use has been compiled and will be shared at the November NEMCCA meeting. Multnomah Falls Viaduct project bids went out in September and the project will start in 2024 with the western viaduct closure. 14. NEMCCA made a request for volunteers to support the on going litter patrol effort. Contact Dave Mysinger at: bullinthegorge@yahoo.com or Erick Johnson at: erick.johnson@multco.us |